What is he going to do with his billions? Will he do anything to help the gaming industry?
What is he going to do with his billions? Will he do anything to help the gaming industry?
He'll buy a Switch pro controller
Hide in his vast mansion and shitpost
>help the gaming industry?
Seeing as his projects after Minecraft kinda flopped, probably not
Buy properties
Play videogames/legos
Shitpost on twitter.
Get bored and commit suicide.
In that exact order.
Hell buy the next US presidency
>buh muh citizen
Didn't stop Obama
>buh no experience
Didn't stop Trump
What projects? He dropped 'em all.
Why would he do anything to help the industry? He made his obscene pile of money and now he's free to swim around in it like a rotund scrooge mcduck
that's a damn good picture of him
he pulls off the coat + fedora better than any on Sup Forums could
he is already helping the gaming industry
by cleansing SJWs from it
It just looks embarassing from a fat NEET neckbeard, billionaire or not; that's what he is
Holy fuck I haven't fallen for a rage image for months, REEEEEEEEEE
Billionaire is a pretty fucking big qualification, user.
Go back to Tumblr fag.
>NEET neckbeard, billionaire
No that's called retired.
hello amber coal
notch is based
Than NEETs are retired too?
Can we make me a billionaire next?
Ill make some autism core game and Sup Forums will shill for me.
>100K debt
How is this even possible?
I'm poor as fuck
I work minimum wage
But I have a $1,000 in savings and it's growing every month
>some guy has money
>how can it benefit me?
Honestly, he basically won the lottery. And like all lottery winners, he's probably going to spend it all on dumb stuff.
Wow, so the memes are real huh
>i'm an ugly tranny pls gibs me money
A fool and his money are easily parted. A fool and credit, even more so.
He has money BECAUSE of the video game industry. At least he could not be an ungrateful fucking cunt.
Its funny how retard hippies think that rich people dont value money, rich people get rich by valuing money, poor people like that trans faggot dont value money and spend money that is not theres, thats why he is 100k in debt.
>At least he could not be an ungrateful fucking cunt.
why would he
>help the gaming industry
since when is it in danger? gamers have been keeping it alive by themselves without the need for a meme face, fucking casual trash
First, you take out a $100k loan for gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy
Next, never get a job because you only screech about how you're opressed, and both men and women now find you repulsive.
Spend all day on the computer, thinking that a video game made about transphobia will make any money.
Continue to live in NY or CA where a shitty apartment in the ghettoes costs $1k/month.
>someone's moral compass doesn't agree with mine waaahhhh
it makes me laugh when you see people on this board using the word "poorfag" to anyone who doesn't want to spend money on an overpriced game or console
rich people don't throw their money at everything new regardless of quality, because if they had a habit of doing that, they wouldnt be rich
the people who use the word "poorfag" in this way are probably the actual paupers
what kind of bank is going to give you a 100k loan for that when you have no job, house or anything
youve made this thread 3 times this week already
would you kindly fuck off and kill yourself you autistic nigger nobody cares about an autistic swedish billionaire or what you think he owes you and your hobby
A vast majority of rich people got rich because they had rich parents. People like notch who made their own money are in a very small minority. If he had kids, his kids would almost certainly be billionaires. It's amazing what a "small loan of a million dollars" can do when you're 30.
>>buh muh citizen
but obongo was and is a citizen you fucking retard
>good and evil don't exist
build the cucksheds for all the swedes
idk man, maybe "amber" was just lying on twitter or something. Also, you could certainly get that way with student loans.
Finally, a mortgage is a form of a loan, even I (with a ~$95k mortgage) could start crying about how I'm 100k in debt I suppose.
I recall reading somewhere that while the correlation between intelligence and income is strong, the correlation between intelligence and wealth is weak
>really makes etc.
If they're rich yeah.
On the dole, living off your family.
Made money on your own, won the lottery, mommy and daddy are dead and left you a fat estate.
And yes the line between NEET and Retired is whether your benefactor is still living but hey that's life.
dude i'm in college and you have no fucking clue
Especially when you also have access to high-profile people who can offer advice and such through said rich parents, thus lower the inherent risk of investment or start-up immensely.
If some guy has a lot of money and your immediate first thought isn't what did he do that benefited you, you need to re-examine your values son.
Remember: property doesn't exist in nature. It's an arbitrary system that was created to allocate resources. We must ever be watchful for situations where it allocates resources wrong.
