Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? All firmware is hackable now for free. There really is no excuse this time. 3ds.guide
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? All firmware is hackable now for free. There really is no excuse this time. 3ds...
literally no games
now fuck off
I have and it definitely beats emulating SNES and DS games on my computer or phone.
Wrong question. The question you should be asking is why haven't you married midoriko, you triple nigger?
Did it recently. Now enjoying both version of FE undubbed and uncensored. Thanks 3DS user.
I dont wanna be banned
Dont have the resistance to not download games early
just don't play them online early
I have a 3DS Gateway. This thing has served me for years and I see no point in migrating away from it at this time.
I already did and it's downloading more body's.
shit taste is not an excuse bro
Damn autocorrect and it fucked the pic's angle.
>download yoshit's wolly world
>get banned because i downloaded it too early
>got banned for a shitty yarn game
>my cyndaquil face when
I'll hack it when free shop gets more japanese games and dlc on it reeeeeee
Just kidding I already hacked it
I still want more japanese games though
I bought smash digitally and some of its DLC, but freeshop won't give the option to download DLC, do I have to delete the few DLC that I have for the game so it gives me the option to download it all?
>Having a hacked console connected to the internet ever, but especially when playing a game you're not even supposed to have yet
>Downloading a game early even though people always get banned for that shit
>Nobody to blame but yourself
Anyone else enjoy hacking it more than actually playing the thing? I had fun with Pokemon and that's about it.
Even the latest fw? Should I just update to the latest befor hacking? Im at 7.xxx fw
>having a nnid on a hacked console
Can I emulate snes and gba games in an old 3ds xl or are the emulators shit?
Woah woah I'm not supposed to have one? If it had one before I started the guide, and was successful at hacking it, is it still there? The guide never mentioned anything about the NNID
keking hard
you really don't know anything about this, do you?
No, which is why I'm asking.
Can you record video on a hacked 3ds
hope you didn't download anything via freeshop
you can stream to pc on n3ds
you can use a controller too
>>download yoshit's wolly world
>>get banned because i downloaded it too early
>>got banned for a shitty yarn game
>>my cyndaquil face when
I am playing it too. Its quite impossible to get banned if you install it via FBI and import the seed.
Since there are now a bunch of user with hacked 3DSs with free games do you think Sup Forums should bring back swapnote or MK7 threads so we can all play together?...
asking for a friend
what can I delete to make room?
Just bought a New3DS with the mario land plates. Glad I did. Started picking up cheap older ones and modding them to resell.
I downloaded 7 yesterday, but I need to unlock everything
Do I need a sd card reader on my PC to do this?
If yes, then that's too much effort.
Buy a bigger card m8
Also why are the downloads from freeshop so fucking slow? Does nintendo cheap out on EVERYTHING? No charger included with new 3ds's....
after you install a CIA you can delete it
don't need safehax.bin,SAFEA9LHInstaller,arm9,arm11, or screenshots.bin either
>You can remove any extra files and folders from the root of the SD card that are not in the following list:
>+ 3ds
>+ files9
>+ hblauncherloader
>+ luma
>+ Nintendo 3DS
>+ arm9loaderhax.bin
>+ boot.3dsx
Delete cia files after installing them as well. Or you know, choose 'Install & Delete cia' like a normal person.
I hate all of you stupid fuckers so goddamn much for asking these retarded questions all the time.
You have multiple options.
New 3DS has a built in wireless file transfer for microSD management, but it doesn't work with all PCs for some reason.
If you lack a USB SD card reader or an SD card port on your PC itself, you could also use a mobile phone or digital camera, and a USB connection to that device to manage the SD card.
>If you lack a USB SD card reader or an SD card port on your PC itself, you could also use a mobile phone or digital camera, and a USB connection to that device to manage the SD card.
I have a Nexus 6p without sd card slot, so I'm out of luck I guess.
Ah. I have an old one
FYI, SNES9x for Old 3DS recently updated to include SA1 support.
This means New3DS users can now enjoy Kirby Super Star, and Super Mario RPG on their 3DS at almost full speed, he's still working on improving performance.
Old3DS systems can't quite manage full speed yet.
Luma3DS users need to make sure that overclocking is enabled if they aren't seeing 60FPS on the CIA version.
At least they are better than "hey guys after 5 hours I managed to install the homebrew menu where da vidya at" fags
Because I don't know how. Besides, I only play pokemon on it.
Just get a SD card reader at some point then, or microSD whichever it is you need.
Add it onto an Amazon order, find it in a super market, they're not hard to come by.
Sounds more like you are out of fucking money, bro. Who can't afford an SD card reader for ~5 bucks?
How can i watch video on my 3ds?
Yeah, I guess.
I just want undubbed fire emblem, the only reason I didn't finish it yet is because of the voices desu.
I'd have to get it on amazon, and it would come on Thursday, and at that point, I'd forget about it and it's just a tough situation to be in you know.
Are there any restrictions? Can you play DS games? Anything I need to know?
If you believe those are real for even one second...
Yeah. I feel you, man. Thursday's are rough, man. Ey, fuck Tuesdays though for real.
