Why is this considered bad? It goes out with a whimper instead of a bang, has the greatest boss fight of the MGS series and is objectively the most fun.
Why is this considered bad? It goes out with a whimper instead of a bang...
>It goes out with a whimper instead of a bang
I sure wish this stupid quote wasn't so overused.
>part of the game
It's called comprehension, retard.
>Cut scenes were nice
>World felt empty
>shitty intros to every mission
I get that he wanted to show his dick off to konami by forcing his credits but thats just taxing on the player
> has the greatest boss fight of the MGS series
>Why is this considered bad?
because of ending
i still playing it to unlock all additional camos
Posted this in the other thread but in hindsight quiet really didnt add anything good to the game. Some of her cutscenes were pretty cringy and overall she ended up having zero impact on the plot. It was cool having a bikini sniper but it also made the game a lot easier. If I replay I will kill her, you can even do mission 46 without her
>Why is this considered bad?
Because the whole latter half of the game is incomplete trash. The first half was great.
MGSV is a great example of why you should always make sure that the ending to your game is satisfying. The ending is what the players will remember, and if it feels awful, the whole game will feel awful.
>It goes out with a whimper instead of a bang
You know that's a bad thing, right?
Unnecessary convoluted writing instead of 'bad guy has a nuclear weapon, stop him!'
And an unlikable female character.
The game itself is excellent, a shame the open world feels like 'all these bad guys are there just waiting for you to fuck up'
I see chapter 2 as more of an epilogue and FOB post game. The ending was when skullface was kill and DD got their revenge
seems minor, but i'm kinda pissed that the last conversation in the game between Ocelot and Kaz didn't have a cutscene or something. The whole scene was kinda important, given it explains some major events in previous mgs games.
>Why is this considered bad?
Because there is not a single good mission in the game. I never replayed a single mission just because I found it enjoyable/good.
>has the greatest boss fight of the MGS series
I liked the game a lot, my top 3 of 2015 but this is just bullshit
>greatest boss fight
>a fucking gear check
>goes out with a whimper instead of a bang
That's a bad thing you fucking retard. And what boss are you even talking about
>Literally the next mission
>Nothing in between
>Does this twice
Fucking why?
Pretty sure it was to allow the player to do sideops, replay missions, etc without being dropped into an hour long string of missions
to change equipment/buddies
Every single mission is divided up into bite sized chunks that dump you into the AAC when you're done anyways though. It's just that twice for some random reason 'TO BE CONTINUED!!1!' gets plastered on the screen.
You dont have to go to the ACC, you can just leave the area and go into free roam right after most missions
>Why is it bad?
+solid gameplay
+looks nice
-unfinished story
-threadbare story
-empty open world
-copy-pasted missions
-pointless filler missions
-brain-dead retard protagonist who never speaks
-not enough cutscenes
-not enough bosses
-not enough characters
-inconsistent characterization
-fake Big Boss was obvious
-fake Big Boss was uninteresting
>Oh, but you liked when MGS2 did it
Yeah because it wasn't dogshit.
>has the greatest boss fight of the MGS series
It has the most impressive looking boss fight i the series, The problem is it's literally a "shoot it till it dies" fight with no strategy or personality. It looks cool but it's not a good boss fight.