Even you aren't that stupid. Are you?
you're still a NEET even if you're rich
do you even know what NEET means
Why does he have to wear such a gay hat?
I guess it's just a way for autists to express themselves
Isn't he from Sweden? I bet like 3/4 of his billions goes to refugees anyway, cuck'd nation
what it means exactly?
Not her, but technically you're not a NEET if you're over 25, at least not in the UK. I think the ONS just writes you off as a failure.
Not in Education, Employment, or Training
So basically anyone who is retired/made his money/dont need to work/etc is NEET according to your definition.
>over 25
>just writes you off as a failure.
That's harsh. Men don't mature until they reach age 28.
he may no need money but he is still NEET
>go to college
>engineering and all engineering classes are essentially quarantined from liberals
I never, ever have to deal with that sort of shit.
not an arguement
>Don't you hate those nightmares where you can barely move and monsters are chasing you, and it turns out you're recording for polygon?
No, he will just shitpost on twitter all day every day.
With all that money he could fund some amazing games but he won't.
Thats not 'his definition' that is the definition of the acronym.
>engineering and all engineering classes are essentially quarantined from liberals
you're essentially saying you never had any contact with your classmates lel
he's living the neet dream
he took money from microsoft shareholders and created a pen for children with assburgers
he already helped the industry
No, there are left leaning people in engineering, especially thanks to all the grants we get for alternative energy, but not the type that throw hissy fits and champion political causes about trannies and the vaginas.
I'd say, by extension, Sup Forums helped the industry by nurturing Notch.
>opposing pollution makes you "left leaning"
fuck this stupid millenium
He already tried.
His dream was to set up a team of dreamers and together they'd make video games and live that dream, while stuffing their faces with candy and playing video games together.
He forgot that people are shit, and all the other people he hired were just in it for the money - They didn't care about him, nor did they have dreams.
All Notch wanted was to make a fun game to make friends, instead he found out that neither your efforts or money can ever buy true fulfillment in life.
People are happy from they're born, until they reach about 12 years, and then they start dying inside.
Some grow into stale and reasonable adults, who live on a sense of obligation alone, while some become man children who dream of finding a way back to those days of happiness.
Both paths suck, and there's no point to anything.
Fuck that was too real.
I'll come hang out with Notch for free and we can make shmups, but no cameras and no Java.
His money has ruined any possibility of that happening forever.
He can never be sure that anyone will ever want to hang out with him anymore, because he has been buried in lecherous smiley-faced ass-lickers for long enough to always suspect people of just wanting his money.
Any kindness will be mistrusted. He just dreamed of having friends - Now he literally can't ever have one.
Notch is a fat despised literal cuck that made the right moves and now lives in an idealized shitposting paradise.
Nothing he'll ever do will be enough for cynics like us, so why the fuck would he ever throw away hundreds of millions of dollars trying please swaths of entitled manchildren? Videogames cost anywhere from 50m to 150m for AA even.
If any of you niggers ever won more than a couple million, I hope you'd never disgrace yourselves again by getting involved in the escapist quagmire of videogames. Enough money for security and and pursuing worthwhile dreams is better than whittling away the equivocal GNP of a small country on an industry that spawns seemingly the most deplorable body of individuals, businesses, and consumers known to man.
>2 billion dollars
kek he lived/lives in sweden id be surprised if they didnt take 80% of it
I guess i'd fit into the man child category trying to relive the fun days of early teens/teens of having LAN parties every weekend. I am very successful now and have all the money to spend on video games/tech. Just bought a $1,200 ultra wide monitor. I even converted my garage into a LAN center but it is still hard to get everyone together.
Is the vape its self supposed to represent the fedora or is it the vapor? Neither are accurate btw.
>Enough money for security and and pursuing worthwhile dreams is better than whittling away the equivocal GNP of a small country on an industry that spawns seemingly the most deplorable body of individuals, businesses, and consumers known to man.
I wonder what psychosexual trauma makes user hate himself so.
it's like pottery
>tfw ywn be Notch's true friend, not interested in the money.
>you will never get to play Dnd with Notch and just have fun.
Markus needs a hug.
>He forgot that people are shit, and all the other people he hired were just in it for the money
That's what happens when you create a startup in fucking California
t. mouth fedora user
>mfw Notch starts shitposting in the twitch chat