Blue Reflection!
Blue Reflection!
Is this yuri?
This is an ultimate projector game.
Boy do I regret quitting my Japanese studies now
Looks kind of trashy, but I like that sword design.
Whats going on here
Today's Shihori is weirder than usual.
That's some cute anime girls
To be fair the game doesn't look very good or interesting ("interesting" does't count), it'll bomb like Nights of Azure.
>Magical Girl game.
Ok, sign me in.
No shut up it looks fine!
Nights of Azure was a good game too.
yorukuni sold well
Looks boring as fuck. Aside from having pretty concept art it has zero personality, might be the most barebones nu-JRPG I've seen so far.
It looks like an RPG made in the Artificial Academy-engine.
>look guys im a retard but still predict games will bomb
Looks like Persona with magical girls and lesbians.
I'm sold.
>it'll bomb
Good, that'll force them to scrape some sales from the western audience and Steam faux weebs.
yuribait garbage because otaku feel threatened by actual male love interests
allows for lewd situations without harming a girls "purity"
You seem angry
Is this by the guys who do atelier?
>Not a VN
Im sold