This is your professor for today

This is your professor for today.


Someone with a big dick pls explain

Whats the appeal of this game?

I hate niggers

I'll pass. Anything that could be reliably defeated by a woman kills any sense of tension and is just pandering.


Piss off numale, women have no place on the battlefield, let along one filled with demonic creatures

user. With the invention of guns... even women can kill just a good as men. And as you can see... she's using a big gun.

Worst new girl. Naginata waifu and bow waifu are better.

Women do not have the proper mental wiring for it and those that do are mentally abhorrent.

If she can imbue a human soul into a robot...I'm pretty sure she can figure how to use a gun. She's called professor for a reason.

>.I'm pretty sure she can figure how to use a gun. She's called professor for a reason.
Yes, through the power of pandering.

Looks neat, wish March wasn't so crowded.

A woman professor mostly using sexual appeal to get her position.
Therefore women's skills are mostly not qualified

>A woman professor mostly using sexual appeal to get her position.

Being able to figure out how to move the human soul into a robot has nothing to do with sexual appeal.

This is your spearman for tonight.

Therefore no one cares about a woman's skill and their skills are mostly not qualified.

God I love Hidari

> Spearwoman

Pretty sure women don't have the physical power to even lift those weapons, let alone hurting others with them.

Is there Hidari artwork for her? I'm having a hard time finding it.

robot a cute

