Fucking everyone is playing and talking about overwatch all the time. Is it worth the $$$ or is it just a meme

Fucking everyone is playing and talking about overwatch all the time. Is it worth the $$$ or is it just a meme

it was decent at launch but not anymore

stay far away from this leddit 9gag tumblr meme of a game unless your completely cucked like the rest of dem fucbois

Game doesn't let you select the mode or map you want to play

Only if you play casual.

Competitive, matchmaking and balance are a joke, but if you bring friends it's tons of fun, i'm using it when i get bored of sp games and it's great.

Also, waifus.

It does though, I can start a game with any specific mode or map I want.

It's tons of fun don't let faggots on Sup Forums tell you otherwise. Most here either haven't played it or are butthurt by competitive play.

its how i get the majority of my human interaction. its not a good game so if theres a different popular multiplayer game you can play do that instead.

It's Fun

I had a friend gift me the game and I only played about 4 matches but it's nothing great. Like Team Fortress 2 but with a bigger cast.

Played the beta, it's ok but pretty meh. Wait for a sale.

Competitive is a joke, but otherwise yeah it's pretty fun. Blizzard can't balance for shit and the maps are designed in a way to make competitive the biggest pile of cancer around.

Why not just try it yourself.
The game will be completely free for a week starting in a couple hours.
Dont be a fucking fag, OP.

decent game. shit community

I'm pretty much done playing it now, might pick it up in a few months when I graduate and have some free time on my hands.

Pretty worth your money if you have friends to play with, but it does get pretty boring after a while.

Community is cancer, so either play with friends or ignore everyone in casual.

Competitive is really only fun with friends or with decent players who don't get autistic if you pick someone that isn't "Muh meta"

Its objectivly shit.
If you thought Tf2 was too casual then this is literally phone game tier

It's legit fun
Not worth a massive time investment or autism trying to rank to the master ranks because balance is fucked and meta is boring, but it's a game I play at least 10 hours every week since release.

Its a fun game, don't get the shit community meme.
Maybe its because i play on EU instead of NA lol

No. Paladins is objectively a better game and it's free

Shill off

t: blizzard shill

If you ever wanted a version of TF2 with a bunch of MOBA elements, OW is not a bad choice. Besides that it's a fairly polished game.

I personally enjoy it, although I rarely play more than 7 matches a week.

It's ok. Not really worth the money. It's fun at times but the balancing has gotten too frustrating to deal with. Blizzard thinks making Chinese New Year skins is more important than fucking fixing the broken meta where 3/4 of the cast is literally unusably bad. It was perfect at launch aside from McCree's alt fire being broken as fuck, but if they had just fixed that and NOT TOUCHED anything else the game would be fine. They dicked up the meta too much for it to ever be redeemed.

And don't listen to the shills, Paladins is just an Overwatch clone that looks like shit and is buggy as fuck. Neither are worth your time.

In a wild realm of imagination it's possible that you two disagree without any corporate funding.

It's a meme worth the $$$.

If the game sucks so much how come a lot of people are playing it and the competitive has grown so big?

I was watching a sports channel on TV one time and an Overwatch competitive match was been aired.

Where did you hear that? I can't find shit.

It was half decent during beta at best.

From an objective standpoint, the game should be shit.

Few games modes, with little difference between them, online only, not graphically impressive, etc.

But something about it keeps me coming back. I can't put my finger on it, but I've completely forgone Pokémon, FFXV, Mario maker 3DS, and my entire steam library just to keep playing Overwatch, and I'm not even very good at it. In fact, the only game that took me out of it for a few days was DOOM.

I'm convinced that it's because of the excellent character design and personality of the cast, paired with the (despite what most people say) excellent balance and ongoing support from Blizzard. I rarely get bored of it, even after collecting most of the character skins and sprays I wanted. It's fun, without trying to throw in everything, and the kitchen sink. The mechanics may be shallow, but for the vast majority, they're good mechanics that just work. Sure, there are try hards, but far less than in your COD clones and military Sims, and you can simply chill and have a good time, without worrying about some super meta Loadout bullshit.

Its addictive, and fun. And that's really all that matters. If you like it, great! But if you don't, that doesn't change the fact that millions of other chill as fuck dudes do.

I agree that the game has some balance issues, but I think it's an exaggeration to say that 3/4 of the characters are unusable. It's more like a little less of a 4th of the characters are not optimal, and should generally be avoided in competitive play.

Besides this I think the balance has improved since launch. The distribution curve of hero picks has slowly been mellowing out if you look at the data.

Lol less than 1/4? Found the gold shitter. If you're picking anyone other than Rein, D.Va, Roadhog, 76, Lucio, Zarya or Ana, you're a detriment to your team.

