What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Current upcoming 2017 Vita games:
Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Double Focus
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Atelier Shallie Plus
Exile's End
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Atelier Firis
Samurai Warriors: Sanada Maru
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
A Rose In The Twilight
Salt and Sanctuary
Ys Origin
Fallen Legion
Asdivine Hearts
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Toukiden 2
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Super Robot Wars V (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Guaranteed Replies
No games
Proprietary memory cards
Should I buy a PSP or Vita anons?
That's a decent list, albeit very japanese-centric.
Still amazes me how the Vita managed to outlive the Wii U.
it's a weeb machine. case in point
>can't pirate any of them
So basically, there are no vita games in 2017?
>google DW: Godseekers for curiosity
>game has a huge backlash because it isn't actionbased but it's turn-based
I love turn-based but yeah it's weird
PSP is much cheaper, but you can play many of its classics on the Vita.
If you pick the Vita, you'll need its proprietary memory cards (expensive af), since the Vita isn't compatible with UMDs.
>decide I want to buy one
No internal storage.
Expensive proprietary memory cards.
Can't back up saves without having to backup the entire game if digital.
Legacy console being pushed as a "please buy this now" item.
Assuming I could pick up a Vita card cheap, would you recommend it over the PSP and and original 3DS?
Memory cards
No first party support
Only if you can get one on 3.60
>Still amazes me how the Vita managed to outlive the Wii U.
I'm surprised it's outliving the 3DS
I think that's the only thing that led to his total failure, actually is one of the best portable media player, has an amazing battery life, decent computing power and an above average screen. And my other point is that it should have had a complete remote play option supporting every title... It could have easily destroyed the 3DS.
>All this weebshit VN garbage
list some actual games or get out
Nothing, it's great if you're on 3.60 and like Jap shit. The 3DS feels awful in comparison.
What size and how much?
Also, is piracy a big deal for you or do you like to buy cool stuff?
Buy the PSP unless you can afford a 64 gb memory card, all the good games weight more than 2 gb wih the exception of Ys.
I have a 3ds, a PSP a Vita and a Dsi, and of all four the PSP and the DS are the ones that i play the most.
all these people talking about all this bs about memory cards. the only reason it failed was because they didnt have monster hunter. the only reason i have a 3ds is for monster hunter otherwise i wouldve gotten a vita
Normalfag casualscums are somehow important to pander to now even though handheld consoles all used to be fine having a 100% japanese library before the Vita.
Case in point
Sony's afraid that even mentioning any weeb stuff will scare away the normalfags they brought in with PS4.
I'll buy dozens of these fuckers when a softmod like those for psp are out.
It seems they grew some balls at last
At least this guy did. But it's way too late.
I think it's weird since all those obscure Japanese games are something that Sony has over both Microsoft and PC yet they never advertise that fact. At the very least they should be doing some sizzle reels during E3s with them.
Yes you can?
Needs to hurry up and get really hacked to play pirated games. That's why the PSP sold so much because of the piracy scene. Hell, the 3DS is doing well because of this now.
It already is hacked you dumb shit. I was playing pirated games for weeks before I got bored of weebshit.
You can pirate games over 3.61 firmware?
How do you organize your games?
Few games worth playing.
With a handful of exceptions, every game I've been recommended is trash.
It's crazy how they don't even advertise their own produced games like Gravity Rush.
You won't find your cinematic experiences on handheld m8
True, but you won't find much worth playing either.
Right? Only graphics count.
No fire emblem
No no ster hunter
No Pokemon
No mario
No animal crossing
Bad advertising.
I didn't even know most of the games in were coming to Vita.
>No animal crossing
This is the one that hurts the most, there's no real comfy simulator on the vita.
Vita has good graphics though.
Wipeout 2048 (which is one of the few worthwhile titles on the Vita, despite being inferior to every Wipeout game since Fusion) has the best graphics I've ever seen on a handheld.
Should anyone even bother with Tokyo Xanadu on the vita? I mean it's the vanilla version while PS4 and PC get the enhanced version with more content.
no since they aren't 3.60
What? The others either I don't care enough about or have other games in the same genre, while there's nothing quite like Animal Crossing on the vita. Hell there's no harvest moon vita game.
Are you upset that someone doesn't automatically slobber over a series that has a nintendo logo on it?
>Wipeout 2048
>inferior to every Wipeout game
Just fucking kill yourself already, your shit tastes is putting the planet at risk.
Reminder that the PS4 Wipeout is basically 2048 with the HD/Fury DLC packed in.
thats a pretty sweet setup user. I only have 2 digital games and thats it so cant do anything cool like that
>Wide tracks that make it impossible to crash
>Excessive focus on weaponry
>Questionable performance, especially in the HD/Fury DLC
Like I said, I enjoyed 2048, but it doesn't hold a candle to the PSP or PS3 games.
Does it finally have fucking racebox?
I got a Vita when it got hacked to play the odd exlcusive it had and I ended up basically just playing Duke Nukem and Pinball.
And I dont even regret my purchase at all.
That Duke Nukem port was rad. What pinball game did you play?
Zen Pinball 2 with all the DLC and im downloading Pinball Arcade as we speak
I just really wish we could get on PSN so i could access leaderboards
>PSP or PS3 games.
You mean the game with dumbed down mechanics with unlocked, fucked framerates and the game with no content and a fov so bad it's the slowest the entire series.
