Hi queers

hi queers
want some free steam keys?
sure you do, you have no self respect

Tank Blast Steam Key: F3YRD-K8RIY-M4ZBG /
Osteya Stem Key: 680X5-J3LXJ-LW4V8 /
A Detective's Novel Steam Key or Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade Steam Key: Z3ZJQ-TG5MJ-JB3NK /
Nanooborg:YA52Q-C33IL-V7P69 /
Earth 2150-The Moon Project: KA6YQ-CNT93-BYML6 /
BloodBath Kavkaz Steam Key: I3ZFE-IQI9H-GG6M4 /
Gorky 17: P0EJV-9EYA5-CZ4XV /
Cubium Dreams Steam Key: 0HNDY-82R2A-2R5KJ /
Knights and Merchants HD: W4NP2-FTQC3-85BPV /
Pirates of Black Cove: WDWHZ-6C6B4-KEGRG

Say something nice about me. Not too nice, of course.

Other urls found in this thread:


pic still unrelated

Gotem all, thanks.

shit games, post more demons

congrats, man
hope at least one of them is at least half enjoyable


I got like 4 of them faggot, why'd you have to take the rest?

thanks op

im glad didn't get EVERYTHING then
enjoy, guys

Also, i'm out of demons so have an old xiv screenshot.

i'm outies, bye!


What the fuck is his problem?


smt thread?

smt thread




Thread theme

fuck YEAH



that's not ok, user. Bad user. Bad.


ill fuckin cut ya, mate
ill shoot ya then ill cut ya

>anno domini 2017
>still no demon dating sims

>he doesn't know about monster girl dating sims

>this dialogue
holy shit is this real? never would've expected this in one of those jrpg

Demons have the best bantz.
Someone post demonhee ho

every screenshot has been real

SMT games have a great sense of humor, user.


This is a series that censors YHVH with a record scratch sound effect.

they also gave Hitler aviators and a trenchcoat to censor him

but neither the record scratch nor the aviator+trenchcoat combo were in the original releases, right? Its western bullshit, unfortunately

Nah record scratch is in the jap version too.
Also cool hitler is the best censorship job I've ever seen.

yeah, its very tasteful. I appreciate it

and oh, that's a shame. oh well, i'm just glad the games are niche enough that christians aren't burning them in piles screaming "OUR GOD AINT YELLA"

Sup Forums's favorite game reviewers love SMT though.

skimming this... its lovely

this is a pretty fair and thought out review, though i disagree with some of their points


i'm pretty sure they gave him the aviators because it's bomb as hell.

They gave Hitler glasses in the Japanese re-release too. It wasn't just the Western version.

why can't more censorship be like this? only other game I can think of with decent censorship was stick of truth but they didn't really make a "compromise" like this

I think they did that because there isn't a definitive pronunciation for his name.

Demons is so fucking dumb at times

kek I remember they actually posted here because they noticed a spike in traffic coming from Sup Forums.



I'd b naughty

Anyone have Anthony and the SUCC?

I feel betrayed.

I thought these games were supposed to be edgy grimdark shit. Have I been lied to?


Its edgy ;)

Pretty sure the only game that lets you be an edgy shitter is SMT4:Apoc, it's usually just varying degrees of being an asshole.

why did you steal their game user

smt4a is the only edgy one, and even then its kinda silly in that way

i mean, yeah you have a guy going on about the destruction of the world, the futility of life, yadda yadda
...but he has a scottish accent, is a ginger, and lives in your wrist smart phone


Fresh OC, dig in

Of course not son of man

I vaguely remember this, when was it?

>not man with atma virus

chaos wuz here
law r fags




how have i never seen this before im losing my goddamn shit (within the designated confines)


gifting is more about attitude though