Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe he meant on the PS4 Pro? "4k"
"max settings"
>shilling your own posts on Sup Forums
FUck off
>shilling a shill
Shill off
Please end my misery.
>garbage taste
reminder that these failures are the one calling your favorite game shit daily
>cd key sites have it for literally half price
>462 reviews are key activations
makes you think
>ad hominem
>when a guy furry is responsible for the redpill
Not really surprised, look at how crapcom fans shill SFV already. The deense force proves everyday, right there, they don't own the games and just want the honour of their "important company" to stay pure and immaculate
Jesus fucking christ, garbage taste.
This tbqh.
Furries should be shot on sight.
I can't find a cd key site selling it for 24,995€ so I doubt it's "literally"
I hope you realise we're in an anonimous image board called Sup Forums and I couldn't care less about your logical falacies you furry faggot
I suppose that sounded much wittier in your head.
I dont care about RE7 but how do people like this even look at themselves in the mirror without feeling shame?
holy cringe at those playtimes
I was just saying if you know a website selling it for 25€ please link
Fuckng shill kys
Honestly, the game looks quite fun. Seems to recapture the feel of the old school (pre RE4) games in first person.
Never touching this shit until CPY cracks it.
>tfw you accidentally post using your fursonaccount
He probably has the game on his cs:go account.
What part of "daily" did you not get? This has nothing to do with RE7
kys furry
>Fps drops
I get constant 150+ on max settings. Upgrade your toaster.
Anyway I refunded it because it was boring but I never liked RE games anyway
If you can't afford RE7 then you probably have much more important things to be worrying about. Games are cheaper than they've ever been.
lmao op, thats pathetic
Some games have costed 49€ for a long time
>Furry with a toaster due to wasting money on furshit
>Complains that his toaster can't run a modern game at a decent frame rate
I love posts like these.
>Posting in any Steam community hub
You are literally the worst cancer in gaming. Even Youtube comments are better than the filth that gets spammed on Steam.
That all being said, the game honestly looks boring as fuck without VR, and it uses Denuvo, so it's a no buy from me regardless.
Fun fact: OP tried to delete his thread just now
This man at least plays games, that's already better than half of the faggots here
If there's a cheaper alternative you'd have to be hadicapped to buy the more expensive one
>you don't have this game in your library
>has the symbol next to his name that shows that he does have the game in his library
Why are furries so dumb?
You people don't realise this was OP's goal all along. Why would he not blur his name so no one could find him? Or make everything black?
Everyone can see what you are doing.
You wont find sheep here. This isn't facebook.
You can samefag all you want, it still wont change the fact that it takes more than name-calling to get a 4channer to back down. If the point is valid, It stands.
Come back with an argument.
t. op
There are no shills on Sup Forums.
By the way, does anybody know where I can get a good deal on Nintendo™ Switch™? I'm really interested in playing games like Bethesda™'s The Elder Scrolls V™: Skyrim™ and I want to pick up a few extra Joy-Con™ Controllers.
>the state of OP
> Sup Forums
> arguing
Man you're really taking this annonimous "discussion" seriously you fucking faggot haha. Also I'm a black sheep man!
Then why the fuck is he lurking the Steam forums for it?
>Fallout 4
>448 hours
>search nintony
>memey twitter
>youtube channel with undertale memes
Because you could get his name by searching the steam forums anyway.
Kill yourself, retarded furryshit.
>this is the kind of people who browse Sup Forums nowadays
OP I need source on that avatar of yours.
But he has that game, look at mouse icon.
Furries are dumb creatures
But due to inflation 50 euros is a lot less now than it used to be. 60 now is still less than 50 in 2000
funny enough that tf2 is now a furry/brony wasteland. Skyrim has been shit from the beginning, but people here think its even remotely good as a game are just scum. Modding it doesnt even fix how awful the game is.
majority of these current day Sup Forums goers are furries, closet homos, cucks, hillary and bernie supporters, like anita sarkesian, hate gamergate, in highschool, from tumblr/reddit, and they think they represent Sup Forums.
which is funny cause i didnt think Sup Forums was full of salty emotional crybabies who watch internet losers play games cause they are too shitty to play games themselves.
but times have changed
You tell them, Paul
but he does have it in his library you dumb furfag shit
Uhh, OP are you ok?
