
Black Widow

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Shit roster.

>no juri
>no vergil
>no magik
>no galacta
>bunch of shitty rehashed bland characters and forced marketing tie ins

>vergil being in a game before the special edition

Gotta be true

Look at all them underscores!


Bullshit, and fuck you for getting my hopes up, even momentarily.

This would be good, outside of Rashid.

I refuse to believe that they would be dumb enough to not include Deadpool, one of their most popular characters even before his movie came out.

Even though it is entirely plausible that they would be exactly that stupid.

>Captain Marvel
>Ms. Marvel

nigga what.....

They are two characters, what is your problem?

0/10 thank's for playing. Have a complimentary (you) on the house, sport.

Ya blew it

Have you not heard the rumors where disney is strongly against including marvel characters that fox/other companies hold the rights to make movies? Except for wolverine and spiderman which are crazy popular staples, those are all marvel characters that disney can make movies of


Shit just seems redundant.

solid post user

its not really disney at all, marvel has full control over everything and disney even said they would have bought the rights to the FF it was just marvels ceo said no need to

So why didn't they buy X-Men or Deadpool or anything

>a bunch of shit waifus and Vergil

No thanks, you have shit taste

i hope this isn't real.
this is just MvC3.5
>no Leon
>no Fiona
>no Lady
i hope this is fake it's probably fake.

Leon is a literal cuck with far less character than Chris and exists purely to be a self insert for betas
Fiona is just waifubait and MvC is western centric
Lady is boring

they said fox was asking to much for the x-men rights

Why Jedah over Pyron? That's like putting in Gill over Bison.

>No Magneto

That's weird. He's basically been the main character for nearly two decades.

If that's the real list that is extremely disappointing. Why even bother making a new game if it's going to have a worse and smaller roster? Asura being added is pretty neat though. Ant man will probably play like shit though.

You have to make a smaller roster so you have money for the single player story mode.

>No Roll

I heard them, all right. It blows my mind how dumb higher-ups can be.

Adding X-Men and Deadpool would only increase sales. With him being popular even before his movie, Deadpool especially.

capcom roster is absolute trash

so they can sell you more DLC

Jedah would instantly give the game an M rating.

>Morrigan and Jedah
That's it for Darkstalkers? Fuck off Capcom

No Tron Bonne, no buy

2 is more than enough.

It is you who has shit taste my friend.

Darkstalkers is one of Capcom's biggest and most influential fighting game series and this is a Capcom fighting game.

No, DS needs more reps.

Morrigan, Talbain, Raptor, BB Hood would have been great

so that means this game has the possibility of being trash if theyre forcing this shit meme character that no one likes

Thanos, ultron, Jedah. Confirmed, I will buy.

>Chris instead of Leon

i take another DMC rep (or from some other series) over Hsien-Ko/Felicia any day.

>there will never ever be Samanosuke or any onimusha rep ever despite there even being a fighting game for it

>Juri & Galacta being more than mediocre waifufag pipedreams
>Magik is only moderately better

Also Vergil has never been playable in the base version of any game he has ever appeared in. DMC3 SE, DMC4 SE, UMvC3, etc. That said, if Vergil isn't the base game we should get Nero.

I don't see any way for this list to be verified. It'd be neat for Dormammu & She-Hulk to return, and some of the newcomers (Rashid, Sigma, Ultron, Gene, Asura, Panther, Star Lord) sound very neat.

>no whip swinging, pistol stylin, orb absorbing, rock throwing bad ass motherfucker in MvCI
it hurts.

>durrr if it's a female character you like it's waifufag shit

Neck yourself, husbandofag. Juri deserves a spot in MvC more than that shit character Viper ever did and definitely more than fucking Rashid and even more so because of how they royally butchered her in SFV.

Galacta is a better use of a slot than nearly every single one of those shitty forced marketing tie in Marvel character slots.

>preorder dlc

Don't want it anymore.

>one of Capcom's biggest and most influential fighting game series


Jedah is way more interesting than Pyron.

I actually have a hard time believing they'll do Jedah though. All of his attacks have him decapitating himself and spraying blood everywhere. Seems like they'd want to avoid that.


>People actually believe a post with 1 follower who posted to get his twitter followers up

here's a link to someone with REAL information and REAL talk

It is. The only others bigger and more influential are Street Fighter and Marvel. Are you forgetting all the other fighting games Capcom put out? Cyberbots? Red Earth? Star Gladiator? Rival Schools? Power Stone? None of those stack up to Street Fighter, Marvel and Darkstalkers.

