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1) Owned by facebook
2) It has to be strapped to your fucking head

>Put a screen really close to your eyes
>Call it an innovation

rift is getting better but vive is still the superior system out of the box

add in TPcast and the new ergo headset for vive and it becomes impossible for the rift to compete

still, both are rich people toys-tier since the average title is

Nothing, its was a meme gimmick all along

Its only useful for simulators, porn and nothing more

this man speaks truth, too expensive, only for early adopters, but I don't regret buying it, games are coming.

my top favorites in no order:
- arizona sunshine
- onward
- raw data
- sairento

it didnt have any killer apps or any good marketing behind it.

ps4 managed to sell with zero games for years but sony at least marketed the fucking thing.

>PSVR doesn't even have 3D SBS support

so i could get VR for 50€ but its for smartphones only, is that shit even worth it?

i´d kinda wanna watch Jojo in 3D

is there any study on how having screen 2 inch from your eyes can hurt long distance sight

>so i could get VR for 50€ but its for smartphones only, is that shit even worth it?

only for porn, because there's no positional tracking, only rotational, vr is weird without positional tracking

>>is there any study on how having screen 2 inch from your eyes can hurt long distance sight
doesn't matter, the lenses make it focus on long distance, as long IPD is properly calibrated, you can use it hours and hours with no strain

I mostly play escape room/puzzle games because it's a good use of room-scale

unearthed inc
vacate the room
call of the starseed galaxy
the unwelcomed
locked in vr
a legend of luca
dig 4 destruction

>i´d kinda wanna watch Jojo in 3D
in a simulated theater?
you will get tired of it fast, the resolution is not good enough for it to be worth it

source:actually tried that for a bit with the latest series in whirligig

I refuse to purchase anything that is owned by fuckerburg. That bitch ass punk needs to be assassinated.

There is still no good movement mechanic with VR. Playing with a controller gives motion sickness.

>Pay $599 to strap the screen to your face
>Literally no difference except your head is now linked to an in-game camera
>Still have to use a controller
What is the fucking point?

t.guy who never used VR with roomtracking

there is but you look like a tool doing it (better keep the door closed)


onward style is my favorite

even without hand track and room scale, it's great for driving of flying games

More like
>strap two rapidly flashing screens on your face
>add motion tracking
>call it an innovation

this looks good better than the teleport shit.

price not justifiable for no games.

use tridef3d and injectors and play non-vr titles in VR, works p.good for fps games like doom 3

solved your nogaems

in before people post morbidly obese eceleb's face when he strapped it on too tight

How long before the first people go blind?

Glad someone else noticed this your head is now the camera gimmick. I'd rather buy
^Cheapo 3D monitor
And let my mouse be the camera at this point.

The camera being your mouse costs a whole lot less than the camera being your head for some reason.

no wonder its a dying meme shit aint even close to being impressive

Noone is crazy enough to develop for it
There is no amazing VR MMO so noone cares

you take a massive downgrade in graphics to play vr
It's expensive
it's not a fun experience
its selfish of your time in an age when everyone wants to multitask
the controls are shit
the games are shit
it has a tiny base
the companies behind it aren't really behind it
there are no killer apps
it's failed 3 times before so people are gunshy

Nobody cares about MMOs though.

what? the most profitable games in the world are all mmos

the not-so-2d porn is nice

The tech has a few years(i'd give it 5-8 years) to go before it becomes good . Right now its sub par

Most profitable game is angry birds, so what?

>really REALLY want to get into VR
>Realize only 2 games I own even support it, and the VR list on Steam is mostly shit.

Elite Dangerous sounds amazing in VR, but I've already played it to death.

the problem is if the majority of people ignore it, the tech will never get that good because of lack of investment, so make that estimate 15-20 years because that's how long we'll be waiting if the current gen fails

try harder you worthless pathetic piece of shit

We learned many people do not perceive the world in the same way; do not see motion the same way, do not see framerate the same way.

And a good chuck of these people will barf at anything offset. They are also loud and obnoxious and able to yells at other to avoid VR and shitpost on Sup Forums.

Meanwhile real practiced gamers have trained motions and actions to the point they could qualify as fighter pilots. They understand VR and embrace it.

i'd like to be optimistic but you're right

vr is a meme and will always be a meme.

