It's out boyz

It's out boyz.

Is it safe?

Fap. Her cuteness cannot be contained.

Has anyone peeked under that dress yet? I can't cause I'm at work

soldier76 has

>be at uni
>left pc at home because transporting it is a hassle and a distraction at uni
>4 yr old laptop can't run overwatch
>even if it could the WiFi is trash and the uni did away with ether net cable years ago
>will miss the new years event

My life is literally shit.


first Lewdbox (the one 4 loggin in)

when's get a voice line calling him daddy

anyone else having trouble updating

So who's gonna post the upskirt

wtf the ana skin



Stop playing shitty sjw games you fucking numale filth, have some damn pride


If I get that in my loot boxes and no skin I'll be extremely disappointed.

Tfw I hate any sjw libcuck propaganda

Tfw none of that shit is ever thrown in your face in game

Its genius really, blizzard adds a fat fuck character here, bull dyke over there and wham bam it gets the feminazi cunts to fuck off.


waiting for upskirts shots

I agree

You can equip 4 voice lines at once now, hell yeah!!! I was waiting for this day.

> gets something for once
YEAH SON, also Mei gets a skin that shows her curves, at least she can be sexy while pissing me off to no end.


yeah shes beautiful but WHERES THE QIPAO

She could be wearing bloomers, the pure kind.

>had enough for Mei's skin which is the one I really wanted
>it comes in two colors


I kinda like the purple one.


much better

should have made her face white with that pretty facepaint they do in asian cuntrys

looks terrible without pretty make up

Same I can't decide which one to buy. I'll probably get the purple one tho

>s76 still doesn't have a good skin

I got mei

>dumb gook shit to pander to SJWs



I agree
Have some more pandering

>Give her the cutest skin
>Nerf her back to uselessness


Shit quality

>Dva finally gets an event skin
>Mei gets TWO
>after getting a christmas legendary

Sure is unbiased, Blizzard.


>gold fusion cannons
My nigga

>>dumb gook shit to pander to Chinese audience, who got a free trial week

There aren't nearly enough year of the cock jokes

AW SHIT are they actually bloomers?

Her legendary is fucking shit so its okay




Lowest settings.
Lowest resolution.
50% resolution scaling

360p gaming with 500 ping. It could work.

Does anyone know if 360p is the actual lowest resolution you can have in overwatch?

Good job Blizz.

Not that I'm surprised.

Aside from upskirt shot her new skin looks like shit desu

dat priorities

>Crouch has cooldown between uses

>Got the Junkrat skin first win

Well I got what I came for. Good event.

Holy shit, this has to be the worst skin to date.

ad crouch spam was cancer.


You can't get worse than Zarya skins. Compared to other Ana skins? Yes, it is the worst.

Maybe, but at least her hair looks great, unlike every other D.Va skin.

>first box
>no skin
fuck China



>Tracer gets things AGAIN
Nobody likes Tracer
Stop trying to make Tracer happen

Technically this is alright to post on the blue boards.
her balls should be bigger


>The best things in life come in small packages
D.Va deconfirmed from size queen

why can I not stop looking at this

Was the free trial a misunderstanding, I cant find info on it

>sock attached to her suit that fits her dick perfectly

Because D.Va is a cute shitter

>CTF mode is just Winston / D.Va: The Game

Great. That was fun for two games.

>Korean in a korean dress on Chinese New Year

They knew what they were doing not making any nips. If D'va was Japanese she'd be hated in China out of principle.

name of the artist?

>only play one character
>have 8000 currency from 78 levels worth of loot boxes

feels ok man

>All this chink and gook pandering

Fucking disgusting.

I mean she's my favourite OW character

but I meant that specific image

That's a pretty good skin but I don't I'll get into blizz game and comeback only for the "LIMITED TIEM SKENS GUYZ!1!' meme.

What the fuck is with that hanbok? It looks like D.Va stole it from a kid.

>No Mystery Heroes for this week's arcade

Makes it easier to animate, I'll bet. Flowing fabric surrounding her legs down to the ankle? That'll be shit

>Log on for the first time in a month just for this
>It's all shit
I'll stick with playing Yakuza then

She was originally suppose to be like 9 years old so she probably did out of rage of blizzard making her older


Did best girl get shafted again?

Literally done with the event by the second box

Thank you for posting this image. I had nearly forgot about it and probably already had it saved on my computer, but not yet in every folder on my computer.


>to be fair on consol it wa a whoever gets Torb first wins

It's because Overwatch has no lasting appeal. Matchmaking is shit, competitive is a joke, the new heroes Blizzard add are shit or game-breaking, all the new maps released so far have been awful.

If there was no skins you'd have no reason to actually play the game once you got bored of it

what dis

Best skin. Imagine how many rage quits when you see that face taking you out

The gamemode is literal cancer

>It's because Dota has no lasting appeal. Matchmaking is shit, competitive is a joke, the new heroes Valve add are shit or game-breaking, all the new maps released so far have been awful.
woah........ its like...... theres no......... argue.....ments

how much does the skin cost? 3k?

Ctf? how come? I was looking foward to it


could one farm this in 2 weeks?

>Mei finally confirmed 100% to just be a titty monster.

Winston and D.Va

>untreated lordosis
>best girl

rly makes u think