I'm finally getting a PS4 with this tomorrow but I've only played Demon's Soul and was terrible at it

I'm finally getting a PS4 with this tomorrow but I've only played Demon's Soul and was terrible at it.

How fucked will I be and what are some tips for beginners?

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1) Super fucked

2) Git gud

stock up on blood vials

leave this board

It's a lot faster
remember to get weapons in hunters dream, cleaver/blunderbuss is usually recommended
Learn to stagger

Can someone explain to me what beasthood is and how it works?

Beasthood as far as I know only comes from eating pellets. The more damage you do consecutively the faster the gauge builds and as of fills you do more damage but also take more damage. Speed runners use it to completely fuck a lot of bosses, pellet and saw cleaver on beast bosses can literally just stagger them to death from the beginning of the fight, pretty OP honestly.

Souls games are easy as fuck. You'll be fine

Learn enemy movements and expect to die a few times learning the feel of the game. If you get really stuck just farm blood vials. Practice good timing when it comes to stunning and utilizing visceral attacks. Try out the chalice dungeons but if you find them to be a chore you can flat out ignore them it wont affect the main game.

It gets much easier after a couple hours of playing if you're new to a soulsborne game.

Definitely take advantage of the blood bullets

The game fucking sucks, all you need to do is spam O near every boss and farm blood vials for 3 hours to breeze through it.

Like Demons Souls and all the souls games the biggest hurdle is imtimidation. Most enemies aren't actually as hard as they seem and this game in particular encourages and rewards you for playing aggresively. That said the bonus bosses in the DLC are both all bark and bite but the aggressiveness you learn serves all the way to the end.

Don't be afraid. Get right the fuck in there and be aggressive.

That's the only tip I've got. You'll do better if you don't hesitate.

I just started the DLC and Ludwig keeps fucking me over. Any tips?

I went 30 SKL, 40 ARC and am using a hunter pistol and threaded cane if that helps.

it's not bad, just grind through if need be. you have lots of healing and movement available and the hardest bosses are optional

enjoy the scenery and story moments most of all

Ludwig is hard. I hope this information helps

Play like you're the last boss on your way to wreck everything. The rally system is great and you'll always have enough time to back off and use vials when you need to.

Practice staggering on the giant faggots with bricks and that one with the axe near the stairs. It'll help in the long run.

Buy blood vials early. The price increases as you go through the game. Every time you go to level up buy some vials. Try to get a nice stockpile of them before they get expensive

Stay calm when they're attacking you so you can parry. It's easy to shoot too early

>Threaded Cane
>40 Arcane
Yeah, you're pretty much fucked. 70 BL is recommended to start the DLC but nigga the Threaded Cane isn't gonna do shit. If you can level up STR so you can fight him with a Ludwig Holy Blade or the Whirligig Saw

start with axe spam r2 with transformed axe

You won't stand a chance.
DeS is by far the easiest.
If you weren't able to finish DeS, all the other Souls games will seem like an unmountable pile of unfairness to you.

Fuck. I kept hoping for a better skill weapon to show up and all I found was the reiterspellasch. I've been stuck on this guy for fucking ever. Does he at least have a weakness or can be staggered for a visceral? It's pretty much the only way I've managed to get through the tougher fights.

Memorize his moveset. The best skill weapon in the game is the Rakuyo, once you get that your golden.
As for tips, if you get a Charged R2 directly to the dome, he'll stagger. However, I have only done this with the Ludwig Holy Blade sooo... and his 2nd form is also capable of being staggered.
The Rakuyo is found towards the end of the DLC so you're looking at a pretty fucked situation
Beast Blood Pellets + Fire Paper go a long way

No way to visceral. Once you get past his first stage after that it's easy to do again. Then you have to get used to his second stage but that's a lot easier. It took me about 50 tries to kill him. You get a good weapon after killing him at least and later on you get the rakuyo which is an awesome weapon

Thanks kind anons. I had been going into the whole game blind. As I saw all these awesome STR weapons pile up and not much SKL one or arcane artifacts to use in sight I really began to question my choices, but I trudged through it all anyway. I'll keep at it.