>Juri deserves a spot in MvC more than Viper
I'd argue that Juri's gimmick of having an Install that allows her to chain her normals loses its luster in Marvel. The rest of her moves could be made crazier than their SF versions, but you could say this for any character in the series really, barring a few VERY grounded ones. Viper has almost as much story prevalence as Juri, specials that are very conducive to being made crazier for Marvel, a canon Super Jump which adds to visual flair and gives reason to add a Double Jump to her, a cancelling mechanic which is actually very unique even in Marvel, and then on top of that you have the EX Specials and Focus Attack, which Juri could've had, but with Viper they're among a larger arsenal of cool shit.

Honestly, in terms of gameplay, I'd take Seth in Marvel over Juri, if we're solely talking SFIV Newcomers. I'd also take Rashid over the SFV cast AND most SFIV characters.

>Galacta is a better use of a slot than nearly every single one of those shitty forced marketing tie in Marvel character slots.
How? How would she play? Her powers in the few comics we've seen are so abstract in their scope and barely touched on that it'd be difficult to get a grip on what she can even DO. All she does is walk around and eat stuff and do things to stuff to make it better for her to eat. I'd take various MCU characters that have interesting gameplay possibilities like Ant-Man or Black Panther before Galacta, easily.

Also, if I wanted a waifu in Marvel I'd ask for a good one. Like Rose.


i bet there will also be a special surprise for every other month up to MvCI release...



Than again capcom are lazy fucks so i wouldnt be surprised at the just reusing assetes from the previous titles instead of giving us some fresh chracters

we got soki because he is not based on an actor

Yeah, reusing assets is what is allowing them get this out before the end of the year, and is why the roster isn't going to be tiny at launch. Expect Seasons like SFV, perhaps with more individual characters per year, and having those slots be 50% Newcomers, 40% remaining UMvC3 models until they run out, and 10% nostalgia veterans that don't make the cut (I'm doubting any list without hard proof right now). About a third of that DLC will be X-Men also, so that they don't put any Fox characters up front with all the marketing or put any on the box but can still get them out there for people that want to play as them.

>No Groot
>When he's the Pikachu of Marvel right now only slightly lagging behind Gwenpool
Yeah no, this list is full of shit

>was making a """"""""""""leak""""""""""""""""" twitter to prove anyone could've make this
>add obscure characters to get a quick laugh
>"Your Twitter Account has been Locked."
>"In order to unlock, you must put a phone number"
>I lose all my progress in my tweet

No Nero?

Bull fucking shit.

>in a game

>Mr. Wright is back in office

Thank God.

>Has Gene in it
immediately disregarded until I see the trailer, people have been faking Gene being in Marvel for 3 years now (2011, 2012, 2017)

Whreres venom???????

Gene has been near the top of several polls asking about MvC characters, both in Japan and the west. If you look at the list of characters people voted for, the only ones that didn't get into UMvC3 were Gene, X, and some characters they can't use (like those characters based on actors that they'd need to get the likeness rights for). They explicitly said that X was not only added but made important due to overwhelming fan support for him. Gene was also given a card for Heroes and Heralds, and while that doesn't mean much, they consciously chose him and people got excited for even the acknowledgement and the new piece of art he got with it.

God Hand has a HUGE cult following relative to its original sales numbers, and throwing Gene in Marvel would capitalize heavily on that. Throw a slightly polished up God Hand on PSN (not just the PS2 Classic already on PS3 PSN) to capitalize on the revitalized interest in God Hand from the hype its fan have for Gene PLUS the general interest in him being in a big eSports game like MvC:I likely will be (Capcom money and Disney/Marvel money and maybe Sony money also), and they can get an easy return on investment from that.

Rocket will be reworked to include Groot as a striker in some of his specials and at least one Super (probably a new Level 3). Without assists, it'll probably be pretty simple for them to incorporate that.

