Nintendo & Megaman

Why do Nintendo treat Megaman so well, and when will Nintendo just buy him up already?

His smash inclusion was perfect and Capcom keep fucking with him.

Because Nintendo actually cares about video games. Capcom is fucking retarded, and they're contempt by selling merchandise of him and turn him into a fucking Ben 10 wannabe.

>what is Samus

A girl that only ever had 1 bad game.

I want a new, good Megaman game. Fuck Mighty No. 9.

>Metroid babbies

>Because Nintendo actually cares about video games
As long as they're not their franchises it seems.

See the post right above yours.

Actually it's just Sakurai who cares about video games. Smash crossovers are a celebration of jap gaming history.

>no megaman RPG series for 3DS
>probably won't be one for the switch either
It hurts.

because MUH SONY

This shit was too funny though.

But for real, MMX is going to be in actual fighting game soon, so there's at least that

>1 bad game

2 now actually.

It's Sakurai that does all this. He just loves video games. Even in his older games, like Kirby Super Star, he has references to Metroid, F-Zero, and even Earthbound. The only reason most people even know about Earthbound is because of him.

this meme needs to die

No. Only 1.

>muh melee

Companies are stingy. the only way Capcom would ever release Megaman is if the company dissolved and with Monster Hunter that is not happening anytime soon.

I'm just going to take this new Bomerman and call it a small victory. Sorry Megs.

new Bomberman won't be good without Hudson, just like the Mario Party games.

Except it's literally made by ex-Hudson employees.

it won't be the same

Says you

What would they even do with mega man?

Games. Good ones.

They can't even make good Star Fox games. They wouldn't make good Mega Man games.

Make new classic platformers?

I wouldn't trust modern Nintendo with Megaman at this point, he was treated well with Smash but that was all Sakurai's doing, and he's not first party.


I'd like to see megaman get bought by wayforward. Nintendo wouldn't do anything good with megaman.

Except Megaman needs precise physics. Wayforward games are way too floaty.