Post your vidya ideas and others rate them

Post your vidya ideas and others rate them

>DJ game
>you're given an audience and venue/event info
>have to pick songs that you think they'll like
>also have limited slots for instruments, band members, and singers
>what you select determines what you can play
>also have song/rythem segments like guitar hero


>blending of genres
>try to manage a shop in a shitty situation
>like a general store in a zombie apocalypse or a restaurant in a war torn country
>have typical management stuff but also diplomacy and action by defending your shop, going out for supplies, etc

Please rate

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>Cunny Cleaners
>you clean cunnies

Ethiopian pizza is serious business.

Is there any game where you don't win so much as you just survive with taking the least amount of losses?

holy fuck ethiopian pizza simulator when

OG X-Com.

>blending of genres
>have typical management stuff but also diplomacy and action by defending your shop, going out for supplies, etc

I always wanted a Tropico/Fallout New Vegas crossover.
Like being the Honcho of a shitty sack village while having to deal with the NCR and the Legion in a caricature of NV events.

Darkest Dungeon.

I need more FPS/RTS hybrids with a focus on town/base management in my life.

Play as a fairy in an old house.
You live in a dollhouse that the kids of one of the previous owners made.
Rest of the house is a mess with both mundane and magical stuff runining it.
Decide to fix the place up, getting rid of the pests through magical means and by using your sewing pin sword to kill shit.
Eventually small community of other fairys starting making houses out of cardboard, wooden spools and old books you find while doing your self-imposed job.
Humans eventually move in and that invites more pests, more magical assholes and more humans.
The more you clear-out the pests and shit the more room you have to store nick-nacks you find.
House is old too, you'll find secret areas here and there.
Stories written in missing diary pages and shit that give you the story of the house from past owners.

Is there any game where you build up a town/base and have to defend it? Something like the Stronghold series but less sandbox and more handcrafted environment and management.

Fucking Bogwandi, shoot straight at the pirates to actually hit them, you dumb nignog.

I bet to also make the pizza dough croocked.

I want a game where you're an ethiopian domino's pizza worker and have to dodge mercenary cars just to deliver a pizza.

Dwarf Fortress and its derivatives.

Dark Cloud 1 and 2

Video game characters waifu/husbando dating simulator
You can choose different characters in different games, dating with them.
However you can be cucked by another player when you aren't doing something right.
Anything is quite similar to other dating sims.

Generic Isekai kingdom builder where you build up future tech, raise your mud hovel into a glittering palace, and BTFO everyone around you like you're playing a 4X/RTS/Grand Strategy game but with an incredible lead in tech.

I have had an idea for a while of a team based shooter like tf2 or overwatch but the gimmick being that when the game is patched, the ONLY balance changes can be in the form of buffing characters. Obviously this idea would fall apart pretty quickly, so it would need to be marketed as some sort of video game social experiment. Keep the character cast only around 12 or so and give it a snazzy name. I liked the way "B.U.F.S" sounded.

Again, this game would be made for pure fun while playing. I wouldn't expect the game to have any sort of actual comp scene or players expecting anything but an unbalanced mess. Imagine 2 or 3 years down the line though of nothing but character buffs. Everyone would be retardedly powerful and hopefully fun to play as.


vr porn game where you can import your own custom-made 3d models and fit them with IK rigs that are interactable with softbody physics

if you told me I would be 60% through making the concept 10 years ago I would have thought you were a crazy person

Top down game where you are a fisherman attacked by the legendary white whale. Your left arm and friends are lost in the attack and you swear revenge

The game would be buying bigger and bigger boats, catching fish, sharks, orca etc, in order to sell and buy larger harpoons and weapons.
Eventually you could build like your own 1800's coastal town to fund your hunt for the white whale
The boat would be completely customisable as well as the crew who you could all individually name

Google DJ hero underage idiot.

Stanford Prison Experiment: the game

I would play the shit out of a ethiopian pizza joint simulator

>Have to assemble a team of cut-throat mercenaries and pizza cooks to make and deliver pizza's
>customize your pizza base for maximum defense and efficiency by collecting scraps and loot along delivery routes
>Deliver pizza in the most intense conditions but be careful, the delivery location might be an ambush
>Have to secure air-drops just so you will have enough ingrediants to stay open.
>x-com level of difficulty

shit would be fun

>delivery is an ambush staged by Pizza Hut

>end up being a literal human jukebox where a pre-determined playlist could have done your job just as well.
I don't understand why most people give a damn about the DJ outside of specific venues.

