According to the jap Heroes poll, Lyn is currently #1, followed by Lucina at #2 and Ike at #3.

This is now a Lucina Vs. Lyn thread. Pick your poison. Awakeningfags or GBAbbies?

Other urls found in this thread:

Your image is fucking shit desu, Lucina was the one who everyone thought would win.

Lyn is Trump


Don't sleep on the underdog, boys.

>tfw watching as the savage nopan grandma and marth-in-drag duke it out

Fiora is best girl

literally who

>lyn is winning the popularity pool
>marth is in smash
>roy is in smash
>ike is in smash
>lucina is in smash
>robin is in smash
>lyn is an assist trophy

really activates your almond...


How is Lyn a granny?

Lyn is Hillary

>Corrupted by libtards/GBAbbies
>Hillary killed innocents in Benghazi, Lynfags killed the series

>None of the politicians liked Trump
>None of the fanbase wanted Lucina
>Trump is new
>Lucina is new
>Trump makes libtards literally shake
>Awakening makes GBAbbies literally shake

Ike pretty much already won the top males. You don't need to worry about him anymore. Focus all your votes on females from now on.

>implying azura isn't just washed-out lucina with less personality

Lyn confirmed for new smash hero

Eliwood is better than Lyn in-game tbqh senpai

>Lynfags killed the series

Says the faggot shilling Awakening

Also judging by how badly Sup Forums is getting triggered by Lyn, it's obvious who Trump is

I love Lyn!

And Sanaki!


>GBAbby pretending he wasn't responsible for all the waifufaggotry


Maybe that's why I like Lucina :^)

At least the GBA games have gameplay, Fates Fetus

I just love Snacki!
She is the best Empress!

No, With Ike in his rightful #1 male spot, my next mission shall be to put Burger King right after him., or at least top 10

Let me level with you all for a second. For a while, people here have been looking for a character to rally behind. I've heard suggestions about proxy spamming meme characters like Oliver, Dorcas, and Meg. I've heard legitimately good suggestions like Arvis and Nephenee. I've especially heard from people who just want to vote for their favorite characters. Let’s be real here though, the chances of most of those characters breaking the top 10 would be slim even in the most realistic "best case" scenarios. In most cases, it would be futile to try and topple Lucina as the most popular female, even characters like Camilla and Tharja don't stand a chance. However, these results right here are HARD PROOF that we can defeat Lucina if we vote for Lyn. I'm not asking that you stop voting for whoever you want, just maybe toss Lyn a vote one day. A vote for Lyn is a vote for "not Lucina" or "against modern FE".

I acknowledge that the GBA games aren't perfect, but they're still fun. I acknowledge that some of you may not like Lyn as a unit or as a character, and you are entitled to your opinion. Anyone with a brain or a monochrome of self-awareness could tell you that Lynfags at times can be just as cancerous as any of the modern character fans, but the anti-GBA/Lyn circlejerk isn't helping anyone either. This isn't about memes like being a "but-blasted Markcuck" or wanting to marry Lyn, this is about making sure the older characters and fans get the recognition they deserve.

Think about it. Lucina is THE face of modern Fire Emblem. Everyone was assuming Lucina had most popular female on-lock, so you better believe that once the Lucinafags catch wind of these results they will redouble their efforts and surpass Lyn if we falter in our efforts. This may be our path to getting older games like FE6/7 remade, or at least proving that older fans are worth caring about.

Please consider voting for Lyn. Thank you.

Conquest is objectively superior to the GBA games what the fuck are you talking about?

Are you stupid? Awakening is by far the worst waifu game. The gba games barely had any waifufaggotry, only select pairings got romance supports and they made sense in the context of the characters, AND there was no player character so you couldnt actually marry yourself to your waifu. Any waifushit was art outside of the game.

I cant say the same for awakening for any of those points

Is this shit Fire Emblem?????? I don't recognise anyone. I thought the dancer was Azura but the hair colour looks a bit lighter than I remember......


FUCK Lucina
Lyn For The Win

How does giving her a shitty voice for a shitty mobile """""game""""" reflect on her age in any way?

Awakening literally saved the series from being cancelled, though

I think he's a faggot for saying Lynfags killed the series, though

You're both pissed at subgroups that expanded the popularity of your niche Japanese strategy game, 7 made it available in engrish and Awakening saved the series from the bumblefuck that was 11 and 12

But literally everyone is a Lucina Fag. Fuck off

>The gba games barely had any waifufaggotry
then why is a flat character like Lyn leading this popularity contest faggot

Conquest is a steaming pile of shit that blew its load too early

have a (You) for the effort

For real, why are any of you retards bothering to vote for characters like Ike, Lyn, and Lucina when they are obvious shoe-ins? You're just wasting your votes on guarantees.

