Are gamers too sensitive these days?

Are gamers too sensitive these days?

is that real?

Its because people abuse crouch spamming during 1v1s which makes it harder to aim at them I guess


>can no longer duck and weave widowmakers
involuntary buff ahoy

>practically a MOBA, aiming doesn't even matter for the vast majority of characters
>console version is slower with bigger hitboxes
>took lots of complaining to get FOV and a higher tick rate
>damage calculation has invisible scaling based on the W/L of your past 10 games
>cooldown on crouching as to not hurt feelings
>"""""""""""""""""""competitive""""""""""""""""""" game


>>damage calculation has invisible scaling based on the W/L of your past 10 games

What? Is this real?

That's surprisingly pathetic. Even for Blizzard standards.

Sometimes I wonder if they are shitting up OW on purpose just to attract publicity.

they did that because their hitboxes fuck up when you spam crouching
and you can still teabag at quite fast speeds
this thread is garbage

Yes indeed, it makes out at +10%/-10% damage and requires you to be going at least 7/3 or 3/7 for your last 10 mataches before it starts happening, so people don't notice it.

Gamers have always been sensitive, the developers just never gave a damn. They are more sensitive now that devs are all little pussies with no talent that will bend over for any fag with hurt fee-fee's

>hitboxes fuck up when you spam crouching

Maybe they should make the game better

what a fucking shitshow


No, I don't fucking believe that. That's too retarded. Gimme source.

>there are people on this board who fell for the blizzard scam AGAIN
If you bought D3 AND Overwatch you need to reevaluate your life

>wahaaa people don't stay still when I want to shoot
Jesus, activision really attract retarded kids these days.



>play a tumblr game
>whine when tumblr game makes tumblr changes for its tumblr players

Tf2 did the same thing in addition to limiting you to 2 crouches per jump

You can still teabag just slower

Get it nice and romantic like. Light some candles, put on some Barry White. I'm feelin it

this senpai

that is what they just did

The fact that people get mad about Teabagging at all is a testament to how sensitive they are.

Bunny hopping scouts were total faggots even more so on the 360 version


Yes. The public gaming cringe thread was just deleted

I was going to contribute to the thread by posting images off google images, but I got nothing after searching "playing video games in public cringe." (((They))) know it triggers their slaves so (((they))) even shield it from them

They added it for the crouch a headshot bullshit.
Fucking idiots.

Overwatch fans are actual tards

>tfw roadhog will never teabag me

D3 is actually fun though and pretty much every single skinnerbox nowadays has its share of problems

Overwatch you have dozens of good alternatives

Every fucking community is retarded.

Tea bagging is shit tier bad sportsmanship. I'm fine with this.

Dignified teabagging is allowing yourself the full effect of placing your balls onto your opponents visage. The kids that just spam the button like mad don't know what they're doing, it looks better if you use deep squats.

>tfw the game has corpse collision and you knock their face into the ground and back up into your sack each time you go down

Good thing games are not a sport

What a baby.
Why don't you grow a backbone you weenie.

Ready for the future of gaming?

What the fuck? This is shit. I regret buying Overwatch and defending it prior to release. I regret all of the hours spent, knowing I was supporting THAT.

What's so bad about getting teabagged? That's not actually YOU in the game getting testicles and ass to the face. It's actually a much better-looking, athletic, worthwhile 2D person receiving it. Don't tell me you think that's actually you, you cuck

Source faggot. The last time one of you retards said this there was no proof

>that implied passive aggressive frustration

bonafide, clinical corporate autism

How does Blizzard even manage to create products? They're probably not even allowed to criticize their own employees

>tfw the next patch includes a cooldown on how frequently you can strait.
>cooldown on jumping soon
Blizzdrones getting fuck raw like they deserve.

I sincerely don't think the reason is teabagging, since ragdolls are done client side and most of the time you just see someone crouching in a random spot a few yards away from your corpse

>That's not actually YOU in the game getting testicles and ass to the face
That's the problem.


>practically a MOBA, aiming doesn't even matter for the vast majority of characters
Like who?

>console version is slower with bigger hitboxes
Because its on consoles.

>damage calculation has invisible scaling based on the W/L of your past 10 games
Alex Jones tier speculation, fuck off

Next thing you know there's going to be a cooldown on fucking jumping.

>You've jumped; you must now wait 15 seconds before jumping again
praise the lord, Overwatch GAME OF THE YEAR, blizzard is the best dev.

Has anyone beaten Legion yet? I heard Ganondorf is the last boss.

>next patch includes a cooldown on how often you can attack enem-
>oh wait

If it bothers you then just stop playing it.

>these lines were incorporated to combat "gg ez"
>now spammed even more because of the lines

Kek, not surprising that Sup Forums of all places starts whining about not being able to act like a 10 year old cunt to others anymore.

Pro tip: Stop acting like one and maybe these retarded changes to games wouldn't happen.

>people still defends this trash

Most of the people playing Overwatch aren't even old enough to remember when teabagging was just a part of online shooters. I doubt they would make a change specifically because of it though, I would bet money it's something like Tumblrwatch is such a shitty fucking game, lol.