Clash of clans is the most profitable mobile game and stuff like wow makes more money than that.

Mobile gaming is bigger than console gaming right now but not bigger than pc gaming.

>will always be a meme
if humanity nukes itself into extinction maybe, to say that there wouldn't be matrix-style VR in even as long as 200 years is naive

Was tempted to give arizona sunshine a shot but after their shady bullshit with Intel locking content and making it exclusive to i7 just because, I'd rather not.

I found Raw data boring as fuck but looks better than a lot of VR games out there.

Haven't tried onward, I generally steer away from multiplayer only games especially when VR has such a small community.

My personal favorites so far from what I got are
>H3VR for fucking around with reasonably mechanically accurate guns
>Vanishing Realms despite being short and shallow
>Retro arcade neon, more so if they manage to get netcode working properly in multiplyer.
>The lab bow minigame
>Waltz of the wizard

As for upcoming titles I am only somewhat interested in budget cuts because their demo was pretty fun, its mechanics were spot on.

Tempted to get
>Elite Dangerous
>Arizona Sunshine despite the shit they pulled during launch after removing the hardware exclusivity

There is nothing I am really excited about, rather wait for a good lengthy game to be announced but that won't be for ages by which time an HMD with better ppd and ergonomics would be released.

I hope it kicks off, has potential just needs quality software.

Vr isn't your console war shitshow faggot.

>Meanwhile real practiced gamers have trained motions and actions to the point they could qualify as fighter pilots.

This is the most stupid shit i had to read all day.

I care about MMOs faggot. It's just that most of them suck. The genre is a wasted potential

just pirate it man, multiplayer is broken anyway and yeah they got full jew there, is on "cs rin ru"
onward always has people, check vrlfg to find what's people playing

what is so hard about having a game like deus ex in VR instead of shitty 5 minutes indie game?

Have you ever tried it?

he's right about experienced gamers having no problems with VR vertigo, I adapted pretty much immediately and you can do silly stuff like jogging in place to fool your brain into thinking the motion is natural

Sup Forums doesn't like VR because you can't pirate it.


Anyland is fun if you like early adopter virtual world shit

It's like worlds.com fucked active worlds and shat out the first year of second life before it became hellmoo 3d

Spent like four hours fucking around building a vidya level in my room and attaching an arm blaster onto my shitty penguin avatar


>Ridiculously expensive and you need a $1000+ PC rig to even use it.
>Western devs are cucks and won't make games with normal fucking movement
>"m-muh motion sickness you can't do traditional movement in VR"
Resident Evil 7 is the only interesting VR game and, who would've guessed, it has normal movement and was made by Japanese devs.

CLick to teleport """movement"""

AAA studios are completely ignoring VR except for maybe capcom with their new RE game

if the VR part of it gets popular it'll spur other studios into taking the VR plunge

also titles are definitely getting better and the last steam sale had quite a few VR games discounted

>people want to plug shit into our heads for escapism
vr will always, always be too expensive and uncanny for mainstream use.

Sup Forums doesn't like things they can't afford or that their parents won't buy them

why the hell is vr so fucking expensive?
2 screens + motion sensor cant be that fucking expensive, and the fact that you still need it aways connected to pc makes it even more absurd

those are some shitty softbody physics, did they do it with jigglebones and character joints instead of vertices?

Any fun games for Vive? My buddy's computer shit the bed and he lent me his Vive to a couple months until he builds a new one. Been playing The Lab and Hotdogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades, the gunnasium and the meat grinder are lots of fun.

>tfw no SAO levels of VR and probably gonna be another 20-30 years before we'll see it at that stage

portal stories vr is free and worth playing
also try rec room since it's also free and multiplayer

basically try all the free shit first to see what you like the most

For a lot of games it's just optional and gives you analog movement anyway

the Freedom Locomotion demo was pretty cool, it mixes a run in place style of run with analog directional control and 1:1 climbing like climbey and art of fight

Climbey is the most fun I've had with VR in the last year.


I just love designing and scripting machines, been craving something similar to space engineers with in game scripting in VR. Have modbox but didn't find it appealing.
I would kill for space engineers in VR with 6DoF tracking but the base game on monitor with planets is demanding as fuck as it is so I don't see it happening anytime soon in VR.