Overwatch is literally, figuratively, metaphorically and objectively the new League of Legends. Prove me wrong.

protip: you can't

I never said that the game sucks. It's very well polished and does have fun moments.

But if you a) don't have at least 2 friends to play with constantly or b) care about competitive ranked play at all, you're just gonna get continuously frustrated by the meta and by how ult-oriented the game is.

A leak from the chinese website or some shit, just wait for the event to go live at 7 cest and you'll see

Platinum actually, although I guess for you that's abominably bad.

You're right that all of those heroes are solid picks, and you'll find them dominant in upper ranks, but for most players the majority of heroes can and will be picked.

Even in upper level play we do see successful use of heroes like Zenyatta, that became useful after being buffed.

So for OPs question, I would argue that for most players Overwatch is a decently balanced game, and it's slowly becoming more balanced with time.

Go for it if you are underage normalfag.

I've played the game for several hundreds of hours and I still find it really fun experience.
Especially with how much they patch the game, with it being so popular, blizzard won't be abandoning it for a long time
It's a fun game for solo and even more so with friends.

>or is it just a meme
what does that even mean?

It's coming soon.

>Especially with how much they patch the game
once every three months without truly addressing the balance issues?

It's a fun casual game. Just don't get into the competitive scene and you'll enjoy it.

ez tf2 with moba shit and waifus

>Not worth a massive time investment or autism trying to rank to the master ranks because balance is fucked and meta is boring, but it's a game I play at least 10 hours every week since release.
I'm grabbing this hook so no one else does

I got bored of it and the stale meta. Ranked Master so I'm not a total shitter.

Ultimates lower the skill ceiling

>don't get into the competetive scene

Then why even buy it?

That's the only fun part about the game.

Its not called the new League of Legends

It's a meme game, no doubt, but it's a fun one.

Competitive balance should be better when the new batch of nerfs go live. Ana and D.Va will be a little less insane, and Roadhog is no longer a reality-bending warlock.

I got my money's worth.
But I hate it and it's developers.

>Only if you play casual.
There is no way to play it "casual". It's build around a competitive frame.

you are asking the wrong place user. Sup Forums isnt for vidya its for shitposting. play it on the next free weekend that is without a doubt coming soon and decide for yourself

Nice generalizations fucknugget.
Your whole family is retarded.

When the fuck is the event starting?

It is very lacking in content. Even if you play for just collecting skins or whatever. I guess it will last longer if you like jerking it to an arbitrary competitive number.

It's a meme game full of anti-fun bullshit. It's only popular because Blizzard shilled it so hard and poured money into it, in reality they had no idea how to create a decent FPS.
Play Paladins, it's a better team shooter if you can stomach the worse visuals

There is so much wrong in this tiny post...
You let a friend pay you for the game, you played a few matches and haven't even seen half of the game and think you can make a judgment. And TF2 is good and had longevity, this pos does not.

>Someone spend so much time being so much wrong

It's okay with friends. Pretty shitty otherwise.

What you mean to say is it's a great pass time and time sink with no real goal or endpoint.

Plus it's populated.

autistic tf2 butthurt

It's mediocre. Fun with friends but so's anything.

It's worth it but be warned. Competitive is super competitive and has turned me into a raging asshole. I fucking love/hate this game. Finding a group of people to play with too makes the game so much better.

Listen to Sup Forums, child, it is ALWAYS right. Overwatch is the memeiest, shittiest, most awful game to ever exist. Worse than Sonic 2006, worse than the entirety of Final Fantasy, worse than Marvel vs Capcom 2, worse than Nintendo's entire 100+ years of history. All it is is a ripoff of Splatoon with waifus and furries and homosex. Never ever even look at anything about this "game" and go play an amazingly awesome game like The Last Guardian or Sonic Boom.

It was worth it before they add Ana and the game completely revolves around her and Tanks. Even after the nerfs D.Va is receiving Tanks are still going to rule this game. If you want it get it during a sale, don't pay the full $40.

Just like every fucking ActiBlizzard game ever.

Any game that is extremely popular like Overwatch or Uncharted 4, is terrible.

>an amazingly awesome game like The Last Guardian

Thats where you messed up.

Youre a fucking idiot and that graph is outdated as fuck

I think it's really fun and the only complaint I have is that ultimates should reset upon death

>dissing TLG

Fight me, bitch.

ive gotten this game as a gift.im having a lot of fun with it but wouldnt give real money for it.

McCree's alt fire damage wasn't the issue, it was the fact that rolling and doing it again allowed him to do 840 damage in the blink of an eye against tanks. Reloading on roll is the culprit.


