Why do you hate Toon Link?
Why do you hate Toon Link?
I don't. He has a batting average of .667 when it comes to good games. That's better than most characters.
TWW, FSA, TMC, and PH are all great games.
ST and Four Swords though... eh. Not to much.
I like him. He's more manly then adult links.
Doesn't show enough leg.
I don't hate him, I'm just not really a fan.
I don't. He's infinitely more entertaining and unique than the generic "realistic" links
I don't hate him, but I definitely prefer the Twilight Princess design, which was what was kind of expected by everyone before Wind Waker was announced.
It's annoying to see Nintendo force the Toon Link design over and over. It's not what I envisioned as a definitive Link.
>great game
As someone who wasn't into nintendo around the time Brawl came out, I want to know if he was always called Toon Link, or was that what everyone called him after Brawl came out?
What was he called before that?
His game sucks (or at least is the worst 3d zelda which is saying a lot since Skyward Sword is a thing) and his voice is annoying.
As far as I know he was referred to as "Wind Waker Link"
delete this
He's a shit in Smash.
I don't hate him. It's just that Wind Waker's the shittiest 3D Zelda
How do you feel about fuccboi Link being the new definitive?
nice meme
You mean just WW (and maybe MC and ST if we are going to be generous)
FA, FSA, PH and TFH are not helping Toon Link's case.
TP Link is the manliest.
Mildly disappointed.
>not getting the joke
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Fuccboi or Shota?
shota fuccboi would be ideal
Step aside.
The real manliest Link is coming through.
No one cares about your non-canon fuccboi
All the Links are fuckable.
Fuckable does not a fuccboi make.
>when the game's a horribly rushed and unfinished pile of shit that has a gimmick that harms it far more than it helps and the dungeons are mediocre at best
No memes involved user
I'll take the entire bottom row. At the same time.
i like how you can tell instantly when a thread is going to have link porn by the OP image alone