Kos, not Kosm

So, Nioh x Bloodborne, what game you thinks is better. I just play the Nioh demo, but I did not play Bloodborne, so which one is better? Whether it's gameplay or difficulty, I'd like an opinion because I can only buy one.

>How fucked will I be and what are some tips for beginners?

Bloodborne IS the EASIEST souls clone and the majority of newfags from Sup Forums started with it. That's mostly the reason why Bloodborne meme is so forced on Sup Forums - newfags didn't even try anything else and the first experience is always the brightest.

Just remembered ludwig caused me to take about a month break from BB and within the first hour and a half of playing again I beat him. Maybe try taking a few days off

Combat depth and difficulty wise will go to Nioh but BB will likely remain the better game.

I found nioh underwhelming. It was fun but that was it really. I'd say Bloodborne is harder and I also prefer the way you pick up weapons in BB. So you can't pick up the same weapon twice (unless you're in NG+) becasue it was annoying having all the weapons fill up your inventory in nigh. That's how I felt anyway. BB also has a much better atmosphere to it. That first time walking through central yharnam was amazing

How can it be a clone if it is made by the same people?

Bloodborne is the easiest game in all of the series.

It's still enjoyable though, so I wouldn't be too worried.

>how can people clone the same fucking demons souls 4 times

Among the first three bosses everyone always has at least one huge roadblock, differing depending on the person. Don't waste your Molotov Cocktails on Cleric Beast until you're sure you can kill him, work on your parrying for the other two. Don't just spam O to dodge attacks, because From put a lot of traps in Bloodborne to catch people that spam the dodge button when they get hit.

>got stuck on maria and spent all my vials
>go do chalice dungeons to farm more
>get to chalice rom, get stuck and waste all my saved vials
what the fuck regular rom was easy but whenever i get this one to 25% it's impossible to get near him for a hit anymore what with the spiders and him having his unending autistic fit in that tiny room
fucking artificial difficulty


Get the original disc, not goty or old hunters
Keep it at version zero and you can do the item dupe glitch

I'll never understand how some of you can be so bad that you have to farm for vials. Just stop playing games

>Beasthood as far as I know only comes from eating pellets
If you use the beast claws in trick mode it automatically generates beasthood. The beasthood bar's size is based on how much beasthood you have. The higher your beasthood, the more damage you can do when your bar is filling / filled. You also take more damage when your beasthood bar is full.

You wont be that bad off since you rely on dodging and there is no blocking. After playing it for a little while you'll get use to it.

Stock up on blood viles. I suggest that when you level up, use your remaining souls to buy all the bloodviles you can. This ensures you have a stockpile by the time you start to get stuck

Later in the game, do chalice dungeons. They drop really good gems that you can use to give your weapons extra effects (its like infusing in darksouls except you can have multiple at a time and can take them on or off whenever.)

If you want an easier time, get Ludwigs Holy Blade as soon as you can. It makes the game much easier.

Dont knock the Tonitrus like I did. Once leveled up on your first play through, it makes for a really good boss killer while electrified. It stops being so useful after a while though if you fully leveled the holy blade with good gems.

Triangle is not 2 hand anymore. Triangle is now heal. Ive wasted so many bloodviles because I kept getting confused and pressing triangle to 2 hand. You can probably change it but I never bothered trying.

You can charge some of your attacks. It comes in handy.

Some bosses have weak points. Go for those.

And thats really all the info that I can think of that I wish I knew when I started. The rest is trial and error.

Have fun. I hated it at first but once I started getting the hang of it, its one of my favorites now.

Nioh's kinda easier despite the shitposting. Mostly because you get a few more tools right off the bat in the demo at least. And you don't get screwed in terms of picking a build near the start of the game and getting fucked off because the weapon for that build if it's not STR is somewhere much later.

Lorewise, Bloodborne's better unless you're really into the Japanese setting of Nioh.

The one tip for every souls game is to exploit the windows of opportunity in the enemy attacks instead of trying to force the action upon them. You're better off attacking smart and when the situation allows you to instead of winging onto the enemies like a mad man.

Prepare yourself

How do I beat Gehrman on a Bl4 run? I do practically no damage with viscerals or with R1s, and almost every attack he has one shots me. I'm having a easier time fighting Ludwig, to be honest.