Find new friends

it's fun but it's starting to fall into the "Blizzard purposely unbalances the game for the newbies" trend.

Symmetra wasn't bad, if they wanted to buff her they only needed to give her a slight damage boost on her charge attacks or something. A small change would have been tipped the scales just enough.

Instead they upgraded her massively and gave her a Reinhardt shield and 2 ults.

They should focus more on new maps and new win conditions so it's not all base capture and escort the payload...

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present the neo/v/ attitude, where quality doesnt matter!

Fucking underage hipsters


Ah yes, the game that people only knew because it was in development hell, and people stopped talking about when it had it's release date announced, and then it came out and people forgot it existed a week afterwards.

Sym needed those buffs. She's actually fairly balanced now. THe only glaring issue with the meta right now is how strong tanks are versus literally everything else. 3/2/1 is killing the game

mediocre game that wouldn't be nearly as successful if it was made by any other company

league is like #1 game literally right? though some weird mobile game probably has it beat


Popular games can be praised in Sup Forums, but only if they are NOT the latest entry of their respective franchise.
In fact, the entries that came just before are the most praised ones, like GTA 4 or MGS4, no matter the fact that they are terrible games.
For the contrarians, don't even bother, you won't change my opinion.

>this cognitive dissonance

you're just bad at the game m8, myself and plenty others were Symmetra mains before the complete re-tooling. Now she just feels broken and sloppy.

>complaining that tanks are strong

they're supposed to be strong they're fucking TANKS literally the capstone of the team.

>build around a competitive frame




the whole fucking game and mechanics are shallow and casualized shit

I think you replied to the wrong post, m8.

It's a fun meme but also this Competitive is total cancer. Quickplay is frustrating because it's full of shitty Hanzo and widow mains who can't hack it in ranked ruining most games.

They've talked about adding a custom game server browser. That would help a lot. Wait off buying it untill they actually do it and you see it's working well.

Overwatch did what no game has done before though and knocked league off the #1 spot for a small time frame. Turns out free still beats $40.

>they gave her a Reinhardt shield

This isn't bad, more characters need to be able to protect their team. As it stands right now you have a 6 man team in a 23 character cast and Reinhardt will ALWAYS be on any decent team because he offers something no other character can. This type of design is fucking awful and Lucio suffers from it as well.

you will regret it

Got bored pretty quickly. Nothing to unlock or earn other than limited time cosmetics that work to create a "haves and have-nots" feeling because they want nothing but every penny they can squeeze from this stone. They have no idea how to properly balance and often wield a sledgehammer rather than a scalple and will either make characters utterly montsrous when trying to lightly buff them, or destroy a character into oblivion because they needed a mild nerf. Got really tired of the constant over the top rebalancing and repitivie nature and quit months ago.

He's not talking about the difficulty, he's talking about the fact that it's built around winning every match, there's no ''comfy mode'' or whatever.

Why are you asking Sup Forums's opinion about a popular game?
Sup Forums has nothing of value to say about anything, there's no valuable input or feedback that you can get from this place.
Make ebin twitter threads, complain about SJWs, make thread about le ayy lmao illuminati brothers, JAV and milf threads.
That's it.

I think the game's great. I don't give a shit about esports or any autistic balancing/meta/whatever bullshit.

I just like to have a good time online with friends and Overwatch is the most fun I've had with an online shooter since BFBC2.

It's just fun.

that is not what competitive gaming means. take your "fact" and fuck off


Right now you have people trying to find reasons to shit on RE7 just because it's a new game.
Hell, there's some retards unironically defending Resident Evil 5 and 6.

Yeah another speed booster would be good.

>using the "fun" meme

People who do anything for "fun" need to die.

Don't get me wrong, RE6 was a shit, but some of the in-game non scripted cinematic moments had me in awe for a moment when I realized it wasn't a scripted cutscene. The first time an enemy bashed me over the back of the head on
in a fight, I stopped playing for a moment, because I was watching the "cut scene", and almost died before I realized it wasn't scripted.

Too bad that was the only fun I had in the whole game, it could've been an amazing, innovative mechanic to abuse.

Yep, Sup Forums just hates Overwatch because they're hipsters and want to be contrarian, it's not like the game has fundamental problems that kill any fun you can have with it.
Let me know when Roadhog can't hook and one hit kill almost any hero and maybe I won't consider Overwatch to be a joke of a game

>still bitching about how Hog is designed

Stay out of range and fill him full of lead, roasted pork. He can only do any decent damage at two very specific distances, stay out of those and you're fine.


vast majority of this game's success is thanks to blizzard brand and marketing