Does there exist a darker, more twisted and evil empire then this?

Does there exist a darker, more twisted and evil empire then this?

Other urls found in this thread:

...why must they make me suffer

as above so below

>Danny raped Suzy and Arin can't do anything about it

This shit is getting way too dark

Hey look! e-celebs!

>you feel like you want to go places in want to travel, you want to see good places. But when you're grounded? When there's a place that you *really* enjoy? And you got good...good company? You can just stay there forever...

>That is tru...I'm not...that, that is true Arin. You talking about the cacti?

>It'd be like a Pumba and Timon.. y''s like you run away from home, and you're like 'I don't like home', and then you find this *paradise*...and then you find this paradise...

>Hey, lets stick to this awkward time format so we can milk as many views out of our sheeplike subscribers as we can!

>mods are cracking down over Sup Forums, deleting any and all threads that are remotely off-topic to reinforce the shitposting of that day
>actual video game discussion all day
>3 days later we're back to this shit

Cmon, Sup Forums

Rooster Teeth.

Not until he comes out as a transgendered woman




Not vidya

Check this 4 btw.

>Jon left Arin because he was being abusive
>Embarassing guest grumps episodes with washed up celebrities like Rob Schnieder
>Ross becoming increasingly more and more depressed as he's constantly bullied by everyone and his wife is transforming into an uber feminist
>Danny has been revealed to be a creepy sex craved jew that likes to stalk underaged girl
>Suzie won't stop gaining weight
>Arin has been diagnosed with clinical depression ever since Trump won

How much longer until this man breaks?


>Part goddamn 21
>Just barely finished chapter 1
I know Danny is playing, but my god, they HAVE to be doing this on purpose.


just wait 4 this

arin makes a really handsome girl (male)

I've already learned my lesson with Ocarina of Time.

I'm just going to wait for the, "This is How You Don't Play TTYD" supercut.



Would you though

no but i would flatter him (her) through the night with drinks and depart with a soft kiss on the cheek

I learned my lesson way earlier with pokemon fire red

>source: my ass
They have already enough shit to be made fun of for you to lie about them.

he's not very attractive desu


theres pewdiepie.

Name 3 e-celebs or e-celeb groups that don't subsist on their own internal dramas.

I will wait exactly 21 minutes.

god fucking damnit user, that actually scared me.


happy Madison

Smooth McGroove
and Alpharad, I guess?

Northernlion + crew
the YMS dude

How so?

Dont know any of them, but I'll take your word on if.

Still, Channel Awesome gives even them the stink of drama due to the levels of faggotry there.



is there a comfier guy to listen to and not watch?

Alchestbreach playing The Sims 3.

>they'll never finish Sonic 06


i don't watch them much but I've been liking their Paper Mario TTYD episodes

Smooth McGroove does the best acapella video game music.
Crowbcat does videos with no commentary but montages poking fun at the industry (quite popular on this board actually)
And Alpharad is nothing special, he just does mostly Smash videos.
But at least none of them subsist on "internal drama", right.
I hope these suggestions will help you broaden your horizon.
Have a good day, sir.

Cryotic is bretty comfy

>Arin wanted to become a cartoonist
>Danny wanted to be a rockstar
>Suzy wanted to be a model
>Ross wanted to be an animator
>Barry wanted to be a movie producer.

Game Grumps is fucking depressing if you really look at it.


No it isn't. Arin chose to drop his animations and art in favor of a quick buck.
They are all making more money than they would have outside of the show and that's why they keep it, as Jon said it's all about money now

Can someone explain this to me please? Why is Suzy's identical-twin-fucking-sister more attractive than her?

Suzy makes me feel a little sick when I focus on her features but her identical sister is absolutely gorgeous, what the hell is wrong?

Fuck yeah!

>implying Jon didn't do all that Star Wars shit for money

Suzy got all the alcohol in the womb.

Thank you, friend.

The part about Dan is true though. He openly admitted to wanting to fuck underaged girls that have been tempting him online over an episode of Dark Souls 3.