>op getting BTFO in the steam thread too
how pathetic op
>Wasting more than 200 hours in a single game
look at my gahbage taste Sup Forums
Link pls
>majority of these current day Sup Forums goers are furries, closet homos, cucks, hillary and bernie supporters, like anita sarkesian, hate gamergate, in highschool, from tumblr/reddit, and they think they represent Sup Forums.
Are you guys incapable of being self aware or something? That is clearly not the fucking case if every board shit's on those people, me thinks you're just a 13 year old who's trying his best to fit in on a scandanavian basket weaving forum.
>You don't even have the game in your library
Damn. Called the fuck out.
>someone still hasn't screencapped this thread and posted it to that discussion
OP truly is a faggot.
that 2nd guy clearly has the game because of the mouse next to his name
>furfag avatar
Immediately in the wrong, no questions about it.
>No Skyrim
>No Fallout 4
You've got much better taste than most of neo-Sup Forums
OP made his profile private after being BTFO'd.
My fucking sides.
If you don't like shills how about you start with Youtube and E-Celeb shills first
They shill their shitty content not daily, but HOURLY
He's not smart enough to use video blocker
30 positive
2 mixed
28 Negative
Most of the negatives are 4-5 range
Most of the positives are perfect 10s
>she has played at least 304 days worth of just those sex games
>made his profile private after this
>calls this site "cuckchan" in the thread
Cannot make this shit up.
This is the type of faggot I picture whenever somebody perpetuates the "Sup Forums hates video games" rhetoric that kills this board a little more every day.
>be me
>be 16
>receive PS1 for xmas
>buy the so called Official and pricey Playstation Magazines
>good reviews left and right
>buy the games that were within my range of multiple tastes
>Cousin hands me Crash games cause they were good with 10/10 reviews
>they were indeed shit
>buy Metal Gear Limited Edition box as the demo was in english
>See Eidos something in the back
>dead god no,just no
>it's entirely translated in italian
>turn voice volume down
>read magazine review of it "translation job is 10/10 it perfectly captured the voice acting of the original game"
>buy Gameshark with the mod tool as I didn't want to mess with the hardware by myself
>purchase both pirated japanese and american games
>thumbs up
>trash the official magazines
>Driver is around
>at that time I was buying only PSM and other magazine with codes and guides
>PSM says Driver is good
>fetch it
>artificial difficulty everywhere
>joypad goes up close and personal against the wall
>ef game journalism
>go pirate and then if it is worth purchase
>no bandwidth to waste?
>watch in game videos
>do not appeal to me?
>talk shit about or straightly ignore them
Really stop caring about media,it's like italian politics shady,greedy and full of incompetence
>RPG maker vx
tell me about your game user
>and here we have your average shitposter
really makes the ballsack bobble
>OP btfo so hard he has to backpedal to the steam fourms to spout buzzwords
Holy kek
Holy fuck shills have no shame
that profile pick
>personal army resignation letter inc
yiff in hell pedo
>reminder that these failures are the one calling your favorite game shit daily
It's not them it's me. My taste is good yours is shit.
>someone actually went to the steam thread and not only namedropped Sup Forums but also unironically used cuck
Both of these people are faggots of the worst degree. Sup Forums has some of the least self-awareness of any board.
but nathaniel has it in his library????
is this the level of delusion that only furfag pedos have?
i posted this shit from my phone
it appeared in the Steam discussion section
leave the furfag alone, desu
>This is the face of every shitposter on Sup Forums
I hate furries so much.
>it takes more than name-calling to get a 4channer to back down
>a 4channer
What the fuck is a 4channer? When has anyone ever used that term?
leav furi alone
>Yeah I'm Sup Forums! We're so 1337 dudes, right? Cuck autist, am I fitting in? I'm one of you guys lol! Yeah btfod!
Every time I get in the mindset that most shitposters are just joking around and having fun, one of them reveals they are in fact retards with shit taste.
>your average shit poster is a furfag that's played 5000 hours of tf2
Top fucking cringe
Pre-gamergate Sup Forums was actually sorta liberal and mostly console warred like it does now
Sup Forums and the internet in general just keep getting more and more fractured
the president election and before that really did a toll on Sup Forums as a whole
>this is what Sup Forums is now
reddit uses it
what game
Listen here you furry faggot, this is not an intellectual debate. This is some random jackass giving an opinion about a game, and as such the kind of faggot he is absolutely matters in this case. I'm not going to take my game advice from someone with a cropped porn avatar that likes to watch animals hump.
Is there anything as divisive as intersectionality, I wonder?