Are they smarter than us, Sup Forums?

Are they smarter than us, Sup Forums?

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Much smarter. Sup Forums would never admit it though.

No, they're just as cancerous as us, but on the opposite side of the political spectrum

What did NeoFag moderation mean by this?


Sup Forums is stupid enough to have a decent chunk of users who actually think Darkest Dungeon is a good game, but even those guys have nothing on the tardcarts at NeoGAF.

This is a board for video game discussion. This is not a board for discussing other websites.

>They use non factual statistics and articles to justify their sjw agendas

>they completely pass on a game, no matter how good, if the main character is a white male

>they try to shove sjw garbage into modern gaming

>they quite literally ban people who disagree with the hive mind

>they sit on a waiting list to be accepted into a fucking forum (don't they also pay too?)

They're not smart

It's all the same shit. Sup Forums, neogaf, reddit, it's all terrible

When you realize that "my wife's son" is not just a Sup Forums meme.

We are smarted because we don't get banned for don't beliving in mods agendas