>TFW went to papa johns and dominoes recently

>they have bulletproof windows and you have to pay through a little slot to the cashier

detroit chicago or atlanta?

Open world VR dating simulator
>tokyo/osaka maps
>maps about as large as GTA4
>ability to free roam
>can enter every shop, some residents, ride the train, take a bus or cab, visit sporting events, go to clubs, karaoke and other social hubs
>can buy items from stores(games, game systems, clothes, snacks, gifts for friends, etc)
>MC is high school student
>you must attend high school 6 times a week for 8 game hours
>class time spent similar to AA2(can choose to study, do physical ED, socialize)
>you have character stats you need to work on to improve your social status
>shit like hygiene is important and can lower your popularity if you don't shower/wear clean clothes/brush your teeth
>MC lives with mom, dad and big sister(or little) sister
>when not in school you can spend your free time moving around the city, doing things with friends, or go home to study and do chores
>yen is earned from doing well at school and doing home chores
>going out with friends cost money which requires you not neglect your responsibilities if you want to maintain your social status
>letting your grades slip can also lower social status
>have option to skip school but doing it too many times gets your parents involved and you lose yen
>idea of game is to allocate your time wisely for school, chores, dating, hanging with friends, studying, spending time with family, etc
>have schedule book that allows you to keep track of planned dates
>have mobile phone that lets you set reminders and message friends over LINE
>dating consist of relationship building, having enough courage to ask out the girl you like, having enough money to take her out, meeting her family, spending time with her at school
>over 50 different girls you can date, each unique with their own dialogue and route
>game over is if you fuck up so bad you turn hikki and end up being a literal japanese basement dweller that earns good boy points from mommy while being look down on by your father and big(or little) sister

Only in Donnie Chump's Amerikkka

>Anarcho-Capitalist pizza delivery simulator

I posted this a while back and am still interested in making it a reality but I'm an accountant and I'm too busy at work:

>Lord of War type game (it was a movie about arms dealers)
>start off small supplying simple street gangs, criminals, militias, and gun stores
>mix of illegal dealings and legit ones
>illegal pays more but has the risk of getting law enforcement attention or bringing an attack from competitors or the enemies of the gangs you're supplying
>can work for or inform the cops for money, favors, or to get out of trouble if caught
>eventually do international sales and can do favors for the CIA
>main mechanics are dealing with standard supply, buying low, and selling high
>also measuring risk/reward
>most important mechanic is navigating relationships
>being close to one gang will sour chances with their rival
>not helping the authorities enough puts you on their shitlist to bust
>getting caught helping the authorities or a rival gang hurts you with current customers
>have to build trust through deals and info
>can try to hide identity to protect against assassination but it hurts your trust
>revealing your identity and meeting a customer improves trust but leaves you vulnerable if things go to shit with them
>the risk of a fuck up for a deal is based on your relationships and your past actions
>a huge deal to a new foreign customer has a high risk compared if you made relationships in the country first and do a small deal with trusted intermediaries
>if you get caught screwing someone over (like selling weapons to an adversary the CIA doesn't like) you sometimes have a chance to fix it by doing a favor in a high risk deal

>>Sup Forums

Dorf Fort

the trouble with africa... is that it's full of africans


Add in tiers, like you get more points/money/whatever for getting a relationship with a 10/10 so there's more people trying to cuck you for the higher reward

>Typical single person RPG where you don't even need to kill a single living thing.
>Fighting entirely optional
>Instead of gaining armor and magic, you hire mercenaries to do it for you
>Fortify and secure your assets so instead of a grand confrontation with BBEG, you mobilize an army to neutralize the threat.
>Laugh all the way to the bank while doing so

Project zomboid

Friendly reminder that Anarcho-Capitalism is the best form of government and we will default to it when machines replace human labor.

But in Dark Cloud you only delve into dungeons to rebuild cities. You don't actively defend them.
They're great games, in any case.

Disregard delivering pizza to set-up ambushes to steal guns and pizza's from rival pizza joints
>tfw the mission was successful with minimum casualties on your side

Not even once. Are you only there because of family or something?

It's that bad in the city? I almost never leave my Sugar Land/Katy bubble these days.

