Would you buy a Switch for pic related?

Would you buy a Switch for pic related?

Quality thread

I wouldn't buy a Switch.

Only if Mario features as an exclusive guest character.

>pure kino edition
Sup Forums pls go

I already have a PS4 which I bought just for Bloodborne, so no

But I would buy a Switch just for Monster Hunter

>paid online
>bad graphics
>bad frame rate


It's a Japan Studio game, idiot.

Why do people keep spamming these bloodborne on switch threads?
This is some of the most obscure shitposting I've seen in a while and it's leaving me thoroughly confused.

There's no way the Switch could actually run Bloodborne.

Different to the PS4 version how...?

No because it sucks on the PS4 and will be 100 times worse on something with the power of a cell phone without an actual controller

I can only imagine the dismal framerate. If the PS4 can barely keep 30fps, the Switch would be doomed.

BB is a shit game and you should feel bad.

Ment to reply to OP, my bad.

>Trying to run a game that can barely run above 25fps on PS4 on the Switch

It can just about run Zelda at 30fps with drops to 20fps, and it's a fucking WiiU game

Nope, I'm done with consoles. I got burned hard by the Pii U and the Cuckstation 4

>hunter says *yahoo bing bing* everytime he picks up bloodvials or silver bullets

it could be worse

Heres your upvote sir

I'd Switch to the PS4 for it...

It would be interesting because Sony owns Bloodborne and they would have to be really nice to let Nintendo have it

I wouldn't buy any gaming console for any game.

The only thing BB is good for is gettin casuls into dark souls.

Its akin to sending lambs to the slaughter.

No. I'm buying it for Splatwoon.

Because the switch is even worse than the ps4?

found the guy who thinks souls past dark 1 are good games.

But Bloodborne takes more skill than hold shield to win souls

Do people really think this could happen. Are all these threads bait?

>implying Sup Forums and Sup Forums aren't cross contaminated to the point of being redundant already

Yeah, so i can finally play the game AND wont need a ps4. Win win! ! !

Remember, dear user, that, besides of the game and the console, you also have to buy a LAN adapter if you don't want to get jap'd

nah, I already have it

Id buy a dark souls trilogy/III in a flash though

Wifi is as good as LAN unless you're living in a tinfoil fortress or third world shithole

>this is what BB casuls actually think

Getting a Switch anyway, so that would be great.

Not gonna happen, though.

Nintendo would just censor all the pustulent mutant demon titties.

That is not a proper explanation. Go deeper into that.

Switch is far less powerful than the PS4. If PS4 can't run the game smoothly, there is zero chance that the Switch can run it at all.

Also, questioning obvious statements only makes you look like a dunce.

Instead of 30fps we'd get 10

Also I'd rather buy a Vita to use it as a paperweight than waste money on a Switch

i would buy it for dark souls 3
blodborne was shit they can fuck themself with their shity controls


yeah buy a game for a shittier platform
>inb4 portable
i don't play games outside that shit only appeals to the japanese

Because they censored Bayonetta, right?

Bloodborne only sold 2 million copies. It's really not that popular of a game.

no, might as well buy ps4, at least it has more than few games

BB and 3 have like the exact same controls

Are we pretending Nintendo hasn't censored dozens of games?

That would mean Sony died and the only options would be Nintendo or Microsoft, so yes.

>estimated 2.6 mln only
>those are only from physical copies
>not populae
kys urself

No, the performance already struggles as it is on PS4

Are you actually fucking retarded? All reports that've come out this far has said that the switch is less powerful than a ps4.

I'm not going to buy a switch for games I already have. It's going to need new games. Actually it's going to need a new Metroid Prime. That is about the only thing that would get me to buy one.

Blame your government and the age rating agencies, not Nintendo.

The ps4 isn't a handheld

I don't want to buy a PS4 just for BB, and I don't want to buy a Switch just for BotW. This would probably be enough to get me to buy the Switch since I'm already on the fence about it.

Switch rendering BB at 1080p would be measure in seconds per frame.

it's a "console" when it can support your argument

i already bought a console just for bloodborne, im not going to do it again

The switch is a handheld that comes close the performance of a regular ps4.

That alone makes the switch worth it.

buying a console for 1 game is objectively retarded

I own a PS4 and still didn't buy Bloodborne.

Soulshit is so fucking boring.

lol no

We don't get interracial porn and cunny threads spammed here, thank god.

If they added more content, yes.

being this delusional

according to nintendo it's mainly a home console
and it's not even close to PS4 in performance


According to your ass for a source.

you don't like it, then don't get it.

>The switch is a handheld that comes close the performance of a regular ps4

No it doesn't. Not even close.

Switch is roughly equal to WiiU in power, and WiiU is roughly equal to PS3 in power. Not 4. 3.

Bloodletting Beast Bowser and Queen Peach of Yharnham when?

Thats why the Titan fall 2 dev laughed at the prospect of their game on the switch?

my ass

I'm going to blame Nintendo since they're the ones at fault.