
>Switch no games.

For anyway saying that launch is bad, a developer knows it's stupid to put their game out on launch because of Zelda, which will destroy any other game.

Now post the PS4 one

And all of these become portable, which is a nice touch.

My power went out last night and all I could think about was how nice it'd be to play some BOTW and watch the storm.

Imagine if you put NBA and Skyrim in the PS4 game list.

Funny how nintendrones made fun of the other consoles and PC for having indies, remasters and ports but when the Switch has them it's actually a selling point for their 300$ tablet

Nintendrones don't make fun of PC, because a PC is actually worth owning, unlike the other two paperweights.

No monster hunter, no buy!

>Nintendrones don't make fun of PC
You clearly havent seen any thread about WiiU or 3DS emulation

dude i am a staunch wii u defender for the solid lineup it eventually got, but the switch release list is really embarrassing even to me

so many things i dont give a shit about, mario odyssey is interesting but everything else is embarrassing, paid online and its killer app on launch is only 900p 30fps over 720p on wii u

iits ok its coming eventually. dont forget to pay for the online service though ;)

I am Setsuna was confirmed for launch day yesterday

thats outdated

$0.25 has been deposited into your account, thank you Pajeet!

KYS retard

I'm glad Nintendo fans can finally catch up on 2-6 year old games. And hopefully everyone will realize the best way to experience Skyrim is playing on a 6" screen at medium graphical settings, 30fps, with earbuds while riding on the bus

Fuck, isn't Puyo Puyo Tetris a launch game in Japan? What the fuck is taking so long that it's coming out a month late!

doesn't look that bad. wait 2 years and it will have a decent library to play. let's hope the japs start using this over the 3ds. they need monster hunter for this thing to explode with games.

That good feel when I can play during lunch. :)

I'm not one to meme but,
wow. it's fucking nothing.

bunch of games that came out 6 years ago
i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be impressed by

So I took out all the multiplats, weeaboo games and games that are releasing/already releasing on the Wii U

I guess it was worth it to stop making Wii U games for 2 years so they could have this killer launch lineup.

When do they announce Pokémon?

>removed Splatoon 2
>removed Bomberman

Good job, retard.

Probably E3 or right before

So what would you do with the remaining 10 hours of noelectricity after the Switch's battery ran out?

I think being able to play the games ANYWHERE renders the Switch the best choice for multiplat games. Sure the graphics will suffer but if I wanted amazing graphics I'd be on my pc.

Also you are a retard.

I don't know what shithole you live in but my power was only out for forty minutes.

That's more jabs at poorfags than PC users.

Nintendo fans aren't generally stupid enough to own just 1 platform, like Sonyggers

Then you should stop complaining.

Here, I went ahead and did a little fixing of that.

Whited out games are old and already out on other stuff. Games with red underlines you know are going to either run poorly or in general be a worse experience than on a different system.

>make fun of PC
They are nothing in comparison to sonyggers and their stupid fucking never ever gold face posting.

Who's complaining apart from you, you fuckin' mongoloid?

>splatoon 2 is different from splatoon 1

Use a USB c battery pack.

You're the guy who had to make a post on Sup Forums about how bored he was without electricity for 40 minutes.

Just pull out your phone and dick around like everyone else, Jesus Christ.

You removed everything that isn't made by Nintendo.

>Guys, Nintendo is doomed. They have no third party support!
>So I took out all the the third party support....

Forgot the seasons game. Don't remember the name, but its seasons something.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh, their little minds can't grasp that.

Plug in the usbc power stick of course and keep playing.

Use my USB battery or plug it in. Did that never occur to you?


Except those games are now portable as well, so they are the definitive editions. Except of course if those games were already portable anyways.

Want me to post the PS4 launch titles? Here

>indies and 2nd party weebshit
>third party

Nice try Nintendrone, but 1 2 Switch and ARMS do not count, they are motion control garbage. How much Nintendo dick do you suck on average?

>I refuse to acknowledge the existance of certain games on that list

Play user

>"Nintendo isn't going to survive without third party support!"
>"oh, but indies don't count"
>"and japanese games don't count either"
>"2nd party doesn't count either"

Then what the fuck counts?! No, AAA trash DOES NOT count.

I don't like Zelda. I have no reason to buy the switch on launch because Zelda is it's only game.

On top of that there are people that go no dual audio no buy.

AND Zelda is localized by Treehouse.

Even if I liked Zelda I would not touch anything that Treehouse had a part in.

Good first party games. Nintendo doomed third party support by being underpowered.

I went ahead and crossed out the games that:

>Are available on other consoles

>Don't look like total shit

>Good first party games
That doomed the Wii U. It died because there are not enough Nintendo fans buying first party games to support a Nintendo system anymore. The Wii U proved that third party games are needed.