Haven't seen a single Lucinafag shill as hard as Lynfags have been doing desu

The only thing flat here is Lucina's chest

That 5% for Ike is sad.

Does this effect the musuo game? Because Lyn is my only wish on that.


Azura is arguably deeper than Lucina once you read her supports and DLC convos. People only want to focus on the story because it's like the biggest meme complaint for Fates.

Or at least, I liked her more than Lucina. Shame nobody else does.


I wanna vote for Lyn

For the 1 millionth time, it's not to see who gets in but who gets a special event costume. Everyone is getting in, this is just for popularity.

I'm voting every time for Takumi, since I may as well vote for someone who has a chance at winning and is cool.

they're both good characters with DLC and supports but that doesn't matter with memes

Because they know their gender swapped Marth is a shoe in.

Fine then, show me a flipflop-in or a boot-in.

but Lyn is trump

>tumblr gif


Being a Royfag is suffering

All is right in the world.

Link to the poll?

Good, Roy is objectively worse than Lyn


Lucina is right here Lyn is here Pick your cancer

Good, being a Smashfag should be suffering.

If it's only thr Japanese results, that doesn't mean much. Most people in the west haven't played FE7 when compared to Awakening.

Why don't more people vote for Nowi and Elise?

Fate's story is abysmal but admittedly I didn't see much of Azura's supports. The real problem with Fates's story are Corrin and Anankos anyway.

I have higher priority picks. Also Nah > Nowi.

I'm surprised people still remember Lyn. It must've been a decade since I played her game.

Do you think they'll use the poll data for anything else?

Chrom is set to be the Zhao Yun/Link of Fire Emblem Warriors, moveset and general combat niche-wise, so that leaves a lot of flexibility for everyone else in the roster.

I imagine there are some things set in stone, but no way will the powers that be pass up an opportunity to sell you popular B-listers as DLC.

Thinly fucking veiled fuck.

She's babbies first waifu, of course people will remember their first fap

You deserve it.

Because loli a shit and you're waifus are shit

>>None of the fanbase wanted Lucina
You're deluded
Also GBAbbies and Awakeningfags are the same people, Telliasses are the true enemy

I'm wondering who the devs will decide deserves to be the Lu Bu of FE


They'll probably introduce characters that aren't already in the game based on the poll results. It may also affect future event characters (more special variations/costumes for popular picks).

Only normies like Lucina senpai

black knight

Could there be any other option?


I would rather vote for Midori.

What if I'm both a GBA babby and a Awakeningbabby

Yeah, and the fanbase is normies

tbqh the fact that worst girl isn't even top 10 restores my faith in the series entirely

Gentlemen, the true evil is upon us.

What does the "Lu Bu of X" meme mean
Is it the OP character or something

Lyn is literally babby's first FE waifu. Get some real taste, you plebs.

I'm pretty excited to go Raiden mode with Lyn in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Assuming I even get a Switch that is.

I am perfect.

Heroes is the mobage, Warriors is the musou


I'm surprised venomroy hasn't come in to start shitposting his waifu

Pic not related? Heather was a man-hating SJW before SJWs were considered a thing.

>spreading your votes thin

more like completely retarded

Oh yeah that's right. My mistake.

Probably DLC for warriors, if not the roster.

Oh fuck he's never going to shut up about this is he

Remember when Lynfags used to claim they weren't as bad as Lucinafags?

He already started.

Severa is the only child character I'm bothering to get good skills and stats for in Awakening right now desu.

She'd play like Zelda from Hyrule Warriors.


>Current votes:

>Upcoming votes:
Old Hector
Black Knight
other Black Knight

That only gives me two votes left. I'm not sure that Severa and Selena are worth it, though. There are surely other characters more deserving to be on the list.

One of the pegasus nights from Blazing sword that most people didn't use cause you get Florina way earlier.

Lyn is ugly, but Lucina is just female Marth, the answer is obvious anyway.

Lyn is cute! CUTE!

>spreading votes thin

Don't do old Hector. Hector twice. This kind of mindset is how PoR Ike is 3rd but not RD Ike.

Lyn's voice is just fine and the only cancer here are the falseflagging haters