We all agree Megaman 9 is clearly the best classic Megaman right?

We all agree Megaman 9 is clearly the best classic Megaman right?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/yzzl75zh6rd7zqe/Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack.rar


3 > 2 > 9 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest

Obligatory HideofBeast mention.

Tornado had best song

Love the credits too

I'm partial to 4 because it fixed a lot of the problems with 2 and 3 and the charge shot wasn't super broken at that point like it was in 5 and 6.

If we count more esoteric games Powered Up and Rockman World 5 deserve mentioning though.

If we count fan games and clones then Rock Force and Rosenkreuzstilette.

I liked 10 the most, not for the weapons, but the soundtrack is clearly better.

8 > 7 > Bass & Forte are the only good ones. 1-6 is ok. 9 and 10 is fucking shitty.

holy shit

4 is best but 9 is a very close second.

This is what we call bait. That said, I actually like 8 but it is no where near the best. 7 is the only straight up shitty one.

10 doesnt count for classic


My bretheren

No one would like 2 as much if it wasnt for one broken weapon that works on everything

Worst weapon balence ever,

I've always liked 3 the best personally.

Isn't 1 actually like that?
Elec Beam and Fire Shield are just as good as Metal Blades.
Ice Slasher is only good for freeze Big Eyes and Joes.
Rolling Cutter is barely used except for people who can't kill Elecman with Buster only.
Gutsman is only good to obtain Magnet Beam without killing Elecman 2 times in a row.
Bombman's bomb is worthless.

9 & 10 don't support 240 for my tube Television

How the hell can you not play 9 on crt
Wii is composite

I like 6 and 10 the most because Rush Adapters are cool as fuck and being able to play as Bass and Proto Man is cool

But that's Trigun

A CRT IS a Tube TV you fucking mongoloid. What do you think C.R.T. stands for?

The autism is strong in this thread.

Yes. It's the most well designed.

You are the mongoloid one user. Composite is an analogue output signal used by CRTs, which Wii is compatible with.

>going all the trouble with playing on CRT
>using compsite
RGB or go home. Or at least S-Video

>You are the mongoloid one user. Composite is an analogue output signal used by CRTs, which Wii is compatible with.

Yeah, but it's not 240p you fucking retard. It's 480i, which looks like shit. I'm surrounded by literal children.

Megaman 8 english PS1 version is the best Megaman.

9 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 10 > 5 > 7 > 8 > 1 > MM&B

>it's not 240p
But it literally fucking is you bullshit spewing ignorant fool

> charge shot wasn't broken in 4

Hit the nail on the head. It's almost embarrassing how good the charge shot is in 5 and 6, to the point where many of the bosses like Gravity and Plant Man seem tailor designed around the player using it.

I really like how people can make a case for 2, 3, 4 or 9. Good series.

Yeah, this, 4 and 9 are toe-to-toe.

9 ultimately wins for being shorter and the final boss not requiring a specific weapon's energy.

Mega man 9 & 10 play at 480i on the Wii, when they should play at 440p to look like their nes counterparts. If you disagree with me I don't know what to tell you. You can check yourself by running the game on an hdtv & pressing the info button or source to see what signal it's outputting. 480i does not = 240p. I'm not going to argue this anymore. Just look into it.

Typo *when they should play at 240p

Can you play mm9 using dolphin?

I mean, I could run it years ago, but it ran kinda slow and at a weird resolution.

I have no problems playing metroid prime 2 at 3x native res tho

Should have said you meant MM9 sooner. It seemed like you were talking about Wii itself

Never played it.
Not really keen on buying new eShop titles, either. I guess I can hope that Capcom doesn't fuck up a potential future port to PC/Steam/etc.

Absolutely, I'm glad we're in agreement OP.

This is an absolute crime.

>"9 & 10 don't support 240 for my tube Television"
>Somehow this means I was talking about the wii, & not mega man 9 & 10

That fucking logic jump, jesus christ.

>best classic megaman
I think you mean

> never played it

you really should, the difference in production quality between 9/10 and 1-8 is really impressive.

i can't find that fucking arrange album anywhere in decent quality
i'm usually stubborn for lossless but i'll take fucking 192 mp3 at this point for that shit

Why not if 9 does?

Honestly I'd have a hard time picking a favorite, every single Mega Man of the classic series earns a solid 7/10 for me, no joke. Each has its different feeling. Although for some reason I feel like 5 is the most forgettable.

Have yet to play & Bass though, maybe that ought to change my opinion.

If you play it, don't play the GBA version.

It's top three alongside 2 and 3.

3 and 2 have garbage weapon selections

In some cases it's flat out better to use the buster than their weakness because of this.

Tomahawk Man and Charge Man immediately spring to mind.

