Why are female video game players so unfunny?

Why are female video game players so unfunny?

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Because women aren't funny?

because they get positive attention for being good looking, they don't need to try being entertaining.

you know goddamn well why



I like her LP's. Especially Suikoden II. She can even crack a good joke every once in a while.


idk, they just are

Because women don't have to be funny to get attention from the opposite sex like men do.


name ONE funny "video game player", male or female

most just whore themselves for views, instead of trying to be funny


Why is she so fine?

she needs BLACKED

female brains are not good at being funny

To be honest most video game players aren't funny.

There are a few okay ones.

o bby


I hope your wif I dies?

Me. I am funny.

Aka Panoots

> nintendrones are cancer for buying whatever nintendo gives them
> womyn gaymer whoring themselve for views

Are there any girl gamers that identify with the opposite sex without imitating it?


A couple I know, some on Twitch, but they are so rare it's like unheard of.

They have the same problem as men, and that most of them try too hard to be funny.
The only reason we notice it more with women is because there's less out there, so you're more likely to find a decently funny guy, than woman.

god, she got soo much make up on, she looks like a muppet.




They've never had to develop a likable personality.
Why would such a thing have even the slightest grasp of comedy?


I hope they're good because it's really confusing to a guy and starts behaving the way she thinks guys behave and then it's not at all the way most guys behave.

Isn't there some evolutionary reason? Like men developed humor as a result of mating and therefore women never needed to? I saw a study years ago but can't remember where

Are there any "comfy" female gamers out in Youtube which are relaxing to listen and informative just like Gopher and Vaati for instance?

I'd like to know.

tits are a meal ticket


Because you're upset about your safe space and feel uncomfortable with girls even on a screen.


The only one I can think of is the WatchMojo chick. And she's just a narrator.

he's an animator tho

but so is facial hair

Kay Plays.

I had to go jerk it when she said she couldnt wear her boyfriend's boxers because her hips would stretch it out.

*Tips fedora*

It's not just a video game thing.

Females aren't funny. Like at all.

Women are funny, get over it.



>male streamer isn't funny and appeals to teenagers
>nobody cares
>female streamer isn't funny and appeals to teenagers
>hundreds of Sup Forums threads complaining about it
damn, really makes me think

Some are, some aren't. Most people aren't funny

Sup Forums please go

Prove it.

It's 2017 dude girls are smart and funny.
Get over it

Are there any female streamers who are kind of like The Major? I want a strong, confident, kick-ass kind of woman who would dominate me in FPS.

Sup Forums is sexist. Water is wet. etc.

I didn't even know who Amy Schumer was until that episode aired.
She isn't very funny

> /pol please go
> literally a pol thread

E-celeb threads, male and female alike, need to fuck off


I can think of one really good joke your mom gave birth to

Because most of the time the unfunny dudes realise they aren't funny and are serious. The unfunny girls make shitty jokes because they always get laughs from their normie friends.

I actively started hating women because I'm so jealous they can just get dick constantly.

I want dick so bad as a guy and there are so many hot guys that just settle for less because it's easy for them.

So even an average girl gets it constantly.

Does anyone even know what kind of personality The Major has? Do people really think she's confident? She's the most stressed out character on the show.

>male streamer isn't funny and appeals to teenagers
>nobody cares
Yes they do
There's e celeb threads about unfunny men all the fucking time you moron
Girls aren't funny
I've never laughed because of a girl.
There's a reason why there's not a lot of girl comedians
Girls only play games to get attention from guys
A girl will ALWAYS make it known she's a girl even if it isn't necessary
She will almost always have a profile picture of herself
Almost always have a painfully obvious girl name
They always make it known that the they're a girl

I can't wait to hear jokes about periods and vaginas!

how's middle school?

In Gilbert Gottfrey's voice!

Notice how almost every thumbnail for a girl is her making a dumb face with a stupid background
Or some shitty fanart of her
Notice how 90% of girl gamers stick to online games

Because most of them try too hard. I don't know if it's the pressure of trying to actually look capable or what that causes them to blurt out whatever meme happens to be popular, but vidya girls are far more enjoyable when they're themselves.

Jokes don't make the person, the person makes the jokes.

Her voice is a bit off. As if it's a guy changing the pitch of his speech. I can't get over that impression.

You've heard of a recluse, yes?


90% of hikikomori are men.