Samus Thread

Samus is cute! CUTE!

more like insanely hot

more like perfection

game when?


Zero Suit killed Metroid

zero suit saved my dick

yes she is


I wish I could find a Samus ERPer to be my mommy

did you say thicker?


Report and hide waifu threads.

How old is she Sup Forums?



I rather report whaleposting desu

God you are so pathetic

this is why women and faggots should be banned from Sup Forums


She's 30

Sauce or didn't happen

Too thick!

She is irrelevant until Nintendo makes a waifu game with her just like Fire Emblem.



How would a samus waifu game be like? I would play the shit out of it.

i actually threw up a little thanks

good, more place for the thickness

just stop.

Is she going to drown in her drool?

Extremely bland artist tbqhwymf


tfw you will never remodel her asshole

>tfw she will never remodel your asshole

Samus is another amusing case of a huge difference in what she's apparently supposed to look like depending on if the game is being made by a Western or Eastern studios. It lends a lot of credence to the whole theory that Westerners don't really like to draw their women super attractive if at all and Japan can't draw women any other way.

being samus's house husband

you play as her manager and make her train to improve stats, send her on missions and go on dates

You play as her husband/her abuse victim

Samus is your mommy and the goal is to have sex with her in the shower with your tiny shota cock.


You have to essentially go on an adventure with her til you become her love interest.

fuck, she literally has a truck for an ass

How do you even envision Samus?
An ERPer could have a variety of ideas what Samus is.

Imagine the strength of her calves, to be able to hold herself up like that.

something something I want to be samus

something something i wanna fuck you now

Prime Samus is pretty attractive though.

At first I thought samus had her arm cut off from some previous battle and was replaced by an arm canon. Until I played prime and I was able to use x-ray to see through her arm canon to see that she still has an arm. The it got me thinking that she had some latent powers that was bestowed onto her by the chozo and the chozo made a special suit for her to channel that power through her arm. It seem to make since to me because when you change arm canon mods, she changes the position of her hand. Like I thought she was akin to x-men's cyclops where if you took the suit off, she would just continue to emit beam energy from her arm unless it was properly inhibited and controlled

this is cute

western devs make Samus realistically attractive like she's a real person, rather than shes out of a shitty animu


>built like a fridge

no thx

>think that is stocky
>hasnt seen Sarah "brick house" Silverman naked
she is a literal rectangle in human form

God dammit I used to know a girl who had a face just like in OP's pic in high school

She invited me over to her place like thrice and I sperged out

So anyway she lost interest in me after my autistic passiveness had gone on long enough, years pass and she dyed her hair, got piercings and tattoos and is now unemployed and depressed so that's that

Yeah yeah, it's not r9k but this is at least related to the picture and, you know, what a shame, right?

>years pass and she dyed her hair, got piercings and tattoos and is now unemployed and depressed so that's that

good god looks like you dodged a bullet

I yield. Compared to her is a qt

I'd like to believe I could have made a pure waifu or whatever out of her if I'd been non-autistic enough to respond to her flirts with anything other than gay best friend stuff

I guess she seemed a bit like the emotional rollercoaster type, what with her MySpace being all MCR lyrics and all the other meme stuff about feeling lonely but I also have a thing for crazy girls

pics of her?

I miss him too

Her actual design varied pretty hard within the prime games as well.
She isn't exactly consistent regardless of the developer.

These threads always make my day.

i want to smell their asses

>he is still posting his shit fetish and samefags it

That's her fetish, alright.

These aren't mutually exclusive


>lesbian farts.wmv


Your posts always spoil my day.

Then you better hide them.

Could you namefag or tripfag? It'd be a lot nicer for the rest of us.

more like this one

speak for yourself

why does she have really long arms and legs?

>ywn be a cute sexy space marine who kills ayys as her day job

why live

>ywn be a cute sexy space marine who decimates ayylmao colony worlds singlehandedly as her day job
refers to a WH40K fic, IIRC