>You will never be this badass

fuck man. all you can do is kill pixels. look at dat motha. literally dont give a fuck

Second one sounds interesting, first sounds lame.

Battlezone 1998

Fallout 4

Jet set radio at a ski hill
Skating in the ski village

A VR game where you play as a ninja in Tokyo going to work and back, but you can throw throwing knives at anyone and anything. Everyone around you acts like normal, as if they weren't next to a ninja who can throw knives at people. Main goal is to go to work for five days, and have a nice relaxed weekend, while throwing knives at people.

If you throw knives at certain objects or people, you will end up taking different paths, leading to a different ending.

Ending 1: Life repeats itself

Ending 2: You find this cute girl at work and can go out with her, then propose to her

Ending 3: You get crushed by a falling building in an earthquake

Ending 4: You some how end up joining some boy idol group and perform on stage in front of a crowd of girls

A game where you play as a mouse and fight in a romen gladiator arena against other mice. The story is that you fell in love with a flying squirrel but because of race difference you're not allowed to be together. The only way to change this law is to win 15 matches in the arena against other races who are fighting for their idea/law to be presented to the courts to decide on based on how hard you fought, if you survived, if they agree.
Because of the differing races and armor and fighting style there are many unique fighters. There's also multiplayer where you fight against other people as the race and class they choose.

Mobage idol dating game. Every cycle there's a new idol everyone tries to date, but must first get their attention in a concert/event, then romance. Only one player will win her heart however, which starts a new cycle with a new idol.

I wish someone would make a really violent, politically incorrect FPS set in some african shithole like rwanda with satisfying as hell gunplay about rival warlords fighting each other, neither good, you just happen to be on one side. goddamn that would be FUN.

Got a high paying job there, downtown is fine, its the outskirts that I visited. Still a good place though.

>TFW it was hot all year round even during winter and was cold for like one week

Game set in the fallout series but dedicated to being a raider

I want a game where your choices actually matter. Devs toss in some choices that result in a few variables change in the end.

I'd take an episodic game like Life is Strange and make like 15-20 episodes. A play through can take 3-5 episodes so depending on your choices you won't go to the locations or even see most of the episodes. Add in info you get from doing multiple playthroughs and going through every episode helps unlock the final "true/good" ending. Also helps with replayability.

A racing game where you exclusively race used, clapped-out shitboxes
Like the early career period in Gran Turismo, except your ancient Citation makes half it's factory horsepower rating, has shot suspension, and is visually rusted and full of garbage.

A third person action rhythm game where you can kill any enemy in one hit with the exception of bosses as long as you play to the beat.

Far Cry 2 hits the bill more or less
really underrated game in the series

The game ends with you presenting your love for your lover to the courts and stating that you want to be able to wed. They say no and kill your wife. You attempt to kill everyone is a fight of rage and sadness. You are stopped and almost killed but instead are healed by the government and sent to be a gladiator for 150 matches

>you will never go to your shit tier minimum wage job, pick up an AK and fight fucking pirates
I honestly wished Trumps inauguration would cause the anarchy necessary to get a little excitement out of this wretched country. instead only thing that happened was some memespouting Nazi got punched in the face.

Let me rephrase that

It's basically Jet Set Radio but you're skiing/snowboarding. More tricks and shit like ssx but still with an arcade feel like/ maybe a tagging system like jet set. A bright vibrant environment

When you're in the village it's just jsr on skates, the whole village is frozen over

Soundtrack by hideki nagumuna

I fucked up that reply

it was horrible lmao. regretted buying it and immediately traded it in for bioshock, which was also meh, but it was worth playing through.

>memespouting Nazi got punched in the face.
any links?

I thought Texas was full of civilized white gun owners.
t. eurocuck

he gets punched while talking about pepe kek

Something about seeing a guy that says Pepe the frog in real life get punched in the face shortly after doing so is oddly satisfying.

didn't like it either when I first got it
it has grown on me since
had more fun with it than Far Cry 3 anyway

Then you could do a full reset after everything is all fucked up.

is there more of these?