>Complains about framerate while defending 2048
>the PSP has better graphics than the Switch
>Denying the fact that an unlocked 20-40fps is vastly inferior to a solid 30fps
>solid 30fps
If there isn't another racer on the screen, maybe.
That's better than the PSP entries who had huge slowdowns if someone ever use a weapon regardless of whether or not they're on screen (seriously, what the fuck)
>board games have better graphics than the switch
I never noticed that, but then again my PSP was always overclocked with CFW.
There's also the dynamic resolution thing on Wipeout 2048, it worked fine on the PS3 because the lowest resolution was still 50% greater than 720p but on the Vita it just results in the screen getting blurry as fuck whenever it gets cluttered (an awful combination)
This desu
I bought a secondhand Vita for $100. I've yet to use it because I refuse to pay for Sony's retarded flash memory prices.
\Buy a used 8gb card then
Memory cards and SCEA NEVER seeing the system as anything but a ps4 accessory.
Other than that, it's a great little system and third parties have really done a good job supporting it over the years.
>Used flash memory
>Used flash memory which is already known to shit itself if you look at it funny
Don't be such a cheap fuck. You can get 32gb for like 50$ and set for the console's entire life
>tfw no 128GB card
>tfw 64GB is almost full
b-b-but NO GAEMS!!!!!!!!!!1
My 64 gb card was full the day I got it.
I'd rather be a cheap fuck.
$50 for a used card is still outrageous to me.
I curse the amount of digital only games that exist.
Half or more of these are on PS4 and/or PC. Some also has updated versions on the PS4, like Tokyo Xanadu.
Got it new. But yeah getting a used flash card is the dumbest thing you could do.
But really, 50 is nothing if you're just gonna pirate all the games anyway.
Because everything and anything that's worthwhile on vita is or already has been ported to the pc. Sold my vita right after Titty ninjas was announced for pc
I have like 25GB of psp games, and then digital only games plus playstation plus games put me somewhere around 100 gb.
I've forgotten some of the games I have...
No, there's no reason to willingly buy a version with less content especially when the updated version is coming out just a few months later.
It was too overpowered for its time. No one would make games for it due to high development costs. Too risky for most companies in the gaming industry. Also the lack of games that would attract the western market. All I remember is Uncharted and a Black Ops 1 (?) Port for it.
I personally love my Vita. I play it by far more than my 3DS lately. It has a decent library of JRPG's and I can play my fav rhythm game on it. That's all I need.
Oh, and the memory cards are extremely overpriced. They should have managed to use Micro SD cards for it. Like Nintendo does it with the 3DS.
>Because everything and anything that's worthwhile on vita is or already has been ported to the pc.
>Soul Sacrifice Delta
>SaGa Scarlet Grace
>Freedom Wars
>Macross Delta Scramble
>Ragnarok Odyssey
These are only a handful of the games that haven't been ported to PCs, not to mention you can't play any of those games on the go.
>B...but I don't get out of mom's basement
fuck off.
>All I remember is Uncharted and a Black Ops 1 (?) Port for it.
Uncharted was its own game with a new engine made for portable systems that was never used again
Black Ops wasn't a port, worse it was a piece of shit sown together in 6 months by cellphone game devs. It sold despite that but it was so shit I'm sure it made a lot of people sell their vitas. If you ever do need a FPS on it, get Killzone Mercenary.
>SaGa Scarlet Grace
With how I am Setsuna got ported to the Switch, you can bet Square Enix will port that to it instead of bothering to localize the vita version :^)
>Vita interrupts Remote Play connection in an important part of the story
>With how I am Setsuna got ported to the Switch
That garbage got ported to everything because it's so shitty it doesn't sell anywhere, it's Squenix throwing a bone to Nintendo just to give them their third party support token.
May I correct myself. I meant: A new Uncharted game and a port for a call of duty black ops. I'm aware that Uncharted was a whole new game. Obviously, they had to show off about the new features that came with the Vita.
God, I always thought it was just a port. I saw footage of it once and they played on nuketown and cracked (that destroyed town, not sure about the name). Both maps from black ops 1 if I remember right.
However I'm not really a huge fan of fps games but thanks for the suggestion!
In a nutshell, Sony. An entire dissertation could probably be written on the matter, or at least an article on par with that Eurogamer article on why the Xbox brand failed in Japan, but in essence Sony was very, very retarded.
Memory card Jewishness.
Useless touchscreen gimmick being forced into already mediocre or bad release games.
Inability to secure anything close to a system seller.
Focused what resources they had on enticing existing console gamers with stripped down spin-offs from Western developers.
Honestly I would go for a vita.
Better games, backwards compatibility (including persona 3 for example), amazing screen, good graphics, great battery life, etc. Most of this has been already mentioned anyways.
The only thing that could hold be back are the crazy high prices for memory cards. You have to pay around the half of the systems worth for 64gb.
3.60 is the only hackable firmware right? Anywhere to get 3.60 vitas?
Anything below 3.60 can be updated to 3.60.
If you buy new you'll probably be fine. All new PSTVs are guaranteed safe.
Needs more panty quests.
I feel your pain brother.
No system sellers like pokemon and that Sony lost monster hunter.
Lao look up how much those memory cards cost
All Vitas are below 3.60 except for the newer ones in Japan (a red one and I think a gray one)
If you wanna be safe, buy it new
>Little Witch Acadamia
You. I like you.
Neat, is this a custom theme?