At least by 4 they partially realized that was a dumb idea and gave you a room before Wily to farm energy. 2 and 3 didn't for their respective final bosses.

MM3 is rushed and unpolished as fuck.
Best NES one is obviously MM4

Mega Man vet here (50+ Mega Man games completed).


They're better selections than 5's.

Power Stone might as well not exist.

They won't run in 480p with component?

You're right, but 5 isn't consistently held up as the zenith of the franchise.

MM&B is the only non-NES style game that's actually pretty good though.

he doesn't want 480p, he wants 240p so he can run it on his SDTV

I had it in FLAC but had to redownload all my shit so I gotta check what it is.

Oh, he typo'd the first part so I misunderstood.

> 6=2

This is genuinely the strangest Classic series ranking I've ever come across.

Yes, but on the principle of it from a game design perspective, even with the farming, it's a minor mark against it.

Galaxy Man is cute
Galaxy Man is cool
Galaxy Man is perfect





>7 that high
Shade Man requiring the fire weapon.
Sprite-to-screen ratio.

No, just fucking no.

>There are people on Sup Forums who haven't played Rockman 4 Minus Infinity yet

Here's one that's supposedly in 320
mediafire.com/file/yzzl75zh6rd7zqe/Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack.rar

>5 = 4
>5 > 10
>3 > 10
>4 > 10
>9 = 7

MM5 is forgettable as fuck, and MM4 for is better than MM6.
MM7 is probably worse than most of the classic Mega Man games, and MM3 should proably be lower too.
>Mega Man "vet"
>no MM&B

Muh Wily capsule

Slashman's theme is the best.

6 is very good, very underrated.

I respect that. But I think 7 deserves to be that high because of the sheer polish and amount of extra fun shit crammed into it. Puts 8 to shame. It's also hard as fuck.

3, 4 and 5 are great. Come on.

Well, we're very salty, aren't we? I thought we were talking numbers only. Nice work on moving goalposts there. MM&B is real good, actually; hard as nails. Better polished than 8 except for the re-used bosses.

I love Mega Man 6 just because of the Rush adapter that lets you punch things.

9 > 2 > 3 > 8 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 10

>metal meme
So, I'm guessing you never played 3, 5, or 8?

>mediafire.com/file/yzzl75zh6rd7zqe/Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack.rar
Thank you!!!

>10 that low
But why?

No problem. Same guy uploaded the one for MM10 if you don't have that yet.

9 is the best because all the weapons have uses in regular play and all the boss weaknesses make

No, it fucked with basic combat and midbosses HARD.

Anything is better than 8!

I dunno, I just found it really underwhelming. I don't remember a single thing about it other than when you go into the space station. And Sheep Man.

I don't contest that 6 is one of the better Classic games, I'm just confused as to why you felt 6 and 2 were equally good.

I just realized. Capcom would make a decent killing, bundling 9 and 10 together with all their DLC and putting it on PSN/Eshop/etc for the systems that don't have them yet

>Shade Man requiring the fire weapon.

I'd totally buy it for the 3DS.

Capcom hates money.

4 = 9 > 7 > Bass > 10 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 3 > 8

9 is hands down best mega man

Sup Forums has a lot of love for 9 today. Good taste.

If Capcom released MM9+10 on the Switch, 3DS, PS4 and Steam, I'd buy it on all four platforms.

No joke.

You don't remember the dark hallway that only lights using a weapon or you die?

He probably went the other route through his stage.

There's no reason to go that way unless you're going for Proto Shield.

I go through the other route more often so I didn't remember. I just watched a Youtube video though and it showed you can also use Cloud Man's weapon which is one that you definitely have at that point in the game unless you used that one password that opened up all stages from the start.

You can light the hallways with Thunder Bolt to temporarily see the screen. You don't need Scorch Wheel. Maybe try experimenting with weapons more often before you complain.

Thread theme


It should've been in Megaman Legacy Collection along with 7 and 8 but Capcom is a bunch of greedy jews who want to make megaman collections for $0 and still profit off the idiots who buy the game

There are probably licensing differences for 7 and 8, and there's also the question of how they could fit into the "game swap" challenges Legacy Collection did. I dunno, ask Cifaldi.

The real reason 7 and 8 aren't there is because they can't be run with an NES emulator like the other 6 games were.

>No fish tits
What was the point of this thread?

my assretarded PC that can't emulate any gamecube game can run both 9 and 10 through dolphin just fine.

Why MM&B that low?

Doesn't diminish the issue.

And if you run out? Say you wanted to use Cloud Man's weapon and suddenly you're out? No W-Can?

Yeah, same issue as fucking Mega Man 2.

It's only one screen, how would you run out?