Overwatch: YOTR

Anyone else hyped?
Pic unrelated.

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no go away sage.

when does it come out

>no skins for best girl

In about 10 minutes.

I may get the Mercy one.

Mei is a better everything than Tracer.

Plus her RPM is less wasteful.

does it really come out in 10 minutes or are you just fucking with me

No, seriously, it's scheduled to come out today, and all OW patches come out at the same hour, which is whatever hour it is in 2 minutes depending on your timezone.

>capture the flag
i.e. junkrat traps vs tracer

>someone says Tracer's pushing her ass in your face doesn't really seem like it suits her character
>Blizzard agree and change it to something that's still sexy but suits her character better
>everyone sensible is happy and that's the end of that

>meanwhile antiSJWs are starting hashtag campaigns, #freethebooty, writing blogs about censorship, crying about cultural marxism, making rage video blogs about how their videogames are UNDER ATTACK and being RUINED while faggots plan to boycott the game and they all basically chimp out for days over absolutely fucking nothing

Remember when we made fun of SJWs for being the embarrassing ones who made mountains out of molehills and went on crusades over nothing?

Good times.