Except those ports are now portable making them the definitive superior versions, so they count. Its not the same situation as the PS4 or Xbone.



Can't wait to play my big 720p underpowered tablet in public like a fucking idiot, lmaooooooo

>cross out games that don't look like shit
>Splatoon, Mario Oddyssey and Arms look like shit.

I'm usually the only one of my friends to be excited about a Nintendo launch but it's all opposite now.

It hurts to say, but the games coming out on this system look like shite.

Sorry, meant to say look like shit

Why are you so insecure? Do what you want to, man.

But also Arms kinda looks like shit

Giving it the benefit of the doubt here

I posted an image that speaks 100% truth.

How does that make me insecure?

>portable making them the definitive superior

>ports are now portable making them the definitive superior versions
This has to be the saddest thing I've seen a drone type

You're not okay with playing in public, though?

More than Half of these games in TBA and 2017 don't have trailers.

No, I play my games at home. I have a purpose for being in public

And more than half of them are already available to play on different platforms


It's on PS4 too

Sure, but you'd give a fuck if you're on a train or something? You're on a train. Who cares? As long as you aren't whipping out your dick, we're good.

>playing Tetris
>not on the go or toilet

I'd rather read a book while commuting alone than play video games.

The only thing the Switch looks good for is taking dumps at home

You can stream it with vita

I dont like playing games while im using the bus and such, and I dont do anything on the toilet other than what's invented for so im cool with that



I'm pretty partial to books on my phone while commuting, but hey, why not have a choice?

You could also remove Zelda from that "exclusives" list, it's coming to Wii U as well.


Mario Kart 8 deluxe is just MK8 with all of the DLC, right?

And 5 new characters + Battle Modes. No new race tracks though.

I'm not gonna lie, this lineup hurts. I waited for Zelda to be on the switch but there are so many things wrong about the platform, the pricing, the goddamn Wii U 2 looking library...

I may end up buying a fucking ps4. It's cheaper and it does have more games, for fucks sake.

Lying wont make the launch better mr.shill

And more powerfu, kinda sad really.

See, the only thing that bothers me about the ps4 (which I guess would bother me about any platform anyways) is that I came in early enough for it to have cheap games, but late enough for it to have too many games.

Still, when I consider that in my country I can easily grab a PS4 Slim for 200€ + 1 year subscription for 48€ + 132€ for games for the same price as a Switch with Zelda, Nintendo has to be smoking some shit

>this illiteracy
nobody said anything about being bored you stupid cunt

Yeah, it goes beyond "somethin doesnt add up". The switch's new gimmicks are what drive the price up, on top of hating gimmicks this just seals a no-buy for me. You cant avoid it this time either as the motion controls are in the switch pro too which is why thats so pricey. It's like Nintendo realizes that gimmicks are over but are clinging to it so hard by trying to force people to use it.

What they dont realize is that instead of forcing people to like the shit people are being forced off by the overpriced weak hardware right into the arms of the opposing harder manufacturers.

Whacky kid games ololol


Not that guy, but for games where the quality of the graphics won't suffer, the Switch versions will be the best versions.
Sonic Mania
Shovel Knight
Rayman Legends
Minecraft (Console definitive, assuming it has the same updates)

Probably more, too
More intensive games will be up to everyone's discretion though. I'm not playing a game at 30fps on the Switch if it's available at 60fps somewhere else.

What games do people actually want on Switch?

>Mario and Sonic game both coming out holiday season

> Playing platfomers with buttons instead of a dpad.

Unless you fork over $80(?) For a Pro controller or we get a modified joycons I'm not sure you could call it the superior version.

This is the one huge disadvantage, yes. I just hope they come out with a joycon with a D-Pad soon enough. Nice point.

You know what else had a bunch of Portable ports? The Vita, and look how well that went

Why not just get a plastic cover that goes over the buttons to make it like a dpad? It'd be like $35 cheaper than a joycon.

Actually, it'd be $45 cheaper. I forgot they're $50 individually.

Because it'd most likely feel like shit. We need a Wii-U tier D-Pad, but slightly smaller.


Yeah Sony not giving the vita enough support, sabotaging it with proprietary memory cards and letting it die. Yeah just like what's happening to the switch except it's not. Just it's first year line up alone, Mario Odyssey, Zelda BOTW and Splatoon 2 they're pulling all the stops.

MK8 is a port
Zelda is on Wii U
Xenoblade 2 will DEFINITELY get delayed
Pokemon is not confirmed
and Shin Megami Tensei is multiplat based on the SMT UE4 reveal

Here's the list but with actual games and multiplatforms taken out