ITT: Franchise destroying moves

ITT: Franchise destroying moves

Let's get the most obvious and most egregious example out of the way.

Other urls found in this thread:

What? Disgaea was already destroyed because it sold like shit on PS4.

I don't see a problem. They did the same with Disgaea DS.

They had said when it came out that Disgaea 5 wouldn't work in the Vita without a downgrade, so this move makes sense.

But to be real here, Disgaea died when most of the talent behind it jumped ship to Compile Heart after the scandal involving their pay. I highly doubt we'll see another game in the series, and if we do, I doubt even more that it'll be any good.

>Lack of exclusiveness ruins a franchise

>most of the talent behind Disgaea goes to Compile Heart
>they make shit games one after another

>original Disgaea was already ported to the DS
>Disgaea is on Steam
Shit hasn't been
>Muh Exclusibs
For a while

The last trial.
RIP in peace.

I thought this wasn't gonna exist because the vita could barely run Disgaea 4. Now i feel dumb for buying on PS4.

At least i didn't pay for any dlc.

the ps4 game sole like shit, the switch will probably save NIS simply because it will achieve handheld sales level.

>releasing a port on a new console
what the problem exactly?
it sold ok, just was dumb to release same day as bloodborn
those guys who left made mediocre game, D5 which was made without them mostly came out better than DD2. Also Coven was great.
Stop parroting shit your read from bad translation of 2ch threads.

>Dont release on Vita because they would have to downgrade it
>downgrade it anyways and release it on Switch

Really makes me think

>downgrade it
it's been said already in interviews that absolutely nothing was downgraded

>NIS literally says nothing had to be downgrades
>and if they did going from 1080p to 780p portable instead of to 544p on Vita

it's 1080p for tv mode.

>beg for portable disgaea 5
>get it

I legitimately cannot fathom where this shitposting rumor even came from. All information seems to point towards it being a pretty direct port with no loss in quality.
>LMAO 30FPS 540P
Where? Where is your source other than word of mouth?

>i-it's a downgrade guys

No, you just want to shitpost because MUH CONSOLE WARS.

NIS staying PS only would destroy them. That's actually a smart move, falcom and many others should do the same if anything.

Making a port killed the franchise?

How did you not predict this port? They always like to make handheld ports. And Sony aren't making another handheld.

so because of Disgaea getting switch release we'll have regular shitposting threads now?
We all here for flatness, let's not shitpost
they never were PS only tho.

>fans petition against the game saying "please - don't put this game out, nobody is going to buy it, we don't want you to waste money"
>they release it anyways
>4,000 sales in the first week
>60,000 in the first year
>89,000 people disliked the Federation Force trailer
>1,400,000 people watched it

Including the Switch logo or even mentioning it in the OP is what's attracting shitposters. This particular OP also made it more obvious with the ITT.

Threads that have been made without it have mostly worked like regular Disgaea threads.

Not even close, OP.

>We all here for flatness
Speak for yourself.



but regular Disgaea threads are rare, so you usually get attracted to any Harada's artwork in catalogue
>class which no one uses
how those cowtits work out for ya

t. Kodaka

5's story is utter fucking shit though. I'd say it's even worse than 3's

Sup Forums and digital foundry are trying too hard to say the switch is underpowered but it's actually pretty close to ps4, which means a lot for a portable
the most demanding multiplats just have small downgrades like shorter draw distance and less post processing effects

Being released on the Switch is an insult to anyone with common sense. Literally the worst console they could have ported it to. This way everyone loses.

I just wanted it to be good user. I never asked for this.

You have an unhealthy repressed sexual attraction to your mother.
Seek help.

>Sword has a ruler to measure the monster dick she's taking daily

Typical Elf.

The series never stood a chance

>This way everyone loses.
I won't, gonna buy it and play the shit out of it.

u mad? Of course you are faggot XD

>class which no one uses
They are missing out. She got real good after the first game.

I liked Starfox Adventures as a standalone Action Adventure game. Didn't really make much sense as a Starfox game though.

the Disgaea teams that went to Compile Heart are the ones improving Nep gameplay and remaking stuff like Fairy Fencer and improving the gameplay

They're mad that the Vita has less worth now.

>vita already cucked by 3ds
>switch comes and delivers the final blow

WarioWare ruined Wario as a character and his games.

You better get used to it there's where all the weeb games are going.

They aren't doing a good job.


>mfw digimon jumps the the ps4/vita wagon and joins Master Switch

describe how

It sold 171k copies worldwide. The series as of 2011 has only sold 1.7m. That is counting all the releases of the games over the years. It sold fine for a niche game.

To this day I occasionally start up Chibi-robo just to walk around and feel how cozy it is...

>begging not to release a game
metroid babbies everyone xD

Her evility allows her elemental resistances to be added to her spell damage, making them stronger. So if you get all those up to 99 then not only can she laugh off those attacks but she can do hurt more with those elements too. They even further improved her in 5 by giving her elemental versions of the normal sword skills too so she can use them now.

To be honest Disgaea went downhill with the second game.
The 4th was ok but 5 only refined the gameplay and made everything else shit.

There are like 10 other SRPGs I'd rather play or replay over playing another Disgaea game if the current trend continues.

Post them, I'm curious.

>Visuals improved
>Class variety improved
>Music debateable
>Gameplay on the whole improved
>Only serious downgrade was story
Nah fuck you.

She was the OP class in D2 thanks to that evility and being able to lower enemy resistances.
I believe she might be partly responsible for magic getting nerfed in the original release of D3. Thankfully it went back to normal, sorta, in D4 and the Vita port of 3 added Tera magic back in.

Stat modifiers are fine. They're great even. Wonderful.
Stat-growth modifiers however, are nothing but a huge mistake. Absolutely terrible. The worst thing the series could have added.

>refined the gameplay

Sounds good to me.

considering it's ona 50m system install base,and that it's the 5th iteration of the serie, that was advertised heavily during the PS4 launch window, it's not. This would be ok for a wiiU game but that's it.

okay, I may try her soon then
but only for you, anons.

people constantly bitch about story quality but can't settle on what is good or bad aside of first game, too much taste arguing story and characters wise

>Post them, I'm curious.

Tactics Ogre: LUCT
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
Fallout Tactics
Jeanne d'Arc
Advance Wars DoR
Valkyria Chronicles
Front Mission 3
Front Mission 5
Jagged Alliance 2

Visuals improved and refined gameplay is all 5 did.
Do note that the levels themselves however were pretty fucking boring.

They want it on vita, or a new sony handheld


prism rangers in D1 were great
kinda became worse as time gone on

I said refined, but the real problem is that it's just rehashed. Meaning if you've followed the series it quickly becomes stale. You're just going through the exact same motions.


The wombo combo of franchise killers

I had to drop it because it was trash.

>confirmed to run the same as ps4 version even in portable mode
>this is bad

vita is dead user