First thing that comes to mind?
First thing that comes to mind?
People that actually plays games
Nintendo+Sony+PC masterrace
He's a gamer.
People who don't buy interactive movies.
Actual weeaboo.
This is another shitposting console war thread. Sage and hide.
hes got a pokeman hat
Disgusting body
Looks like Youtube video that tries to be ironic and funny but then unironically uses decade-old memes.
Mentally ill manchild.
alpha af
Alpha that doesn't give a shit
who is this pussyslayer
he looks like he could really give me the tip
The first thing that comes to mind is retarded sonnyggers trying to shitpost as hard as they can cause they know their console is a piece of shit and the Switch is gonna sell gangbusters.
>this is considered alpha to Sup Forums
Obnoxious American manchild.
literal redditors
kill yourself
Crippling insecurity is another word which comes to mind when thinking of Nintendrones. Thanks for the prompt.
Don't dis on M2K m8, he's actually an alright dude.
Smashtards and Nintendrones are awful in general, but M2K is actually ok.
Rabidly defending anti-consumer practices and a lack of games.
Anyone have the similar image with a fat bearded guy?
Just as gay as the rest of us.
Cucks of the highest caliber.