Tales Thread

W-wait, what?

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>good score
cool, even if it is IGN

10/10 IGN

>Weak world and dungeon design
>Dated visuals
>Combat grows repetitive

>a game that started as a PS3 game has dated visuals


>Tales 8.8
>RE7 7.7



The demo was total shit

>Engaging combat with plenty of experimentation
>Combat grows repetitive
what did he mean by this?

>a 16 year old witch in a pink hat

Weebs are truly delusional.

lick them

>tfw the Tales trinity is now a quaternity

Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Berseria



Still not buying censored crap

all mediocre
great series

Not an argument.

>priced like a ps4 game

Completely indefensible.

The trinity of what? Tales games that were localized?

Switch Abyss with Phantasia on PSOne, 6th gen baby.

gaming has been so shitty over the last 5-6 years that even ok-ish games are getting high scores now

8.8 "didn't break into my room and sodomize me while streaming the crime live to people over facebook along with invites to my address for any would-be rape bandwagoneers"


I don't play any of the Tales games, but from what I've seen they all seem to have PS2 level graphics. Maybe if fans and critics bitched more they'd step up their game.


>he was too pleb to appreciate the Shinji of JRPGs

Vesperia was literally the best looking JRPG of all time when it came out.


Vesperia is still an extremely beautiful game to this day.

More like all 10/10 when you have a taste for nuanced gameplay and mature well written stories.

I don't know, I never liked how Vesperia's character models were in an awkward middleground between Symphonia's chibi style and looking realistic.

wait this actually IS good?

fuck, still waiting until it goes on sale.

I expected Fiore from SO5 to have the lewd personality that this girl does but Fiore is literally super serious academic while this bitch is literally lustful sex innuendo the character.

I'll admit I was thinking more of what I saw of Zestiria.

Most of them look good to me, but Yuri looks kind of weird. There's something about his facial features that just doesn't fit.

I played the demo and it was utter trash - combat, graphics and characters - everything is so shity and cheap.

The last half-good Tales was Vesperia. Just like Abyss - only "half good".

It is cheap but the good story and gameplay still shines through. Unless you REALLY hate the art style Berseria is more than worth playing

>Perfect the look of the game
>Never use it again

I hate the zone/dungeon design in Xillia 1/2 and Zesteria. The most boring shit ever and it looks like Berseria is only slightly better. Graces version of it was OK I guess since the camera was looked so you couldn't see miles of stretched out NOTHING plains.

I heard the PS3 version looks and runs worse than the 360 release. Does the extra content warrant the downgrade for someone who has never played any version of the game?

It does look worse but I have never heard of it running worse.

You're gonna import the PS3 release? Because there's no english version for the PS3.

I'll pick it up when it's on sale for $20-$30 in a few months.

Fan patch dropped m8, and Talesfags seem to approve of it.

Graces was the last game which had somewhat ok looking dungeons. I absolutely hate the cave areas in Xillia's and Zestiria/Berseria. And that swamp looking place in the Berseria demo looked so bad compared to the beach. It's why I prefer indoor areas like the castle you fight at in Zestiria. Those look nice compared to every other place which looks like shit.

best example for an artstyle that works perfectly with technical limitations. Berseria looks really dull and old

I didn't play all of Zesteria but it felt like Graces was the only one that actually put some puzzles in their dungeons too. There weren't many but the ones they did put in were a fucking welcome even if some of the dungeons were labyrinths due to how god damn linear Xillia 1/2 zones were. I really liked the Xillia cast and all but fuck... outside of combat and that, the game was ass. I STILL haven't beaten Xillia 2 due to them rehashing literally 90% of the original game.

This. Weebware using last gen tech is pirate or sale-tier only.

muh graphics

tfw my favorites games are not in this list

good tales game

More like muh game design. If it's anything like Zesteria the levels will be empty looking and bland with zero thought put into them.

Ah, memories.

>two edgelord entries in otherwise decent franchises get 8.8

I hate this fucking 100 point rating system. How can you reasonable justify why ToB is better than an 8.7 but worse than a 8.9. Complete bullshit


It has a demo though. You can see for yourself if it's worth buying.


>same score as your beloved Vesperia
What's the problem?

TP being a bit dark didn't thrust it into edgelord tier. Are you the same type of poster who thinks Japanese game=weebshit?

Higher than i expected.

I will be shocked if it goes higher than that.

I'll buy it I just generally get the disc on ps4 and pirate it on PC so it kinda piss me off

>based on 6 critics
It will reach a yellow score in a week

I beat both the 360 and PS3 versions and both look the same visually. The PS3 version framerate drops a bit when lots of spells are happening on screen like Rita's Meteor Swarm spam will drop the FPS from 60 to 20ish quick, while the 360 version will hover around 30 FPS during the same situation.


Is berseria a dark souls of tales series?

