Is it any good? Thinking of buying the game cheap just for the online, don't plan on playing with friends so it's just gonna be randoms.
What does the online component consist of? Is it worth?
Is it any good? Thinking of buying the game cheap just for the online, don't plan on playing with friends so it's just gonna be randoms.
What does the online component consist of? Is it worth?
>Is it any good?
No, it's spic-tier BR huehue garbage. Don't waste your time.
I'm surprised there are people who haven't played GTA V
the only time I have fun playing it is with friends
I suggest you play with friends, OP. It offers a lot but it isn't as fun with friends.
it will keep you entertained for like 20-30 hours, but it could have been so much more. also the loading times are fucking insane.
Better with friends. Also incredibly boring if you aren't rich to buy shit.
2D women are so perfect man
did they ever find her, or was it all just lies
I reported a hacker online a few days ago via their support system and they told me to fuck off and only use the ingame report system and stop wasting their time
It's when you start a character for the first time, rob a few stores, complete a few missions and get some new guns. Then it's literally rinse and repeat forever and ever. It's fun for only the first few hours.
You are objectively in the wrong
Without friends you'll need to find a good crew, because the randoms are quite possibly some of the worst I've ever seen in any game ever.
Join the Sup Forums crew on /vg/. It's pretty fun when you're actually playing with friends.
>tfw have over 600 hrs in GTAO
i fucking love kate upton man, to bad she doesnt have more nudes
>got kicked because I killed a member after their crew started attacking me
Nah they are ful o ass pained autists man
It's not cheap, it's $30
All my "friends" are console peasants and they stopped playing online before it came out for PC, I always play with randoms and it is fun but I always run into a rich faggot that steals my car.
>play with friends
>it isn't fun with friends
what did he mean by this?
>Don't plan on playing with friends
If you're not going to play GTA:O with buddies don't even bother. The only fun there is to be had is fucking with children and turning the table on people trying to fuck with you.
Online consists of finding a modder to spawn you money so you can buy all the stuff since payouts are dog shit unless they're doing 2x$/rp. Or you can grind in safe space lobbies once you can save up millions to afford the businesses. grind grind grind grind or modder
Single Player is really good btw.
Nope. I played through the game without internet access on console and had a decent amount of fun, then bought it again on PC after I'd sold my console to try out online and returned it after an hour. It's a prime example of a game that is much worse with multiplayer.
Is she taking a selfie? Is there a mirror on that beach? I don't understand this picture.
Also, right looks exactly like one of my ex gfs, but left doesn't look anything like her.
The best things to do online are:
-Heists (a couple of times, but once you're just grinding they lose the fun)
-Vehicle Cargo (they pay well and can be entertaining, even with assholes in a server)
- Special Vehicle work (these missions are just as good as heist missions, but you need to be a CEO with a Vehicle warehouse and complete those vehicle cargo missions)
Rockstar is actually putting out good stuff shockingly, you just have to either spend a lot of time to access it or cough up the $$$. The new vehicles are awesome too, ask a hacker to let you use the Ruiner 2000.
"Fun" is a marketing buzzword so you should avoid "fun" feelings at all costs
>Single player is forgettable, overly scripted, and boring (it's an interactive movie essentially)
>Player movement is worse than Gta 4's
>Driving is almost as arcadey as Gta3/Vice City
>Police are worse in every aspect
>Multiplayer is just grinding instanced missions
It's not a good game. Very disappointing.