>buy gta V
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>17 days remaining
Buy gta V
>buying games
>>buy gta V
this is on steam. If this was on origin it would be done in a few hours
Left my PC on overnight a couple of times to get it done. Windows kept restarting my PC at 3am. My own stupid settings.
I wish I had a Blu ray to install from.
>buy GTA V on Bluray for PS4
>download 20 GB patch
t. Andromeda
Context on pic?
should have just made the online a stand alone thing
its obvious they want to make a gta mmo of sorts
Poor gibson pretending to be interested in
Golden Globes where Meryl Streep went full libtard when doing her lifetime achievement speech.
>Golden Globes where Meryl Streep went full libtard when doing her lifetime achievement speech.
What exactly was "full libtard" about it?
Or, more accurately, which part of what she said was not true?
Stop it cuck. Fuck off and go to hewillnotdivideusshit
I literally can't even think about this topic right now I'm shaking but I'm going to spend 5 minutes talking about it
>which part of what she said was not true?
the part that triggers the right wing SJW and hurts their fragile fee fees
Hollywood men witnessing a woman letting the world know she is a good person because she cares about stuff, and she wants you to know this because this is how you get by in the entertainment industry. Meanwhile they're just noticing the obvious virtue signaling.
This 8 years will be glorious
It's actually a mashup. The first clip is Warren Beatty being told that Dick Tracy 2 is probably never going to happen
Try 12
don't live in potatoland
Looking forward to growing out of puberty?
I'm personally looking forward into entering it again
>3rd worlders from USA/Australia should be banned from playing games and improve their shit tier technology
I think you need to have a fair degree of mindless fervor for a cause to start rambling about it in a place where it doesn't make sense to bring it up and has no room for discussion or rebuttal.
It was just pathetic, regardless of the subjects or persons she spoke of.
wait a second, is this a "board culture" thread?
Just search "Okada vs Kenny Omega wrestle kingdom 11" shouldn't be too hard to find