What games let me kill hoes?
What games let me kill hoes?
New Vegas, GTA, Persona 4.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Free Cities
Your next line will be "Is this a Jojo reference?"
Is this a Jojo reference?
4 > 7 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1
4 needs to be switched with 3 and then switch 3 with 7 and it's perfect
My man.
Except 1 should be higher maybe.
>jojo reference
>hasn't been pruned
I'd move 5 and 3, but that's golden.
Reminder that the OVA was better
For Darby, but that's it.
Did Dio's World better too
2 > 4 > 7 > 8 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 6
Pretty much
7 is objectively better written than any other part so I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say
I haven't read the manga of part 3 yet (buying them as they come out in those nice hardback cover volumes) but is part 3 actually good?
The anime adaptation of part 3 was my least favourite of the 4 so far but I see part 3 getting a lot of love somehow. I can only assume the manga is actually good.
Not at all
O K A Y M A S T A H L E T ' S K I L L D A H O E B E E E E E T C H
Its the same as the anime. It's decent but overrated.
4 > 6 > 7 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1
Pucci is the only good part of 6
3 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 7 > 6.
Its just loved so much because it introduced Stands, ORAORAORAORA, ZA WARUDO, and Yare Yare Daze man that's about it. Also it was there was that OVA. Its not bad, but its not very interesting either, at least compared to the other parts.
The other parts were very true to the manga so I thought that would be the case. I feel like part 3 dragged on forever but somehow didn't manage to have any character development. THe character focus is in the wrong place as well, due to the large crew we're spread thin and there isn't focus on a main JoJo. I felt like Polnareff was the main character.
Strangely Part 4 didn't have the same problems, despite also having a large cast. Maybe because there was no sense of urgency or because we didn't know where the plot was half the time. More slice of lifey almost.
Better animation, better choreography, better art style and High Dio actually fights for more than a few seconds.
The only real loss is the road roller, but that's really nothing major
I didn't like the stands in part 3. I thought Hamon was a better and cooler concept.
Stands flourished in part 4 and got interesting though, which was good.
Hamon is just power level bullshit.
At the end of the day though, no matter who the protagonist is, theres only so many ways you can write around breathing as a weakness. Part 2 took Hamon to its highest potential, anything past that would have just been rehashing the same techniques and scenes.
>I feel like part 3 dragged on forever
That's the anime's fault. The manga wasn't nearly as bad in that regard.
Hamon served its purpose and couldn't be used anymore after all of the vampires were dead. Stands were much more interesting in that they have limitless potential do cool shit. With Hamon, it was only useful against the vamps, and had limited uses. I don't think anyone would've enjoyed "And I put the Hamon through the _________!" for another part.