How many Brotendos gonna buy at the launch day?

How many Brotendos gonna buy at the launch day?

I am not, I dont see the point in buying a console at launch date, maybe it's because I already have a PC but I'll just wait for the holidays.

ATTENTION Nintendrones of Sup Forums. Where are you guys from?

Playing BotW on Wii U

Will keep my eye on the Switch, hoping for a quick price cut and more games. If it happens I'll replay BotW on Switch, if it's a good game anyway

I bought a Wii U

I've learned my lesson. I'm not buying one until at least a year into its lifespan.

>buying a micro SD on release
Wow, you really are a fucking retard.

>Why would i buy a 200Gb Micro SD when the game is played from the cartridfe
>Why would i buy a Pro controller when the package comes with a Joy Con
>Paying Tax on your console not inlucded in price
>Retail Warrenty

Somebody took the time to mak this shit picture

Why do I need to buy anything other than the first 2 at launch?

OP is clearly shitposting but the pro controller looks way more comfortable than the joy-cons+grip. Plus it has a real dpad and you can charge it while playing. I'm definitely getting one, I don't care if it's overpriced

WiiU launch was really fucking bad. The Switch launch is easily 5x better. Seriously I remember just playing Toki Tori and that Pixel run game after I got bored of NSMBU. WiiU had a fucking AWFUL launch, tho I got W101 and DKC:TF which were both masterpieces, so it made up for it.

I'm from tumblr

>PS4 Pro: $400
>Game: $60
>4K TV: $800
>Sales Tax: $75.60
>Total: $1335.60

I'm actually going to try the Joy Con controllers before I decide on the Pro. Both look great, but I really like how the Joy Cons look like tiny nunchucks, that shit looks comfy.

You can't "buy" the nintendo switch.

They sent 2 to every retailer. You must have pre ordered it, or you have to wait a year when they restock.

oh neat, it's one of those 'I wish I had enough money to buy whatever console I want' pictures again

it's just like the ps4 one

Switching between the buttons and the stick on the right joycon looks way too awkward, especially if you're holding them like wiimote. In fact the r-stick might be nigh unusable as a wiimote-like

Yeah I'll probably end up getting the Pro within days of getting my Switch, but I'm hoping the Joy Cons are fine.

>that pic

Didn't the PS3 sell for $600 at launch?

I'm afraid I'm not going to have enough gbp by March, may have to skip on some tendies. Any other brotendo's know what I'm talking about?

no thanks i'll buy the $249.99 mario bundle at christmas

>200GB MicroSD

I'm biting and responding in kind with my own b8

I love these kinds of posts


Wait, why are the used ones more expensive than the new ones?

>sales tax
make that like 25% for eurocucks

For real though that shit killed Crystal Chronicles for me, which is a damn shame since I really liked it otherwise.

And you still have only one controller. Game included though.
If it's a Pro and 4k TV then the prices are even higher but I'm going for the cheapest available.

Technically he doesn't need clothes so he could have crossed that part out.

>adding taxes on those price
At least one advantage to being euro. the prices you read are final.
>buying a pro controller and a microSd car on day one
no reason. Splatoon comes in June.

You also need a 60 bucks camera and 2 PS3 wiimotes for 100 bucks to play VR, user.

make it 0 for euros, retard. the taxes are accounted in the prices you see.

>I don't know how things work outside of my bubble

You gotta be shitting me...

Is that why the prices are more than 25% more expensive

Nope, that's why we have the same price in numbers despite the dollar being worth shit compared to the euro.
If the exchange was done correctly we would save about 50€ on each console purchase. Still we pay the same because according to retailers $300=300€

Nope. It's a dastardly hidden fact that Sony hides so it doesn't look so expensive.
Btw, Sony sells you 2 unaltered last gen move controllers for 100 bucks. Tell that to anybody complaining about the price of the 2 joycons pack.

563$ here. And that's just with Switch, Zelda and a 128gb sd. I can't afford this shit
>250$ for a Switch in the US
>431$ in Norway

Joycons are the controllers you need to play the system at all. Move controllers are optional gimmick shits no one would buy anyways.

Don't forget that you need a house with electricity, since it's not a handheld. Total can easily be $600,000 for the PS4. And they call the Switch overpriced.

I can't believe Nintendo didn't bundle 1,2 switch with the console like wii sports. What is the point of the "war chest" meme if they refuse to spend any money on a console launch?

Except you already get 2 of them with the system. On the other hand you get jackshit if you buy the PSVR. And sure, you can use the regular controller for several games, but not for everything.


Not really any point.

I'm cautiously optimistic that the library will be okay.

But the sale price is a bit steep for the hybrid console. I think when the holiday rolls around they'll offer a bundle and I might take them up on that.

Are you pretending it's a good thing that the Switch only lets you play with shitty gimmick wiimotes until you shell out $70 for an actual controller like every other system has shipped with ever?

They don't want the console to be associated with motion controls. The option is there for people who want them, but the focus is regular core games.

>sales tax below 30%

Americans, everyone.

Fakku :^)

>dollar being worth shit compared to the euro.
>Current exchange rate is $1 to .93€

It comes with a perfectly fine controller, I don't know what the fuck are you talking about.

>They don't want the console to be associated with motion controls.
>the focus is regular core games.
Is that why they spend 1/4th of their announcement shilling motion controls and meme "games" like this? Dumbfuck. They absolutely want it to be associated with motion controls because they want to recreate the success of the Wii with this piece of garbage.

I'll keep my opinions open until I actually try them out. I thought both the Wiimote and the Wii U gamepad looked like shit until I tried them and was pleasantly surprised.

No, that's there for the casual market. They know only appealing to core gamers is a suicide in the long run, but they don't want to piss them off either.

Not the same guy, but yeah, Brexit fucked us all.
The previous exchange rate was about $1 to 1.4€.

>Pre-ordered it and 2 games for $240
Shop Smart instead of retardly and even you can afford things with your McDonald's salary

Correction 340

Yeah, that's the reason why it's nominatively more expensive than in dollars this time around.

I don't understand what Sony earns by trying to shit up imageboards

>this piece of garbage.
See? That's exactly why it's not a pack in game.

>sonyggers are so dumb that they think you need more space for catridges
enjoy your 90gb installations I guess.

True, I had forgotten about how Brexit fucked the economy. Sorry, you were right about the exchange rate while I was simply rambling about the past.

I'm going to buy Zelda on the Wii U. At this point the only things that'd get me to buy a switch day 1 are Day 1 releases of a new Animal Crossing or Eternal Darkness.
I'll probably be waiting until Xenoblade 2 drops to buy one.