>wrestling meets final fantasy
Holy shit. it's Chroma squad all over again
>wrestling meets final fantasy
Holy shit. it's Chroma squad all over again
I liked chroma squad though.
Could have been better if Saban didn't think they owned super Sentai shows.
didnt say it was a bad game
I'm sure WWE will pull a Saban and take the game to court because nobody else does Story line based wrestling right?
depends on if they use any material or ips from it. can video games do that?
They'll obviously will make passes at WWE history with names like Chroma Squad made passes at Power rangers and Kamen rider and shit but never outright said anything.
I assumed parody rights would fix that then
You would.
But big companies pushing weight on a small guy with no money will eventually push the small guy to settle on a compromise instead of a win for the small guy. comes down to who has the money in the end to keep the court case rolling.
Same shit with Saban and Chroma squad.
so with chroma squad, was it really that bad?
They had to settle on a court case and I believe some of the proceeds the game got went to Saban and the game got "inspired by Saban's Power Rangers" slapped on it. The game was mostly going to be about shit like Kamen rider and the Japanese live action Spider man tv show.
The only good thing to come out of the "Partnership" was the game railing on "not-Saban" as a plot point in the story.
man thats super shitty. So someone can get sued now for even mention "sentai show" in their commercial work. Good thing TPP is gone
No. I think it is just Saban being a shit.
I would think WWE would also go down that route because Vince is kind of a shit as well.
well, good luck to suplex saga, then. sounds like a neat idea, but once again, corporate shit might shut it down
I did. Read the thread.
>wrestling meets final fantasy
Only if I can suplex a train.
>Im motherfucking sabin
>reskinned chroma squad
>sjw dev
Oh boy can't wait for the mandatory "women's wrestling" stages.
how the fuck are they sjw?
the chroma devs arent the same devs that are making suplex saga
nice try chroma dev
Somehow I would think WWE would handle the matter better, either by offering rights to use their celebrity wrestlers in the game or not fucking with them, then afterword commissioning the studio to make a WWE edition of the game.
Sabah is well known for being assholes with no ability to make good decisions.
How asspained can one user possibly be?