filename thread
Filename thread
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>tfw i'm brazilian and this will never not make me laugh
Footballfags deserve to suffer
I can't even see this with looking at the clones at the end
>Dragon Quest Threads
is he kill?
no just disable
I love when gopro faggots get what they deserve.
>find out that this is out of context
Good one
He makes it to the water, suffered nothing but a minor cut from this jump. Didn't learn his lesson though and about a week later he jumped off the roof of a hotel and missed the pool and exploded his feet.
I swear i found and downloaded it before but its disappeared from my porn folder
please tell me there's a full video
coziest dungeon. Help yetis make soup.
Is this real?
fuck, what was the story behind this again? Jon swearing?
I think it's an internet edit of a Garfield comic full of swearing and Jon threatening to rape Garfield or something, it was either lazily taken off Google (hence the Tali joke I guess because they used a stock photo for her) or intentionally put in to be cheeky.
wats the context
I don't get it
They took an edit from the internet where Jon says.hes gonna rape Garfield and swears a bunch and put it in the cartoon
Whats goin' on here i'm so confused
jesus christ the webm goes on and on, get fucked soccer weenies
SNIS 555, I believe
Father dared his suicidal son to kill himself and showed him a gun
maybe it was the same guy who managed the garfield kart twitter
Samsara obviously means business, you know he's going to shoot up the place IRL if he loses the match.
holy kek
Idiots need to understand the differences between emo and actual depression. Then again they're gooks so they lack the compassion.
So I gave my son a loaded gun and told him to shoot himself.. he actually did it the absolute madman hahahahahahaha!
He was asked what his plans for the future was, his plan was to "get cancer and die"
Mother father and neet
Father is tired of the neet being a neet and playing Vidya
He says "You're killing me here you might as well literally kill me " *puts gun in front of neet*
*neet soduku*
Dad thinks neet shot at him so he goes to slap him
Wife decides to dance
Father falls or something
Father is pissed at son for playing videogames instead of helping in the family store, takes his gun and says to stop playing or shoot him, instead he shoots himself.
>tfw literally have never watched the Sopranos
I really need to do that one day
I think it's, son was a NEET and dad said kill him or get a work, son picked the third secret option.
Did this really happen? Was there a shitstorm?
Reminds me of that One Piece translation where they told the audience to look the word up.
I thought it was a stepdad who thought the son hated him. Gave him the gun saying 'if you really hate me, shoot me'. That's why he slaps the kid before realising he shot himself, because he thought he'd shot at him
The mystery box?
dude nice
I'm glad I was at Sup Forums that day
love this dungeon
pic game me a good lauch
What movie?
A guy beats up a girl in this episode
skyrim is so epic i wish he'd cuck me too
What'd the nigger do just give him a clothesline it doesn't even look like he hit him in the face especially since he got up so quick.
0/10 apply yourself Tyrone
are they autistic?
Is this a Jojo reference?
Overwatch was a fucking mistake
you fuckin cheeky cunt i swear you fucking cunt im gonna kill u you are a fuckin GENUINE dick SUCKER fuckin asshole
no, religious.