I'll just wait to see if anyland adds more interesting features then I might get into it for now it seems a little too simple for my tastes.

The game can be played perfectly fine without VR though, it's just looking at things and jump scares.

but the game is already done, can't they add head tracking to already created games?

Rec room
Serious sam first encounter

oh and if you're an autist you can do vivecraft
not my thing desu but some people love it

>deus ex in VR
>game that constantly switches perspective to third person for everything

absolutely disgusting

it's half the price and plays better games than the other two systems, so you kinda have to take the rough with the smooth. PSVR isn't perfect but it has the strongest software library and the most attractive price.

I own a vive BTW, not a playstation before anyone accuses me of shilling. This is just a fact.

If psvr fails, vr will be dead.

>strongest software library

>no porn games


BLARP! & Warka Flarka Flim Flam are both must-plays, if anyone hasn't. Absolute genius 'this could only exist in VR' stuff.

>can't they add head tracking to already created games?

add it yourself with tridef 3d or any other program that uses injectors

good point. But I'd wager most people will be looking to shell out £350-£700 for games before porn. Porn is just the icing on the cake.

Plus DOA X3 is getting PSVR support this week. I'm a little jelly.

Mobile VR matters more.

You have to remember that games are simply a vehicle for VR to take off, not the purpose of the technology as a whole.

Heh, Tridef. If you're going to be using Tidef then you might as well forget about VR headsets all together now. See Tridef was made to work with 3D monitors originally.

believe it or not outside of Sup Forums people cheer for VR collectively and there are programs that allow people to use each others' software (ex. reVive) and there are people trying to get psvr to work with pc games (IIRC successfully with a few titles)

you mean this ?

Some Kinect games had a similar movement system, and it wasn't very good.Even the guy admits sometimes he's too tired to use the movement system. Same problem that motion controls had, pressing a button is simply faster than doing motion shit for controls.

I agree that mobile is way more important for mainstream success, but what else is vr really for?

if it works for this game it probably works for others too

With the technology in its current state I agree. Until a monitor can be emulated just as effectively as the real deal.

If they manage to make a lightweight and compact VR/AR hybrid close to the size of glasses with very high resolution with processing burden reduced by optimization techniques such as foveated rendering then it could potentially replace the monitor for personal use but that is a long ways away.

Main downside would be not being able to share your view with others and having to deal with a battery.

>Tridef was made to work with 3D monitors originally.
i'm not refuting that, but it also works with VR

Reason people got PSVR is because their computers fucking suck.

VR will never be better than a monitor simply due to scale

if you have higher res vr it's natural to assume there are monitors that are 2-3x as good, that's just how technology works

I wasn't trying to sound like I was shit posting about console war horse cock. I just meant that if the average person is going to buy a vr headset, it is going to be for a device that they already own, and most people don't have a pc that can run vr.

you don't need a supercomputer to play porn games user

>Hey we should lower the price point to lower the entry point for gamers and developers
>nah lets just charge $600+ for no reason

It's expensive for a reason, user.

The only people who care about porn VR are those who have a really hard time having sex in real life, aka an extremely small demographic

>foveated rendering
pretty much a unicorn at this point since it would imply zero latency iris tracking to complement the reduction in detail for non-focused areas

and the tracking really has to be zero or or something like 1ms because your eyes move really fucking fast

>The only people who care about porn VR are those who have a really hard time having sex in real life, aka an extremely small demographic

so Sup Forums then

Well if you manage to reach a high enough value of pixels per degree where it would be hard to distinguish then it would be hard to tell any difference.

Sure monitors will be able to have more pixels at the same pixel density as the display in the HMD but the amount of data you'd have to push through at some point would be insane compared to setting rendering quality highest at center of vision and much lower as you move toward the edge of your vision with eye tracking since your eyes see less detail as you deviate from the center of vision.

There's diminishing returns with resolution, though. As HMD and monitor resolutions both increase, their noticable difference will decrease until there is essentially no difference. At this point, VR will be the superior choice, especially if headsets get more lightweight and wireless.

I used it once for about 20 minutes
I had a moderate headache for the next hour
What happens when you play for 2 hours?

That's not true at all.

It already exists since several years ago fucktard, it's only a matter of polishing and miniaturizing it at this point.

Who knows eye tracking technology might improve significantly in the near future.

You turn into a girl user.