Is there a relation between MBTI and video game taste?

Is there a relation between MBTI and video game taste?


MBTI is a farce and should be seen as something just for fun.

Most people here will get INTP and INTJ and think they're hot cerebral shit

I confirm. Psychology does not recognize that as a test.
Try NEO-FFI and other shit.
Stop falling for false psychology shit posted over the internet.

its a fun meme, thats why its popular
it is false psychology though and shouldnt be taken seriously

INTP here. I love games with building and exploring.

>Being this butthurt you aren't INTJ


INTJ hot cerebral shit here

step aside you dumb bimbo

INTJ master race

I keep getting INTJ when I take this things but that description doesn't describe me at all. I'm not even remotely innovative or logical. I'm a depressing mediocre piece of shit for the most part that's hard to be around.

Trump is an ESTP.

So what's the worse personality combination?

>Meme BTI
Enjoy your horoscopes



Is this Loss?

>itt everyone is an intp or intj special snowflake loser
nobody cares

INTP or bust.

bitch you are the one who cares the most


Probably. I'm ISTP and I dislike emulation to the point where I buy flash carts and will build old PCs specifically to play old PC games the way they were intended. I mostly play games you can play over and over again (Doom, Quake, Blood, Old console games).

Same here

I'm INFJ and I mainly old retro games, shit like Doom, Zelda, Ys, Ghosts n Goblins, and Bionic Commando. But I wanna make games too.

I really don't think this has anything to do with video games though


That's Bernie's type.

Every time I take this test I fluctuate between ISTP and ISTJ.

no, every once in a while there is a thread asking people for their favorite game(s) and their mbti. there is pretty much no matches between people with the same type. plus mbti is a spectrum and everyone is different.

What games should an INFJ play?

INFP club time

Anything other than INTP and INTJ is utter trash, and will never have a positive impact on society.
Fight me fags.

Well I don't like Bernie, I thought Trump was the best choice.

As for games, I like games with lots of character building and customization. Especially when I can wipe the slate clean and start fresh with better results.


>being proud of J

>He thinks ENTP is trash

What the fuck are you smoking?

My ass.

INTP here
>hate replaying games, or rereading books, no point of doing something again if I already know and understand it
>like the challenge of platinum trophies and puzzles though
These two dont mix in some games, ie dark souls, which I will never platinum because NG+ shit, despite enjoying the the vague and esoteric-ish story elements

I was happy to see that bloodborne didn't rely on NG+ to accomplish everything

meant eg

I flip between INFP and INTP. Major in Pure Mathematics.

R8 my impact on society potential

why is there so few isfj? ;_;

Daily Reminder that INTJ is just a codeword for autism

Like RPGs and adventure games
Hate fighting games

Selena Gomez is an ISFJ.

pure mathematics is purely joy of reasoning and mathematical logic (depending on your sub-field)

continuing in the field will not be that beneficial to society (atleast until your dead and someone finds some use for your esoteric expressions). 2/10 potential

joining an applied field would be 9/10, as your problem solving and abstract reasoning abilities learned throughout school can be useful. As long as you can apply yourself

I study pure mathematics as well, but I dont care about how useful I am. I want to be a professor and solve stupid puzzles all day with discrete or proof course students

kys already you weak fucks.



in the 3rd sentence I don't mean switch majors, I mean your pure math abilities will be useful in other careers (eg market, computer science, science lab research, consulting, engineering)

selena gomez is a spic

INTJ here, given the chance I will backstab you just for shits and giggles or manipulate you into doing something stupid.

I for one enjoy my INFJ healslut tendencies, you can stick it in my butt all day.


INTJ. I have a hard time really getting into replaying a game unless I really liked it, after I beat a game once it just mentally clicks a 'done' box.

INTJ master race. kys F peasants

ENTP I hardly ever 100% games and constantly need to play new fresh games.