Volt nerfed

>Volt nerfed
>Pilot sentry nerfed
>Some of the highest damage weapons have their damage increased even further
>Devotion/Tone still unchanged
Are these devs brain damaged or do are they just saying fuck it and having mandatory weapon loadouts?

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Waiting for the update man chill
They don't want to Nerf them to unusable tier but just enough so that they don't dominate every match

Are you saying its a bad thing volt and pilot sentry are getting nerfed?

Sauce, bitch.

>Volt nerfed
>Pilot sentry nerfed
Thank fucking god.

wow, I bet the 4 people playing this game are pissed

>L-STAR and R-97 buffed

>Volt nerfed
>Pilot sentry nerfed

BASED. Fuck shitters who all use the same faggot loadout, have some fucking originality.

>Volt, nerfed
>Pilot Sentry nerfed
Good, but they should just remove those from the game entirely.

tone is fine now but I'm a little annoyed that they didn't change the devotion because people use it to play like faggots at least on PS4

I'm fine with the rest of the nerfs though and I pretty much only use the volt and eva-8. guess now I'll use another SMG more

it was still OP despite its last nerf

all they need to do now is nerf the devotion and maybe reduce tone's salvo core damage a bit and itll be a mostly balanced game


I only use hemlock and G2. PS4 player I shred lmao

>complaining about the devotion
>a gun you need to stop and aim to shoot
LOL and the tone is garbage now. Slightly better than the northstar

>Northstar is bad
git gud, git fast

Meh... Titanfall on 360 is best!

How alive is this game on PC?
Saw some of the gameplay and good reviews and got interested because I wouldn't mind a mindless FPS with loads of loadouts and good movement.

Getting a bit tired of non stop Siege.

Northstar is only good for going full predator mode with the smoke and target sensor.

Pretty soon we're gonna be playing Killzone 2 with parkour and Reel Steel

If you like attrition you'll always find a game. Titan vs titan is also populated. Amped hard point. Pilot vs pilot. Only thing that's sometimes empty is CTF. I say get it, user. It's a great game


>only thing empty is CTF
It hurts

Population increased over time. Just don't plan on playing ctf. Only issue is people leaving games but I think they're fixing that

Well, I think most people haven't realised there's a second game mode page.

The core community is small but alive and well.
There's 1000 - 1400 players on in my region at any given time.

Just found this on reddit haha

Same thing happened in Titanfall 1 though, CTF was dead constantly maybe 16 players it was fun but pretty stagnant

>damage increase to EPG

>Pilot sentry nerfed
lmao get fucked you stupid shitters

i got volt gen10 and its basically a slighty powerful r97

Patch notes where?

>that tone-tan

we have 25k on ps4

even thats low but uch better than pcuck planet

stop playing on ded platforms m8s

>played for about 21 hours
>still haven't found any reason to use anything but R201 + Thunderbolt + Firestar

>Damage increase on a weapon that can one shot pilots

>FPS on consoles
No thanks.

Splash damage is higher, so now you don't have to be good with the EPG anymore to get kills with it.

thunderbolt is the worst antititan


lol its better than nothing. enjoy ur ded game m8. 2 months tops 2bh

R-97 buffed???

>Cold War
>Double Take
Try out some non hitscan weapons user


As long as you have to play with sticks, that can happen in every FPS.
Shooters are simply not playable in consoles.

I'd rather not play any videogames at all than playing shooters on consoles.

I just bought this. You fuckers better not be memeing me, I can't take another shitty multiplayer game.

I feel like I do plenty of damage with it.
I killed a shitload of titans with that and the firestar.
The lock on rocket launcher is a hassle due to being view blocked, and I feel like I don't do shit with the granade launcher.

It's great, don't worry.

>I'd rather not play any videogames at all
i know pcuck, which is what will happen to tf2 on pc in two months lmao

I knew pcucks hated games 'cause they have no gaemz :^)

Never change.

based reddit


Hope you bought a CD Key and not from Origin.
Got a $23 key instead of the $60 they ask for.


Thunderbolt should be in its own category. Pro-Titan. Fire it through a bunch of titans and the multple hits on multiple titans will fill your own titan meter fast as fuck. Complex is great for this

never change having games and actual communities playing them?


Predator camouflage armor and snipers in a game all about movement and fast paced action


camo after it's first nerf making it disable when shooting was fine but I'm trying to get all the gun banners for fun and sniper rifles just don't suit this game. Atleast they only take 5 kills per level.

>Assists count as Weapon XP
As a half competant shitter I wanted this. Should be able to start leveling weapns at a decent rate now

thunderbolt is good for meter building, laser is good for harassing and damage, grenade launcher does insane damage especially with amped weapons

depends on my load out but I usually use the laser or MGL

Camoshitters and snipers should be executed.
Anti-Pilot sentry's should be removed.

I agree, it's why I don't understand the LMG's or Snipers in this game. Most if not all are pointless for the play style this game demands.

>Alternator, a weapon objectively better than volt left unchanged

The patch is live?

yes it was server sided so its up on consoles as well with no download

user, four shots from Thunderbolt mean a free titan, if you aim it right.

Noice, I'll play a few games.

4k at peak EU times, most people play attrition but I usually play mixtape since you get to play ctf occasionally.

>snipers can't go fast
>snipers are useless against people who are fast
>implying cloak isn't the most visible cloak in the history of video games
Sniper rifles are fine


>Not Archer
I lost faith in that shit when I just see my rocket zip past them and swerve around into a wall. Also the fact almost all titans have some kind of damage blocker that is miraculously always up when you shoot it unless they're fighting someone else.

>People complained about them
How? Volt was meh tier and outdone by multiple weapons and Sentry was countered by camo/mgl or any explosive.

Sentries are fucking indestructible save for melee.

One firestar did 3/4s of their health and MGL destroyed them in like 2 clips. I just never saw them as a serious problem but Smart Pistol users just annoy the shit out of me.

>mfw MVP in more than 50% of my games

I have a feeling the game on purpose matches you with a team full of shitters. It's always me and some other guy vs 2 guys from the other team, while rest of the players are just pure cannon fodder.

>Tone will still be the go to in every single scenario
At least they addressed pilot sentries and volts.

Should have hit devotion and hammerlocks as well though, people don't touch anything but those 3.
>buffing any other weapons
Oh boy, can't wait for even more weapons to have insanely short TTK

I agree.
There's 1-2 "good players" in each teams, and the rest are bots and free meter.

R97 with magazine upgrade is pretty great desu