>All these 3ds hack threads finally get to me
>Call a friends asking if he could hack it for me cause I suck at this
>He said sure and comes by my house to get it
>Gave him the 3ds and went to sleep
>Next morning I realised that I had about 10 tabs of porn open in my browser cause the 3ds doesn't fuckin close the tabs when you shut it off
>Call him right away to bring it back because I forgot to buy time in the Pokebank
>He comes over and I clear the entire browsing history
>Procedes to hack it over at my place
Dogded a pretty big bullet. Any games that you guys can recommend?
Tuesday's are terrible. The fact that new games now tend to come out on Tuesday makes it even worse.
You should play Radiant Historia for DS.
Not really, once you hack your 3DS you can install anything you like to the home menu and Nintendo can't detect that you're playing an illegitimate installation.
You can do custom themes, custom badges, modified games too.
For example, the international release of Dragon Quest VIII does not use the orchestrated soundtrack, unlike the Japanese release. There are modified versions available which restore the orchestrated soundtrack.
The 3DS will also become region free, allowing you to play most out of region games without complication.
DS games can be run from the SD card, but it's not worth it yet. The loading times are absurdly long and compatibility is lower. If you want DS games, get yourself a cheap DS flashcart from a site like www.nds-card.com. Those guys are reputable, they sponsor GBATemp.
Hacking a 3DS even means that flashcarts that were previously blocked will be unblocked.
The only real way you'd get your 3DS banned is if you started playing leaked games online WAY too early before launch, or used cheats in online games.
None of the women in Fates are worthy of being waifu'd. Unless they're Charlotte, but that keeps you from getting all of the children.
Use the fan translation
>don't wanna be banned
Why? Just unban yourself.
Have you tried Russian Roulette?
>Buy a 64gb SD card
>Fill it up within an hour
I should have gone 128gb.
You cannot use microSD management while installing homebrew.
Yeah dude I always win that shit
>Use the fan translation
Is at best 50% completed user
Because I'm already married to Nyx, faggot.
I thought a 100% complete version came out?
doesn't it have every single one that's on the real eshop?
or are you talking about games that can only be bought offline?
'cus you ain't gonna get those games on the freeshop ever
Wait, I think I'm thinking of the restoration project?
Thanks. I didn't even know hacks are this good now.
>cheap DS flashcart
I have the really old ones... Do they still work?
How does freeshop work? I always used An fbi thing in health and safety.
How do you even check/see if you've been banned?
>no pet head minigame
better just play it fully censored user
hell pay for the damn thing
>I hate you fucking nigger faggots for making me voluntarily spoonfeed you
i'm not a poorfag and i don't play weeb trash.
How old are we talking? Stuff like R4DS, DSTT, M3?
Because yes, you can even get those to work on the 3DS now.
They won't launch directly from the Home Menu due to how they weren't ever DSi compatible, instead you need to use a Slot-1 DS mode launcher homebrew.
Knowing Nintendo you probably have to fax them and they'll send you a letter after 3 weeks telling you if you are.
open your friends list or try going into the eshop
Just open the Friends List on the home menu, or try to go into the eShop. You should get a message saying online services have been restricted on this system or something to that effect.
Open your friends list while connected to the internet.
If it says "you're banned", you're banned. If it says "online", you're not banned.
Fuck, I'm doing it lads.
Can't do this right now. The autism itt is killing me. Y'all some cringe ass motherfuckers, you know that right?
Is it easier now? I hacked mine over a month ago and it was hard as shit.
I have two spare 3DSs here I want to hack though.
Yeah... just don't go into the eShop anymore after hacking. Just don't.
I have one for my DSi probably R4. I need to use that launcher and it will run fine?
After being banned, at least.
>Nintendo unceremoniously deletes all of the content I've actually bought, all my saves are lost, because I accidentally went into the eShop
>hacked 3DS
>played SMT4A
>played Soul Hackers
>played FE:A
>dropeed fates trash
>played Yokai
>played Ace Attorney
>played BD/BS
And now it's gathering dust.
Play Gunvolt
No it's missing a large amount of stuff off of the japanese e-shop, the fire emblem if DLC for example.
If it actually boots on your DSi it will probably boot on your 3DS without that special launcher.
You might not need to run a CFW to do that, but you might, I dunno. Depends if your flashcart got continued support past the point that Nintendo gave up on blocking DS mode flashcarts, which I think was around firmware 7.0.
pretty much.
You just download games and that's all. No one can bun you unless you're degenerate who use online for non released games or didn't unlock all regions in SDK mode
Just hit up 3dsiso
It's worth the time in the end lads
I hate all of those games, I don't why but the vita has kept me more busy than anything.
The weeb games aren't bad, I'm not maximum weeb or anything, I just play digimon and persona and some indie games.
I do plan on getting others.
You fags owe me a new 3ds.
>or didn't unlock all regions in SDK mode
Whats this about? I can seemingly play games in all regions anyway with Luma
>not playing professor layton x ace attorney
>no project x zone 2
>no monster hunter 4
>didn't play the Legend of Zelda remakes, Star fox 64 3D or Link between worlds
>didn't even play pokemon super mystery dungeon, ace combat, kingdom hearts, resident evil revelations or kid icarus
>using emulators instead of VC injects
He's trolling you *cough *cough
Rune factory 4, nigga.
Swapnote has been replaced by the inferior Swapdoodle. What I really want is a .cia format inject of all the paid brushes and effects in Swapdoodle.
I think you can get all the DLC for Swapdoodle from freeShop, and someone could easily dump that to CIA.