Post your walk animation

Post your walk animation

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what if I only have running animations?



is this a motherfr*cking mojo dojo referandum


I like you user, let's be friends


thicc reference?





>cat is clearly rather happy
Fuck you



>he doesn't know

>Trauma is now playing in your head






i miss this show
>that theme song





general crazytits is a wonder of animation


I always found this walkcycle strange.
I can't put my finger on it why...

He looks like he's sliding in place or moonwalking.

He's got a fuckin groove going though, can't deny that.

fuck the mods post it you pussy

Because it looks like his arms are swinging with the same side as his legs rather than opposite.


this is why we cant have nice threads


May I request the sauce on that, please?

I don't want a 3 day ban.

no it does't
he's powerwalking









>no one has posted this yet

I'm ashamed of you all.

The speed of the sprite doesn't really match up with what he's doing. Even in game while he's doing this, he looks more like he's gliding along the ground walking on a thin layer of air beneath his feet or something.








>those godawful proportions

I loved how well animated everything is in this game

Came here to pots this.
I cry every tim


I wonder what his corpse smells like. haha.


I forgot that show existed...



all of these

Did that game ever come out?






>Opening Stage.gif

The Neverhood? Its old. If your talking about Armikrog, then yes, it came out in 2015.


Wtf why would you want sauce on that??


Fucking creepy holy shit



The sorceress is the only one that looks decent, the other two have really fucking disturbing legs.

It already was before I even read your post nigga
Goddamn, Ghost Trick was one of the few games I'd call 10/10 and actually mean it

Assuming you actually mean Armikrog, it did.
It was underwhelming

Is this game worth picking up?
Haven't played anything on my 3DS in aeons.

Now fuck off before some cunt spoils everything

How come old Capcom games had such GOAT animation?

I was a 45$ backer and I was alright with the game. I heard it cut a ton of features.