>pay attention to dialogue and descriptions so you dont get lost
>losing blood echoes isnt a big deal dont stress it
>take your time and explore
>dont be bothered by assholes steering you away from certain weapons, tactics etc. since you are new to the game you play the way you like and have fun
>every weapon is viable despite some people might say, pick the on that you like the most
>that being said weapons have different properties that make them better against specific enemies, carry another weapon to switch toif the enemies seem resilient to the weapon you are using
>learn to parry early on, it will make the game a lot easier
>if it looks like a beast its weak to fire and serrated. weapons that look like saws/spiky are serrated
>church is an integralpart of the story,manny character are aligned to it, if you do so as well, or seem to thhey might be usefull
>learn patterns, your dash/evade is very fast so you will often use it to get out of a spot in a hurry. almost every enemy that people usually have trouble with has a moveset punishing that kind of behaviour, be calculated
>most enemies also have attack strings with a lot of forward momentum, learn to dodge to the side instead of backdashing
>be agressive, you would be surprised how strong the regain mechanic is
>END is a stat that doesnt require a huge investment, unless you are using huge weapons
>not all npcs are friendly
>guns can do damage, but require a large investment, and even then they mostly have a support role instead of a reliable way to take out enemies
>hunter tools (arc items) are also situational tools, not your main weapon, they can be very usefull, but their use is limited and you need to know when to use them
>the dlc is amazing i recomend it wholeheartedly
>pay attention to the world changing around you, revisit areas here and there to talk to npcs
>chalices are optional, and their progress in completely independent of you ng cycle
>have fun

Bloodborne is actually more fulfilling than Demon's Souls

>Early game full of caskets chained up
>Break them
>Nothing inside

Pls explain. What were they keeping from getting out?

I only played the nioh beta a few months ago, had a blast and cant wait for it to come out. Nioh combat is more in depth, but from what I´ve seen there will probably be ways to break the game with some builds. Nioh also has a bunch of clever ideas, items and mechanics that build up on some soulsborne ones and improve a bit actually. Bloodborne, on the other hand is my favourite game of all time. When I first got it I played nothing else for almost two months made 8 different character and with each of them went to endgame/ng+. Its just amazing how much thought is put into it, every sound your weapons make is borderline orgasmic, every weapon feels distinct and fun. Enemy designs are amazing, bosses are the best in souls games imo, the music also. The games themes and ideas are incredibely well interconnected with the gameplay. There are some pretty great horror elements in there as well, the world itself has a bunch of fucked up detailes hidden in. I love the game so much I wish ds2 never happened just so the team didnt have to split up and they could all have worked on bloodborne giving it even more content. The game has its flaws, but I dont even care its a 10/10 imo and I just wish they released a couple of more dlc packs instead of ones they did for ds2. The problem is, if you dont like its setting you probably wont appreaciate it nearly as much as me or many others do

What's the best PS4 slim bundle under ~$300 right now?

>Spam O

Nioh lacks the charm that Bloodborne oozes.

Nioh might be more mechanically in depth and refined but Bloodborne feels like a considerably more complete experience.

Niohs level design was literally non existent, the Bosses were laughable and overall, outside of the combat/setting, it doesn't have a whole lot else going for it.

Meanwhile Bloodbornes level design, bosses, DLC, setting, combat, music all were 10/10 and really make Bloodborne a GOTAY contender

>gets stuck on Rom

Literally how?

He's a long boss and tedious as fuck but otherwise, it's pretty simple to beat him. Maria is also a LOT easier if you use the quickest version of your weapon

learn this dude

Demons is the easiest, and bloodborne might be the hardest (with the DLC)

Agree on NioH so far but let's wait how the full game is like but i don't think it will overcome BB for me, even though I enjoyed the trial and beta really fucking much.

>how ar you stuck at rom
On my first playthrough I always fucked up while killing the spiders, the meteor attack + spooders together made me not dodge one and on a quite low level I died immediately. I just couldn't get how to doge her magic attack and spiders at once but I never bothered with spiders on her later phases anymore. It was much faster that way