Why is the hunter/ranger archtype so popular in games?

Why is the hunter/ranger archtype so popular in games?

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Fast games.

Shooting things from far away is better than hitting them from up close. There's a reason swords are no longer used.

In fact devs have to contrive ways for melee to be just as good as ranged or it just dominates.

why is hunter so dead bros? how could based rexxar be worse than fucking priest?


because it's the edgiest after rogue/assassin

Powercreep, other decks are stronger face hunters than face hunters

edgiest archetypes are
>evil wizard / mage
>barbarian / berserker

>barbarian / berserker



Remember when "ranger" was used for a variety of often melee-focused characters (just more in line with nature or having nature-focused abilities compared to ordinary fighters/warriors) instead of just being another term for archer?

Rangers have always been archers first, dual wielders second friend.

1. Shitters love having a pet to carry them
2. Shitters love ranged DPS so they dont have to deal with mechanics
3. Millennials actually think a bow is a cool weapon

You can have a Bro pet

Retards/normies like bows

It's because in Lord of the Rings 'ranger' was about ranging the land and defending it from evil, Aragorn using a sword. But then people just associated it with fighting at range instead because it's got 'range' in there. Pretty silly.

>I don't know what guns are.

I played a hunter because of the original wow cinematic and got him to level 23 before I realized alliance. Though in the end, who really won because both factions are shit now.

Because of this guy

>muh precision
>muh focusing weakpoints
>muh dodging all your melee attacks while using my bow in close quarter combat
It's a fedora thing. That said bow was fun as fuck in Monster Hunter.

aragorn used a 1 handed weapon and then later some magic 2 hander

he had lots of points in slut alchemy, pathfinding, and lore

he used a bow only occasionally

he wore all types of armor

sorry, but Strider is the first modern fantasy ranger, so saying they are originally 'just' bow wielders is not really accurate

Rangers come from DnD, Tolkien is post DnD.
Ranger = Range

no you deserve a You

I'm sure its very meta

This is a true ranger.

Aragorn is a multiclassing fighter.

He was just an archer you losers. Being a Ranger implies you range land it has nothing to do with having to used bows you faggots.

You're wrong autist. Go home now.

Because its fun.

And people who have pets really like the hunter archetype.

I'm more of a dragoon person myself

pic related

Ranged is strong.
Melee is only good if you have insane gap closers to offset the inherit disadvantage of that archetype.


>People denying the entirety of what a ranger is yet I'm the autist.

Okay buddy, heading home now!

*steps out of the shadows*
He kid nice meme
*slices you into little pieces in a split second*
Meme in hell...loser...

>Rangers in the 4th edition of D&D retain their ability to specialize in Archery or Two Weapon Fighting

Assassin is the true gentlemen choice

>Mage is over here opening portals to hell
>Warrior sitting there arm wrestling hill giants and punching craters in walls.
>meanwhile Assassin is just a normal guy who has to use his wits and tools to get the job done.

Nay, the Thief is.
>Assassin sits in a dark corner for hours waiting for someone to turn around
>Thief walks up, has a conversation and walks away with the contents of the person's pockets

When will people realize paladins are the true master race?
>lots of hp
>hammer time
>fight in the name of whatever fucking god you want to
what's not to like?