Genuinely fun combat that seamlessly combines melee and gunplay

>genuinely fun combat that seamlessly combines melee and gunplay
>huge roster of unique space ninjas with unique abilities and playstyles
>huge selection of unique weapons that all function differently
>mod system for building to individual taste
>interesting lore with lots of potential
>ruined by shitty microtransaction nonsense, power creep, bad map and quest design, and an amazingly incompetent dev team
What a waste of potential


I was expecting DE to turn Warframe into some sort of "platform" game for another big project, like Hi-Rez and their games, but I guess DE is too lazy to even develop something new.

Yes, what shall we discuss about that?

I already know. It took me 400 hours of playing until I realized that

>Free to play game
>Complains about microtransactions

You truly are that distraught over those fancy shoulderpads, are you? All I can complain about is the enormous quantity of RNG and grinding involved.

>fun combat
In a game where the only boss mechanic is for them to stay invincible 90% of the time and peek out of their armor for half a second, usually with the game bugging out and forcing you to restart the mission until they aren't invincible 100% of the fight.

>unique weapons
Which doesn't mean much if all the unique weapons require 5 forma to be on par with the generic shotgun, assault rifle, and grenade launcher.

most melee/guns are worthless
most warframes are worthless
most mods are worthless
lore is becoming sjw tier
you literally don't need to buy anything because the best stuff is easy to make and the game is ridiculously easy so everything can be "viable"

quests definitely suck tho

That's exactly it. You can avoid the bullshit 0.000001% drop rates with real money.


Don't forget the EPIC & BADASS one-liners from the bosses that sound like they were badly translated to English from another language even tho DE are leafs that you have to hear every time you fight the boss. Love 'em.



It's not about the bosses it's about killing billions of trash mobs with fun space ninja combat. The bosses are pretty trash, but most MMO bosses are just bullet sponges anyway.

>most weapons are worthless
>most warframes are worthless
t. metaslave who thinks a frame/weapon needs to be able to go 2 hours into T4 survival (((endgame))) to be good


The porn is weird, but in a good kind of way

>have been rerolling the same mod 14 times

So what? I'm not forced to pay for that- so I simply decide to not run down the damn treadmill and play something else.

Is the grind intentional to support MTX? Yes, but it's the game quality that suffers, and I lose no money regardless. I don't lose bang for my buck if I haven't put any, get me?

Now, Microtransactions on a 60$ game? That's other story.

A shittier version of Diablo 3 enchanting system.

Can someone post their mouse bar settings? For those that have a razer mouse at 1000 DPI because I just got it and it feels funky in game.

>genuinely fun combat
You're kidding, right? You're killing hundreds of completely braindead enemies that are either harmless or just straight up one shot you. There's no finesse or any skill required. It's designed for the lowest common denominator.

I agree with everything else though. Every aspect of this game is "how to come up with a good idea and then absolutely ruin it: the case study."

>lore becoming sjw tier
i havent played it since the kids are robots stuff
what happened

>one-liners from the bosses that sound like they were badly translated to English from another language
Wow, so I'm not the only one.

...I actually kinda like Vor's voice actor. Guy sounds like he's honestly doing his best with the dreck he was handed.

What's wrong with riven mods? At least it freshened up the stale as fuck mod meta where everyone uses the exact same 15 mods and nothing else

All the Grineer bosses aside from Kela de Tumblr are great. Vor, Ruck Truck, fucking VAY HEK. They're all great.

Corpus have Alad V and Nef Anyo who are pretty good.

Nothing, just a drive-by shitpost with no meaning. The lore hasn't become "sjw-tier". The acronym has completely lost its meaning. Now it just means "it's something I don't like"

>Nef Anyo

Do you remember Derf Anyo?

Nothing too SJW, he's just trying to stir shit up. The lore is getting worse with time, though.
There's a couple good ones. Vor, Tyl Regor, Ruk, Alad V, and that Grineer councilor who yells alot who's name eludes me. Even they have a few lines that sound badly translated, though



Just don't use them. Seriously. They add nothing but bigger numbers to content that can already be cheesed with existing mods.

>At least it freshened up the stale as fuck mod meta where everyone uses the exact same 15 mods and nothing else
Wooow now I can use a Riven Mod (Which had better be some combination of damage, multishot, crit chance, or crit damage or else it's shit)+ the exact same 15 mods -1 slot. Wooow.

What the fuck did you expect when china bought them

Oh, right.

Except all of that had already been happening way before the chinks got involved.

Warframe is one of the only F2P games where I don't think the microtransactions are that intrusive. Spending money means you're literally avoiding playing the game, since the point of the game is to grind. If you're bypassing grinding, you're just bypassing the game. Plat is easily obtainable through selling prime parts you don't need.

Where the game is being ruined IS the incompetence of the dev team. They keep adding shit that is counter to what makes the game fun. The gameplay is fun and fast paced - so why the fuck do they keep adding things that make it slower?
Syndicate medallions, cephalon scans, ayatan stars, simaris scans, you know what the fuck these do? They make you stop. You have to stop and pick them up, when the most fun part of this game is running on walls and doing crazy flips while shooting guns and futuristic abilities. If i'm moving fast and having fun why continue to add things that make me STOP?

Riven mods are cancerous as fuck but thankfully you don't even need them. They're just layers and layers of RNG designed to keep you spending plat and squeeze out the smallest percentage of power. The biggest problem with this dev team is adding things that go against what makes the gameplay fun in the first place and adding new systems and then NEVER going back to fix them (i.e. sim scanning, operator mode)

>Syndicate medallions, cephalon scans, ayatan stars, simaris scans
You forgot explosive barrels next to every cluster of smashable crates. I swear they used to be almost nonexistent and then one patch BOOM. Everywhere.

This x 100000. The problem with this game is the devs keep adding a bunch of inane bullshit to grind for every new patch like Riven mods, kuva, cephalon scans, ayatan statues/stars, all that shit. They keep force feeding us shit to grind so we keep running on the treadmill, rather than fix the fucking issues the game has like useless weapons, useless Warframes, useless focus abilities, useless mods, everything that's old and useless but got left in the dust in favor of stupid meme shit to grind for and fucking Lunaro.

>bad map design


The problem with the map design is just the fact that they went with procedural generation. It sounds cool on paper, "no two maps are the same so grinding doesn't get old!", but when every single "planet" is usually just running through a Grineer or Corpus ship, it gets old really fucking fast. And the procedural generation doesn't stop the rooms from getting old once you memorize all of them.

Preventing a little girl from carrying a mutation that drains her life, but keeps her people safe is somehow immoral, while countless exterminate missions where you literally kill every single living being is not.

It's not sjw, but its definitely retarded.

Its a free fucking game. How can you complain?

Corpus are spacejews, so its okay.

Grineer are ass ugly clones and eyesores, so removing them is fine.