I love Terraria. Will I like pic related?

I love Terraria. Will I like pic related?

You won't. Starbound is a definition of being wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle. Everything is samey, planets don't have enough biomes and none of them ever feel interesting. Game reuses the same assets dozens of times on the same planet.

The only good thing about Starbound is player sprites, Florans are cute af.

Coming from someone who loves Terraria and has sunk hours into it, it's good. I'm only a few hours into my first playthrough but I like it so far.

I've only been playing it for a while but I assumed each planet was a biome itself.

Each planet has 2-3 "biomes" that are only different in texture and mobs that spawn there. There are also underground biomes like gnome towns and slime caves. They're cool the first time you see them, but not so much after that.

It gets stale very fast.


it's basically no man's sky before no man's sky was even an idea, except 2d

Except multiplayer

Any other games you guys would recommend in Terraria's style then?

Get king arthurs gold its a great game it is super fun

I've never seen this one mentioned before. It's Terraria-like in many ways, but more focused on building physics (it's kind of like those bridge-constructor games) and tower defense (explore during the day, defend at night). I haven't played in months so I'm not sure where it's at, and it's early-access, so caveat emptor.

How about actually doing some research and make out for yourself if you like it or not????

>I need Sup Forums to tell me what I like

some people need Sup Forums to tell them what to fap to

the world is an interesting place

Starbound is 2D No Man's Sky.

Dunno user, I do enjoy it.
Mods like Frackin Universe at least give me stuff to do.
I probably enjoy it more than Terraria, but I'm in the minor minority here
It's basically the case of "mods save the game", at least there's Workshop support so there's no longer need to fuck around with their retarded forums like in the previous versions.
Overall I'd say it's good and people here are overzealous about hating it.
Though for some time they were right

No, stay far far fucking away unless you intend to mod it into oblivion, and at that point the amount of which you need to mod it you'd be better off playing something else.

At the very best pirate it and see if you like it at all, and dont be drawn in by the cute sprite work, because like the first user said it's shallow as fuck and not being fixed anytime soon.

Still getting pounded by monsters with Titanium armor on. It's gonna be a while before I can get the Durasteel planets I gather?

nah it sucks

you start on a grass planet with a random boring wep with 1 of like 4 right clicks

you will end the game on a planet with the same enemies, same wep, same general map design. it just looks different and the numbers got bigger (but so did yours so you still fight the same enemies using the same moves and kill them in the same number of hits)

the 'story' also consists of running around scanning things as if its metroid except you dont get any interesting logs and it took me literally hours to find a water planet with what i needed to scan on it, after visiting a ridiculous amount which were 100% identical. i would run past the exact same broken houses with chests in the same places, spikes between them at the same distance and underwater castles which were identical

take off the BwC mod and you won't get pounded so much


Yes and no. You will like aspects of it, but in general it's poorly made.

Yes and no.

It has a lot less content over Terraria and it's gimmicks get stale. After awhile you WILL go back to Terraria.

Fuck Tiy for being a cocksucking jew but his pixle art is a good selling point for Starbound, credit is due there. However, pretty much everything else is subpar or half delivered ideas and broken promises.

I hate that you;d be giving Tiycuck money but in truth, you could probobly get your money's worth of playtime.