Will he be bigger than Yhorm Sup Forums?
Will he be bigger than Yhorm Sup Forums?
will he be a bigger disappointment than yhorm?
except he was one of the greatest parts of dark souls 3, ending siegward's story and providing you with an awesome link to demon's souls
He's not a boss. Calling it now.
gimmic boss
>mfw you can use Storm Ruler on him and kill him in 4 hits like Yhorm
The fight was shit though
that's why it's shit
oh boy i cant wait to fight another boring ass giant gimmick boss
I know you're a faggot i know.. but you see child.. yhorms theme was epic beyond words and a faggot like you can never appreciate that fact.. because your a faggot... ok faggot?
The fight was cool if you didn't use the storm ruler.
Yeah. This is the only way I do the yhorm fight
This'll be the last fresh piece of content we'll be getting for Dark Souls. Aren't you sad, guys?
>yfw Ringed City is even more full of shit DS1 memes and references
Nah, I'm full thanks. I'm just sad that the swan song of the series is so disappointing.
>A sequel making "references" to earlier games is bad
Jesus, your autism. Also, what in the flying fuck gave you this impression? Other than the fact that the bat demon is, well, a firey evolution of the Anor Londo demons, what in this is DaS1?
>literally features characters and entire areas from the distant past of the other games
I wouldn't be so angry is all the references were to Dark Soul 1 with barely any mention of 2
You'd think the Bearer of the Curse and Aldia being two immortal beings that managed to escape the cycle of fire would be a pretty big deal, but nope not a single mention of anything that happened in 2