>Start game as ex solider mouse
>you retire after war is won
>fall in love with the losing country's species
>law forbids marriage between mouse (you) and flying squirrel (her)
>only way to present new law or change them is to fight 15 matches gladiator style against other people fighting for their ideas
>difference species and class offer a variety of difference enemies.
>15 matches pass you present your love for your gf in court
>they don't allow it
>kill your wife
>attempt to kill you but you kill the executioner and use his weapon to kill everyone close to you
>youre almost killed by the guards but are spared and healed by the grand judge.
>sentenced to 1500 matches for your crimes
>game ends

Whites make up about 47% of the Texas population as of the 2010 census so it's probably down to ~42% now since the white population in America declines 3% every 4 years. Anyway, a lot of the whites in Texas are trailer trash anyway

There is an entire Facebook page

It is. But even the Mexicans are complaining about the blacks these days

>Katy/Sugar Land

My nigga. What street you live on?!

I don't have an account there.

On the south end of FM1464.

>have typical management stuff but also diplomacy and action by defending your shop, going out for supplies, etc

isn't this what Recettear is?
except instead of defending your shop in the actiony segments, you're diving dungeons looking for loot that you can sell

Blacks in Texas are best people to meet. Don't know what y'all are talking about but, it just seems like Sup Forums banter right now.

Too bad it's easier to beat the game if you just stay in the city. Dungeons are required to see the adventurer stories though.

Prequel game
>you and many other army mice fight against an army of flying squirrels.
>you meet your love for the first time
>she is chosen to be the future wife of the king of he species
>you are ordered to kill the king and bring back his head
>you kill him but as you exit through the kindom he realizes that you ruined an entire species way of life.
>you love your gf and want to offer marriage as an apology for what you've done to her people

I think I've met maybe one black dude here who wasn't a student from Africa, and he was an ascended weeb (already married a Japanese waifu, moved to Japan last month).

An rpg where you play as an animal of your choice in the African wilderness. Classes would have their own unique playstyle, ie: Lion players would have objectives centred around hunting and fighting other lions to expand your pride and territory whilst elephants would be more focused on protecting their packs (or whatever the fuck a group of elephants is called). There'd be campaigns based around stealth, survival and escaping enemies (gazelle and prey animals) and campaigns about killing and combat (hyenas and other predators). You could fly around as a vulture looking for dead things to eat or run away from hungry predators as a zebra (perhaps you could fight them later on when you level up enough. It wouldn't be very realistic, but it'd be fun as fuck)

Console vs PC shooter

Different roster of playable characters for each platform. Console characters have better stats / abilities to make up for the more difficult control scheme.

AAA hunger games type game. All the ones we have right now are indie trash.

>fall in love with flying squirrel
>its a mutual love, pure
>know the only way you can marry is fighting in the arena
>she begs you not to go, you're a mouse, the weakest species, you'll die for sure
>you go anyway
>it takes you years to win the 15 matches
>finally, through wit, speed and luck you win all 15
>you return to your lover
>but it's too late
>years in the arena have changed you
>you aren't the same mouse you were before
>battle is all you know now, you try so hard but you have no love to give
>you fought so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter

This sounds fun as fuck
I'd buy the shit out of that
I also like so that it's not a one time thing.

There are actually a number of games that follow that mold loosely. Recettear, Atelier, and a large number of indie games that want to capitalize off of the success of those two, for example.

You don't need a Facebook profile to see Facebook group pages unless they're private pages.

>gessner near the beltway
h-town niggas, let's meet up for some gaming. have a hacked OG xbox, hacked ps2, hacked ps3, hacked PSTV and a PS4. let's do it big.

And they should let people vote for different buffs to add in so it wouldn't just be the same every time

State Of Decay fits that perfectly.

turn based fighting game
metroid prime like game for vr

A "your choices matter" game where your choices matter.

>turn based fighting game
there's a game like that on steam right now forgot the name though
>metroid prime like game for vr
you can play all the metroid prime games in VR right now. Although it is ATROCIOUS. I thought I was some VR god by not ever getting sick from it. Then I played metroid prime in VR.

Sam Kinnison said it best
Stop living in the fucking desert.

Here is an idea
Chameleons Twist 3

Way of the Samurai games are sort of like that, where they can cram a bunch of different routes and endings by making a small setting that runs on a short 3 or 4 day timer.

Currently working on a game based on the gameplay and themes of Mega Man Legends.
Overworld filled interactable objects and npcs, sidequests, equipment upgrades, interconnected dungeons with hidden paths, etc. Pls tell me everyone else loves MML as much as I do.

so you're making mighty no 9?