Steam pls

steam pls

Underage Panty Quest?

can consoles even compete?

>expecting Valve to have any kind of quality control on their garbage dump known as Steam.

>its publishers and not steam that demands full censorship of games

Really makes my brain tickle

>Developer: Animu Game

Was this perhaps made by a 4channer I wonder?

No, there are actually people who want the Sup Forums audience yet don't browse this shithole. Like the faggot who made Youjo Simulator.

Why did valve open the floodgates, Sup Forums?

Because there's not a single reason not to. If people want to buy and play shitty games - let them. The market will regulate itself.

Money. They are no longer the company that was loved half a decade ago. Hell, over 50% of the games on the entire fucking store were added in 2016 alone. Valve doesn't give a fuck about their fans, that was shown when they started taking out small features to resell for even more money. Look at sprays in Counter Strike, only Valve could take that feature and put a pay wall in front of it.

I wish there was a viable competitor that wasn't run by cunts just as jewish as Valve is.

ironic anime 'senpai!' faggots

Notice me senpai xDDD

The only funny ironic anime thing is spamming Keitai copypasta

They should just go full porn already. They'd dominate the market if they allowed eroge in their platform, especially if they allowed users to remove them from their public library and fap anonymously.

They can't because they're American, and here in America we're sexually repressed animals that can't stand looking at a nipple but are fine with watching people get their brains blown out.

This game looks fun though

Valve is a better company now than they've ever been. The only way they can be better is if they allowed porn games on Steam and started developing games again

>especially if they allowed users to remove them from their public library and fap anonymously.

If you're ashamed of your fapping you're not allowed to fap

It may not be Half-Life 3, but it will do.


Bless this game, and bless Gaben, hallowed be thy name. So that console may never know such joys. Amen.

They'd be a better received company if they made games but not necessarily a better business. What I mean by this is that they will make much more money by just selling other peoples games and by developing their own tech than spending money and resources developing their own games. The only thing that will get them to make a game is if they find a way to have that game to make maximum revenue through microtransactions. This is why Half Life 3 will never happen and how Left 4 Dead 3 will be more likely to release (if they ever do decide to make games again). Single player games for them don't bring in enough profit, Left 4 Dead can though.

It's a shame, Half Life had a neat storyline but it's looking like it will never be resolved.

I have no friends ;_; so I wouldn't have to worry about that. I also play all the eroge I want without needing steam. I just want to see the market revitalized, and anonymous fapping would go a long way to boost the number of people who actually buy their games.

They'll eventually find another dev studio doing neat things and contract them (pay them eleventy billion) to make the next game.

What the fuck did Gabe mean by this?

>As soon as we fix that shit, you'll be able to fap freely.

Can someone translate what he's saying to retard for me?

I hope you're not implying that's bad in any shape or form.

He basically said "Google it".

I think he meant that he wants to figure out a way to make it to where Steam doesn't show people things they don't want to see before he makes Steam an even more open platform than it already is.

Where in my sentence did I intimate any such thing?

They outsourced, and eventually absorbed the original Portal team.

Literally nothing wrong with that.

They don't have to make the game themselves though, they can just contract it out or buy it from another dev like they did for CS:GO and L4D

"I'll give you tools. It's up to you to learn how to use them."

It's still more profitable for them to not make games at the moment since the system they have in place already is making them steady and reliable income. Why take a risk on publishing a new game for not a whole lot of gain when you have a system that's already working?

They should just hire people to make porn games in SFM. Easy to use and make, which would encourage people to make the content, and already set up to maximize profits on their platform.

Keitai was never funny.

>quality pc exclusives

It's pretty fun desu senpai

>implying this game is bad

>Search for the enemy panties and kick their bad ___

The censored word is NIGGER

>They'd dominate the market if they
because they don't already?

Dominate the porn game market

>Like the faggot who made Youjo Simulator.
Sekai Project is a fucking awful publisher and they're a bunch of faggots who won't hesitate to insult their own damn audience and customers.

But Yohjo Simulator was made by a single guy messing around for fun, then sharing it locally at comiket. And that was essentially it. That was the scope of the game. It did not have western audiences in mind. It most certainly did not have Sup Forums or its ilk in mind. Fuck, it didn't even have most of Japan in mind. It didn't really have much focus on audiences in general. He never expected that a publisher would have been interested in his game, so being contacted by one with the interests of publishing it on Steam for foreign audiences surprised him.

Shit on Sekai Project all you want. They're fucking awful and deserve all the hate they're getting. But there is little reason to shit on the creator of Yohjo Simulator.

>Tried to click on the next screenshot because I was interested in seeing more.
>Expanded picture closes.
What the fuck's wrong with me today.

>Baka Panty
No bully!

Make a separate platform called steam(y)
Make it opt in only and give it a separate account from your main steam.
The problem is getting it popular and making a profit.