It's like how f*ck is better than fuck, because it's family friendly. You don't think 'fuck' when you see 'f*ck' do you?

i regret every single one of about 80 hours spent in ow
went back to tf2, its a nice game, i like it

Nobody will ever give you a source because a source doesn't exist. It never existed, it will never exist.

>lucio can wallride backwards

>completely revert changes they made before with classes like dva

>ana nerf, just lol

>ruined roadhog because idiots are retarded and cant understand simple things

>abilities used will show up in killfeed so that retards with zero spatial awareness can follow the game better

they are constantly bringing down the skill ceiling and making/removing skill related mechanics


Pic related was better when I fapped long back, going back to it and seeing the art hasn't aged well.

Yes. There's a apparently a massive number of "toxic" player videos on youtube from Overwatch. The whining from everybody in all of them is nothing compared to how VoIP used to be in games. I remember Halo 3 of all games even made it so corpses stick to the crotch of the player teabagging, things have gotten so pussified.

source is the man who circulated the rumors died from a bug that made the opponent do extra damage to him

why there are no custom gamemodes? or maps? or servers? or avatars? or sprays? OR FUCKING ANYTHING

i think its still pretty good
i just get triggered when he gives boys a cup tits for no reason though


because it's a blizzard game that is played by a community of actual idiots

No, just Overbabies.

honestly, this. and i dont even play over watch

Sup Forums just looks for anything possible to shit on a game, even if they look like 10 year old retards, because it's an anonymous mongolian bulletin board and they probably are

>i just get triggered when he gives boys a cup tits for no reason though
But that's pretty though.
>mfw his latest works are trap dominating

If you aren't crouchspamming every fight you're not on the level where your opinion matters

boys shouldnt have tits its 2017

This doesn't even stop anything, I'm still gonna go over to your corpse and teabag, except just once this time.
Just remove crouching :^)))

>Good game! Best of Luck to you all!
So you can say "Good game" but not "gg"? Or is it just specifically "gg ez"?
It's really stupid either way.

>people abuse something that's been used in pretty much every fps that also having a very easy counter

Competitive as fuck, that's like obligating footballers to rehearse manoeuvres because the other team doesn't know how to counter them.

I'm pretty sure they introduced a cooldown because there were people scripting spam-crouch to avoid headshots


Is anybody surprised? This game was always made for casuals.
Of course they are going to find ways to level the playing field in many ways so everybody has a chance to win regardless of skill, or more accurately nerf skill.
Wasn't one of the devs in Overwatch the one that gave an interview talking about how losing regularly for beginners takes away their ability to enjoy the game so therefore they will find ways to make sure everybody wins a certain amount of the time?
Or was it a different game?

you heard it here folks. t-bagging in the middle of gunfights requires skill.

>crouch spamming during 1v1s which makes it harder to aim at them

it also makes it harder to aim FOR them since their own crosshair jumps up and down during crouch spam

Blizzard sucks at comedy so fucking much

Regardless, it's a degenerate tactic and it's good design to not force your players to mash crouch all game long.

>Regardless, it's a degenerate tactic
Jesus, this is neo/v/, right now. Little 12 year old in tears that people don't play theit game like they want.

you're dumb

Does Blizzard realize how utterly pathetic this speaks of them and their audience?
Those last few lines actually describe the people that wanted and enabled GG EZ auto filtered in the first place.
The lack of awareness is hilarious.

It's hilarious that all you need to do to piss everyone off and create a massive shitstorm that causes the company to spend numerous man hours in damage control, meetings, and filters is type 4 letters

gg ez

It's like when people used to get absolutely furious every time 'u mad' was used, all they have to do is ignore it but it works every single time.

>abilities used will show up in killfeed
This is a good thing. Now when someone gets a triple while you're in spawn you'll know why.
Or if you're in a clusterfuck and die randomly you can find out right away instead of waiting for the replay.

You pissbabies are literally shaking because you can't type "gg ez" in chat. It's a joke, and it's way above your heads. Go outside.

your typing is by far the angriest in the thread my man

this is actually chuckleworthy for me. if nothing else, to see autists raging for not being able to use a fucking phrase.

The irony

Has to be "gg" and "ez" in the same sentence.

I just tried it in game
They literally made it around .3 seconds slower. What the fuck was the point of this? You can still rapidly crouch at mock speed and still mess with the hitbox

No you retard, it goes to +20%/-15%, but it only kicks in after 5 wins or 4 losses in a row.

Or it doesn't at all and I have no idea how this rumor actually got traction

the answer is simple: Sup Forums needs something to shit on about.

It looks like you can't tea bag anymore.

Try going up to someone and crouch.

It won't let you. what the fuck

Oh they also nerfed the crouch speed but it's barely noticeable.

He's right, faggot. Just aim low for a guaranteed head shot.

3 crouches a second isn't very much.

to make teabagging more sensual.

Before, people would go way too fast and nut immediately, Blizzard wanted to add some intimacy to the teabag, spend some quality time together, hopefully the person respawns and finds you teabagging their body so you can have a threesome with them and their dead body.

That's not the point.

Any FPS game where constantly mashing crouch is an optimal strategy, is a shit FPS game.