Sup Forums suddenly hates PC

>Sup Forums suddenly hates PC
Is there an influx of kids I didn't know about?
What happened?

>Inb4 Sup Forums is one person

Sup Forums is two people. You, me and my 594 bots.

Fuck you.

Influx of kids, Sup Forums is experiencing the same thing, but on the opposite side of the spectrum who come with the r/pcgamingmasterrace mentality, constantly spamming graphics card threads, shitposting about how AMDs graphics card division is lead by an Indian, spamming vidya related shit as much as possible, etc.

PC didn't have any good exvlusives since the early 2000s.

Yes, user. This is how Sup Forums has worked for a long time.
>Underaged retards come to Sup Forums and end up either on Sup Forums or /soc/ because they're the easiest to just join into
>After they learn how to not be a total retard, they eventually move on to boards they like
>They see people acting like total fucking retards if they come to Sup Forums and act the same way
>And propagate this problem
It'll die down in time, just ignore console war threads.

tumblr is mad because they lost the election so now they are trying to vent a bit, they will go away, once they realise this is not a cuck forum and neofag is the place to be if you want cuckhold fetish

Idk there are alot of them right now, just search for pc in the catalog there will be like 5 anti-pc threads.

>tumblr and, by extension, leftists hates PC gaming
dude what

there are nintendo and sony shills on Sup Forums and they've been here since at least 2011

people are literally paid to start platform war threads here, let that sink in

>friend has Steam
>loads it up
>shit load of games available
>shooters, RTS, some RPG's
>it's all boring shit
>and not much of it is multiplayer
>except for shit like Rocket League and its ilk which should really just be on mobile phones

>and these same people chase video cards that cost as much as consoles to play games that are even more mind-numbing than shovelware

More like Disaster Race.

Negative 01000110 01010101 01000011 01001011 01011001 01001111 01010101 00100001.

It mostly just shills

Let me tell you the reason why Steam's library of games look so bad, PC just has way too many games which makes it hard to find something good, console has a limited library making it easier to find good games.

PC has good games, they're just hard to find.

I doubt it has anything interesting. Honestly.

>being retarded
Every system has good games, there's just less of them on consoles.

>angry, blurry, red filtered reaction image
i wonder who could be behind this thread

How do I get a cushy job like this?

A donnyposter

Pc isn't for exclusives, I don't get why people do not understand this yet

PCuck here I just hate the /r/masterrace, steamcucks and Blizzcucks. So I will shitpost against PC when ever I can.

PC has always been shit

Because PC has no games while ps4 is getting showered in top notch releases just these 2 months