I'm kind of impressed, though it is IGN so that doesn't amount to anything. But I don't remember the last time a Tales Of game got a 9/10. I know Tales of Zestiria was straight garbage, and everyone tells me Tales of Beseria is like 100x better than Zestiria so that makes me hopefully. The last amazing Tales Of game I played was either Abyss or the Xillia series. Xillia 2 in particular was fucking addicting, but I really enjoyed the Xillia series overall. It probably had the best combat system, I liked how you could do combination attacks and what not. But what was cool about Tales of Graces is that you got FOUR different mystic artes, I enjoyed that. Actually if I had to rate my favorite Tales Of games it'd probably go something like this.

God tier
Tales of Abyss

Great tier
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia

Decent tier
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Graces
Tales of Symphonia

Garbage/shit tier
Tales of Zestiria

I'm not sure where to rank Tales of Beseria, but based off what I'm heard it sounds like it'll be at least GREAT tier if not GOD tier, but I don't want to say it'll be that good until I play it for myself.

Not your fucking blog! And Luke sucks

>Great tier
>Tales of Xillia
What? Are the other tales of games that bad? I've only played Graces and Xinjiang, but boy were there mediocre as hell.
I thought I got unlucky and played the bad ones.

So is it worth 49 euro?

lurk more


its a japanese PS3 game got basic Ports to PS4 and PC

There's a demo brah. Open the store page and look to the right, there should be a button "Download Demo".

I got this demo and the nioh demo and before i couleve get inot the gameplay I was turned off by how ugly both the games looked.

Fuck, just use modern assest and go wh a dynamic resolution solution.

Tales of Zestiria got a 72 with 59 critics
Tales of Xillia got a 78 with 65 critics
Tales of Xillia 2 got a 71 with 59 critics
Tales of Vesperia got a 79 with 67 critics
Tales of the Abyss got a 78 with 22 critics
Tales of Graces got a 77 with 55 critics
Tales of Symphonia got a 86 with 60 critics

So from what I can see most Tales of games receive in-between a 70 and 80 score, the only stand out game is Tales of Symphonia which got an 86 for the Gamecube version, and frankly I didn't even think it was all that great compared to some of the other Tales games. Based off this I can surmise that Tales of Beseria will AT LEAST get no lower than a 70, if not between a 70 and 80. Also I don't care about reviewers shit taste, frankly I'd give some Tales games a 9/10 because I thought they were fucking great. I clocked probably 100 hours into Tales of the Abyss and the Tales of Xillia games, and they only gave those games like 7/10 or some shit.

You do realize when some companies port a game to PS4 it usually has tweaks or changes to the graphics, if you did a side by side comparison I'm sure there are some small, yet noticeable differences in the graphics.

>Lol I don't like to read a lot because it hurts my head
>Luke sucks hur hur hur

Sounds like a case of retardation and shit taste to me.


Break out your fucking duel disc faggot, we're doing this.

Reminder that they barely fix shitty part of Zestiria combat system, even though the cast is better now.

Alright, I admit I was hasty in. It does belong in the GREAT tier, so there. Feel better? I do remember thoroughly enjoying Vesperia more than Graces and Symphonia.

>use modern assets on ancient hardware


>Feel better?

Yeah. Try to get your hands on Tales of Hearts R if you can, it's pretty fucking good and I put it on the same level of fun of Abyss and Vesperia.

Please tell me theres /ss/ in this

>le gamur gurl whore giving the game a good score

>someone who's been playing the series since symphonia giving it a mediocre score

When will you guys learn that women opinion are worth nothing?

How do i play Tales of Abyss?

I dont have a PS2 and my PC is so shit it cant emulte any PS2 games.

Why /ss/?
Shes surrounded by good looking men.


3DS version?

Should I buy her game?

There is a 3DS version? Didnt know that but it doesnt help me because i dont own a 3DS

And despite this all the girls lust over the alpha shota.

The MC looks like she'd be a lesbian anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if she has no interest in men.

>Presents logical data to back up what I'm saying
>Gets called autistic

Don't be mad because you got proven wrong and can't defend your points like I can, nigger.

>when will you guys learn that women opinion are worth nothing?

i dunno, when are you gonna learn that not being able to construct a sentence properly makes you sound infantile and disregards any opinion you try to impart?

>still unironically using the word "emo" ten years after it was relevant

Is it better than Xillia?

Roastie detected.

Enjoy your Zestiria 2.0 fujoshit whore.

>good tales game

But then why did you post Symphonia?

Its the top 3 most boring tales game to play in the franchise

Chill sjw

Oh ok you're a self inserter. Got it.

I like tales of innocence the best

Scores don't matter. If you don't buy this game for best girl, you're a heathen.

>Buying a game for waifus alone

No I buy games based off story, combat, characters, environments, gameplay, etc. The girls can be shit as long as everything else is great.

ah i see, you are gay

its ok

>Still has worse combat than Graces f
>Graces f wasn't that particularly great either and could've used a lot of improvements

Why is the franchise so shit?

those vagina bones