That and he starts and ends almost every single video complimenting the female fan base, talks about how big his dick is all the time, how good at sex he is. Danny Sex-Bang? He was a virgin till he was like 23 and never spoke to a girl till he was 21 or something.

He was the embodiment of Sup Forums before Sup Forums was a thing and now he thinks he's a sex symbol. He looks like he was carved out of a 100,000 year old block of ice and hadn't eaten more than a sandwich in his entire life

>when u remember that time jon played a game at walmart sponsored by walmart
I bet hes kicked himself for leaving gamegrumps.

That's exactly what he meant stupid

He was good at catching those moments.

And Bobby Duggart did literally nothing wrong.


It's called epigenetics. Even though the DNA is the same when born, the environment can cause genes to be/not be expressed or simply be expressed in a different way.

That's how you get different physical traits and personalities.

Anytime. Let us know what you think after the fact.

Fuck, I meant to say that Danny is pretty much going towards that goal and Ross is animating a lot to get his show out since he was affected by Monty Oum's death so much.

His Sims playthroughs are a reaction image gold mine

You're retarded if you don't think all ot takes to be a sex symbol is
>wanting that
>being decently good looking
>being popular

Yea but it was the ultimate sandwich


No it isn't, just fucking pathetic. Just a bunch of losers who were too lazy to commit to actual work who thanks to jewtube allows them to live on retarded kids who watch their dumb shit.

Congratulations, you completely missed the point of his post

user it was literally fetal alcohol syndrome

>He openly admitted to wanting to fuck underaged girls that have been tempting him online over an episode of Dark Souls 3.
which episode is this

He's just so fucking nice. He fucking said something about foot fetishists in one video and then spent the next ten minutes apologizing to Quentin Tarantino.

Someone post a picture of his thumbs please and his protruding eye sockets, what a fucking neanderthal

Point of (You)r post was letting jealously bleed through into the text and being buttfrustrated about it.

Post pics.

And his Fallout and horror game videos are gold for audio of unironic shrieking. How can he still be scared of cazadores after slaughtering like 9 million?

They asked why one twin looked better than the other so I explained.

Jews are hit or miss with the genes considering they've generally only mingled with other jews in a semi closed population over history.

Caveman features are better than taysachs or aspergers.

he used to be skinny

Meanwhile, Many A True Nerd is unbelievably comfy with his New Vegas videos and literally drama free.


I don't know but hes one of those YouTubers that can play a horror game and i start to feel bad for him because i know he's genuinely scared shitless.

Arin could have been an animator, he is just lazy

Game Grumps was pure luck really, because when Jon and him started it, Barry did all the leg work, Arin just had to play games and make money, no actual work

So leg work he was putting in then is no different then now. It's why he gained a lot of weight and settled for a rather unattractive gal.


I can't remember the number of the episode but I think I know which one he was talking about. It's around the time Arin is telling Dan about the giant on the tower shooting arrows at enemies


He got fat once he started dating Suzy

Twin is on the left, she just looks so much more attractive and cute

Sounds fake

Do your fucking job mods


that's probably it

He's not a big brave dog. I remember he blew my eardrums into orbit shrieking at that indie game with the dinosaurs in the WWI trenches. That FPS Pacman too.

>identical twins but only one has FAS
i don't think you understand how pregnancy works.

Also she doesnt have fas. There are more signs to it than eye shape and neither her or her sister express them.

Or you can try to convice us that Bjork has FAS.

Don't get lazy, kids. Earn your money the right and just way or you'll end up lazy, unmotivated, and with Suzy.

This feels like Nature vs Nurture.
Both looked the same once, but Suzy gained weight and got a shitty hairstyle. Her twin actually cared about her health and appearence and did none of those things.

Haha, wow! He's so confident in his sexuality that he's dressed up in womens clothes multiple times and always picks the effeminate characters in games! So heterosexual!

>Time to go ass first everyone!

Once again, no source.

Her fucking upper lip, both cunts have it

Admitting it right off, I'm a girl and I don't find Danny attractive. Can someone explain why people think he is? I'm actually attracted to Arin, especially when he was thinner. But Danny looks creepy and he's like nearly 40 now, it's just weird how little girls find him attractive
