
How are people still engaged by Mario titles? What the fuck are they getting out of this series?

New levels and mechanics. Why are people still playing fps after so many years?

Because the genre has managed to evolve and reach new heights.

Just look at Overwatch.

The tightest platforming mechanics you'll ever see in a 3D environment.


That crisp mario shadow, this is the power.. of the Switch ...

98 please

roll XD

Fun. I personally can't fucking wait to play my inner child will love every second its to bad I need to drink to enjoy my inner child

Damn, I forgot about some of these memes. Starting to feel old now.


will there at least be ghosts

wimmy wham wham wozzle


I've been here too long. Although it is interesting to see some on this oldass image that are still popular today.

46 please

going for it


1eat shrooms

2turn game sound off

3turn pink floyd up

Goddamn there are some old memes on there.

>Just look at Overwatch.

Id rather play splatoon 2 meng I like turf war

>no spurdo