In university video game as theory class

>In university video game as theory class
>Girl with green stripes in her hair starts talking about melee in front of class
>"I play it professionally"

Why are meleefags so cringe?

This is the second time she's talked about it in class

Do you actually think that someone cares about this post?

people who hate melee

>video game class

you are aware you don't go to a real university?

you are aware that you're a faggot?

Literally switch to Computer Science major. You're wasting your time/money.


What about on a GameCube you fucking mororn?

Was she doing a presentation or was she up there for no reason?

Youre paying thousands to sit in a room with a bunch of retards.

Im doing the same. It's fun

>Videogame University

What a stupid way to waste your time.


>video game as theory

I think you are the cringe here

>university video game as theory class

>>In university video game as theory class
that's the only cringe thing here

>"I play it professionally"

She doesn't

the problems with melee players stem from a sense within the culture that they have to prove the legitimacy of their game because it isnt current and officially supported and is shunned by the larger fighting game community. i dont care if they want to play melee competitively, i do care if they act like children about it. then again this is video games, some portion of almost every community is going to be literal children, i just would expect better of the adults in the same group to keep the well from being poisoned.

>tfw european
>get paid to go to university and study physics

Land of the... free?

>I play it professionally
She probably means at a local tournament level, dumb word choice
Le Sup Forums meme or just someone who doesn't play it for the do competitive aspect. Literally depends on context to decide if it was autistic or not
>No proper way to play, emulation isn't perfect
Literally what
Relevant, when you have Windows of less than ten frames why amount of frame lag is bad
>There ain't be a melee HD for switch
Valid guess considering Nintendo's lack of support, and shutting down attempts, of the melee scene
There's literally nothing cringey about what she said, besides the emulation comment, outside of if the situation didn't call for her to talk about melee

>video game as theory class

>tfw it's 2017 and there still isn't a game that surpasses melee

rivals of aether my dude


>video game as theory
Or you could just play some video games while not being a fucking retard.
You don't need a class to tell you what design choices are fun and what aren't.

>my only retort is namecalling

>>In university video game as theory class
Sup Forums always makes me feel better about myself.

>in games as theory class
>bored so I made up some shit for Sup Forums

Tell her that if you don't get paid for doing whatever you do, you're not a professional.

Then tell her to fuck off.

Daily reminder

>two player sitting in shield next to each other
>tense as fuck

>two players spamming parry next to each other
>just looks embarrassing

Also, Absa is a shit character

Taking out the things that take effort like wavedash timing makes the game mindless.