No Cammy
No Sakura
No Juri
No R. Mika
No Dolls
No Felicia
No B.B. Hood
No Lilith
No Hsien Ko/Lei Lei
No SonSon
No Roll
No Iris
No Jill
No Claire
No Sherry
No Ada
No Alexia
No Sheva
No Regina
No Fiona
No Akira Kazama
No Hinata
No Tessa
No Devilotte
No June
No Poison
No Maki
No Trish
No Lady
No Nina (there's like 6 to choose from already!)
No Katt/Rinpoo
No Ursula
No Lin
No Deis/Bleu
No Rouge
No Ayame
No anyone from Sengoku BASARA
No Ingrid

No Jean Grey
No Rogue
No Storm
No Jubilee
No White Queen
No Shadowcat
No Blink
No Psylocke
No X-23
No Dazzler
No Magma
No Marrow
No Mystique
No Domino
No Omega Sentinel
No Lady Deathstrike
No Deathbird
No Calisto
No Selene
No Invisible Woman
No Crystal
No Medusa
No Tigra
No Firestar
No Spider-Woman
No Silver Sable
No Black Cat
No Wasp
No Scarlet Witch
No Enchantress
No Black Widow
No Valkyrie
No Namorita
No Gamora
No Marionette
No Elektra
No Satana
No Squirrel Girl

Bullshit roster is Bullshit.

Ayyyyy, my girl Ammy

>Darkstalkers is one of Capcom's biggest


What, you think Tech Romancer and Red Earth are bigger and more influential?

No zero no buy

What makes this random faggot's shitty roster any more believable than any other random faggot's?
>Ms. Marvel
Mostly shitty roster then.

To be fair, he's kind of right. It's not big, but it was hugely influential and spawned an entire subgenre of fighting games, the air-dashers, or as modern faggots like to call them "anime fighters"

It's not big now, because there hasn't been a new game in 20 years (duh), but it was making lots of money and getting lots of play back when it came out. Just earlier this month Daigo talked on his stream about how popular Darkstalkers 2 was at the time.

>Jedah in
>De-meme-tri isn't


You now I hadn't even thought about Sangue Passare. I doubt Capcom would go through the trouble of creating unique inflation animations for every character, so they'll either all inflate in the same way, or he just won't have the move at all, like how Anakaris lost half of his stuff in MvC2.

I'm glad this leak is fake to see reactions like yours when it turns out to be

Probably "In all seriousness I am not surprised he's not in since most of his moves involved gorey things like cutting off his own head that would never let the game get a B rating in Japan or T in America".

I still don't see how that means the leak is suddenly real when people were saying the same thing when MvC3 was coming out, we get it you want him in the game, I do too, but he's not getting in until there's a trailer for him or something of the like that confirms he's playable.

>Rocket and Starlord (almost DEFINITELY Groot in a super attack)

I know people are going to shit on me and say "you only like em cuz mobies"

but fuck em

i'd be happy


Dr. Octopus
Green Goblin/Hobgoblin

BB Hood


Literally get the fuck out of here with this shit. Fuck you nigger.


Nah fuck off and give me Nero.

don't know why anyone is entertaining this. it's so fucking fake that it hurts.
>omg underscores so real
to top it off, it isn't even a good list.

>capcom side is literally mvc3 with a couple of new characters


Strangest one up there.

I'm not sure what you mean entirely, but there's an Onimusha rep in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

Don't forget about Ms.Marvel!

Literally added that in last minute because of that Niitsuma comment that he wanted Doc Ock in MvC3

>When the word cuck is being misused so much on this site that it lost its meaning.
Seriously, what context is the word being used here? Name one instance where Leon willingly let a black man fuck his wife while he watched. God I wish you stupid kids would use a better word rather than spout "cuck, cuck, cuck, cucky, cuck" at each other all day.
Anyway back on topic
>Implying Capcom would ever put Gene in another game

Reads more like a Capefags wishlist than any actual leak.

>Arthur not returning if true
Guess the franchise finally is dead :'^)

This roster if true made me realize that I didn't want a new MvC

>a black man has to fuck yiur girl to be a cuck

It's any man and Leon let his dream wifey and clone wifey suck a million Umbrella dicks and continues to pursue her like it's perfectly fine. Leon is king cuck

Having oneitis to a girl you're not married to doesn't make you a cuck kiddo. And Ada isn't shown to be interested in relationships since her "husband" died back in 98'
3/10 here's your (you)

that incredibly large list and you can't even list a single decent character

From a gameplay perspective, they're completely different.

>No Ghost Trick rep
>No Monster Hunter rep
>Only one Darkstalker rep
>No Deadpool
>No Vergil
>No Viewtiful Joe
>No X-Man besides Wolverine
>Wolverine pre-order bonus despite being one of the most recognizable characters in the series

Nice bait desu

If Asura, Gene, and Rashid actually do make it in I'll be one happy camper. Anything else would just be a nice bonus afterwards.

You'd be lucky to get Wolverine

It's literally all MCU characters in the Marvel side. And the Capcom cast is literally from the last game.

Unfortunately thatmakes this roster believable.

not even capcom remembers this games