Why didn't Nintendo make more?

Why didn't Nintendo make more?

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Just from a quality standpoint, are free emulators for Windows HONESTLY better to use than this?

Better to make a small quantity and sell every single one of them guaranteed than to make too many and have everyone say "oh there are plenty left i can wait to get this at a later time i dont need to get it right now honestly" and then they never get it at all for whatever reason.

Because they realized that people actually wanted them and that it would be a smart idea to make more, so they stopped.


>The last product they put out sold like shit
>All in one consoles usually sit on store shelves for years before they get bought up by a desperate parent looking to get something for their child

>autism the post

Because they thought only old people would buy these to relive their childhood, since everyone else that owns a modern Nintendo console probably owns all the NES games they're willing to buy, and can easily emulate everything else.

Explain how.

>Nintendo used roms ripped with iNES emulator
>sold them on the virtual console
>people payed gladly for this
>they will still play for this on the Switch
>people paid for 30 emulated Nes games
>controller cords are like 30cm long
>people still payed money

They are still on stock?
>Shill btfo

Never underestimate the stupidity of normies and Nintendo fanboys

>Original MSRP $59.99

I've managed to get three of these; sold two and kept one.

Because if they do, they wouldn't be appealing to hoarder scalpers

Hoooooray for Jap business practices of Artificial Scarcity!!!

Target just had a new shipment to the point it was on the news online

Unless you mean an SNES Mini, in which case they're working at the speed of light to rip people off, and just settling on how to make Super Mario World and other launch titles look appealing for $60+

Nvidia 1060 6gb cards where $250 suggested price, they sold for 40% more.
Suggested prices don't fly when people buys no matter what.

wow, you made 100$, you are like a billionnaire in the trailer park now.

You do know you can buy a NES controller like it comes with seperately for $9.99 , and hook it up to your Wiimote and play NES games on your Wii or Wii U right?

You ARE a true Nintendo fan who has already bought all those games before anyways aren't you?

>my store didn't allow employees to buy any during the first batch
>never got anymore shipped in

The issues of an original NEs is finding the good games. They have been scalped to death.
Your only choice is getting a flashcart.

>for Windows

kill yourself

>Quality on pixelated shit
You can't be this stupid, right?
What you want 1080p, surround 3d sound and 144 hz in a fucking video game made 13 years ago? idiot.

>tfw working in customer services for a large game retailer
>tfw no product gave us more shit to deal with than this shit

Fuck off Nintendo, I hope the Switch is a fucking failure

There are many great games on the NES you can get on the cheap.

Whats your experience with nintendo customers?
What would you say is their target group?

Why are you replying to me? All I'm saying is that you can buy an official USB Nes controller. Nintendo made the same controllers it comes with compatible with the Wiimote.

Oh I rushed it and thought you said buying an original Nes console.

Point is those are from a third-party seller, numbskull. They aren't "on stock".

I'm sorry you couldn't get one, user. And I sold them for $250 each right around Christmas, so I made more like ~$380.

In all honesty, I've worked the job so long all customers seem to me like they are either self entitled pricks or brain dead degenerates.

The Nintendo Mini shit was worse with the pretense that all these people were buying what was essentially a useless product.

What retailer do you work at?

Same as csgos gloves. Forced obscurity. They will make very few so everyone sucks dick over them

Except all the money is from reselling it on ebay, which nintendo gets none of

Buying anything Nintendo related is a sure way to make money quick. So far I've flipped Amiibos and got a PS4 with the earnings. Flipped LE Majoras Mask 3dsxl & game sold 2 systems and kept one for myself for free. And thanks to the NES minis I've picked up the Switch for free. Now I have 3 master edition Zelda BotW games to sit on untill the switch gets some more games. Nintendo is by far my favorite company.

>we've made something good that people want to buy, let's limit the quantity
>we've made something interesting, let's also make it underpowered compared to its competitors
>we've got a hit franchise, lets run it into the ground by effectively releasing the same game year after year
Fucking Nintendo

>in a fucking video game made 13 years ago
>13 years ago


What kind of a world do we live in where a knock-off imitation of a lesser console costs more than a refurbished original version of a superior one?

What I don't get is why are paying these prices

What was so bad about it?

>Box w/ Inserts and Poster only No System
>No System

How often does this work? Are you able to complain to ebay?

Stupid thing should have had WiFi, an SD slot, and web store for buying more games. It was really short-sighted for Nintendo not to let people add to their library.

That's as much as I spent building my modded NES with RGB and Blinking Light Win. Including the cost of the NES itself.

Plus for another hundy I could get an Everdrive and play as many games as I could ever want. NES Mini is stuck with 30 games and that's it.

Or it was planned so if it did well they can do a definitive version of the NES classic next holiday with more games at a higher price.

They're already planning a SNES and N64 classic. Maybe an enhanced NES classic is coming but it's anyone's guess. Given that they want to charge a monthly fee just to borrow one rom for a month on the Switch I don't think NIntendo is terribly keen on making a competing ecosystem that gives people a better deal, but who knows.

they want to nickle and dime people for these games, this was likely just to remind people these games existed and try to remind people they want these games