Is a "fan" of something

>Is a "fan" of something.
>doesn't take every sequel with skepticism.
Why do people do this?

>Likes video games
>goes to a board where people hate video games

Why do I do this?

There is a difference between fanboy and fan.

Not every one has autism like you OP.

>It's autistic to be skeptical of the motives of someone who makes a sequel.

What's this even mean?

"I like this thing, but I will approach receiving more of it with a negative caution rather than excitement" Is this how you live your life?

Because you value diverse discussion and both agreeable and opposing opinions alike, just as a normal well-adjusted and emotionally stable person should.

You're right but i also have to dig through mounds of shitposting, which makes me question if its worth it.

Nothing about anything here is normal, well-adjusted or stable.

>motives of someone who makes a sequel
Umm what? Developers make sequels because they want to expand about the mechanics of the previous game(s) or make money. That's it.

>Expect Resident Evil 6 to be bad.
>Reviews are mixed
>Sup Forums says its bad
>its one of the best action titles of the seventh generation

I'm on board with that. Was a huge fan of Xenoblade Chronicles when I played it for the Wii, and would say it's one of my favorite RPGs. So when I saw that it was getting a sequel on the switch, my initial reaction was pretty fucking negative. Hated the art style and for the life of me couldn't understand where they could go with the story considering 1 had a pretty conclusive ending. Here's hoping it's a totally unrelated story.

>be critical of something
>"how can you say that and be a fan"
I hate people so much

You shouldn't just disregard the shitposting out of hand. Give it a good hard look, think about it, and learn to appreciate it and you will find there is a whole new dimension to this board for you to enjoy in between the discussion you're looking for.

Nice try, crapcom shill.

I envy those guys, becoming a nihilist dude is sad

Knowing too much is really a curse.

>you shouldn't disredard shitposting
Opinion disregarded

I'll be skeptical when they give me reason to be skeptical, not just for the sake of it.

>The bugs in Silent Hill Downpour really hampered my enjoyment of the game also the sidequests were dumb.

Is anybody else creeped out by that blue light behind mario's eyes?

Sup Forums is nothing but a sterile echo chamber for contrarian opinions, fuck off.

Buying the switch day 1 with Zelda because it looks sweet, Mario game looking great too.

Played zelda skyward sword and thought it was crap as I got bored playing it twice and never made it to the second dungeon. returned it for full price

because fan implies being fanatical

I disagree.

Sup Forums is pretty mainstream with many groups, I don't know what you guys are talking about.
