There's no such thing as a perfect gam-

There's no such thing as a perfect gam-....


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>Chalice Dungeons
>Blood vial system

No game is perfect but Bloodborne, at least for me (and i've played them all, Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex, Witcher, MGS3, Zelda etc), comes pretty damn fucking close

I legit can't find a huge flaw with the game. Chalice dungeons are optional and are actually a fuck load of fun in COOP. Blood Vials can be annoying when you're a noob or stuck on a boss (having to back out from Ludwig and Orphan of KOS because I had no more blood vials pissed me off) but for the most part, aren't that much of a problem.

>Level design

All were fucking legit top tier and the games pacing/length was fucking perfect. Watching the world completely change when you kill Rom was the third most kino moment i've seen in all of vidya. The first being Orphan of Kos's introduction and the second being Ludwigs introduction.

The game is legit, 10/10. Easily this gens best game (and I loved the Witcher 3, but that games gameplay is too weak for it to be the best game this gen, for me personally at least)

Except that game is far from perfect.

dark souls 2 is better than bb

Enemy reusing throughout
Chalice dungeons
A bunch of poor bosses
Somewhat samey environments
PVP is shit like always
The fact that a large portion of your movesets are not used at all because of better moves

Its my favorite game of all time but it has some really glaring flaws. A large majority of the bosses past Amelia are quite mediocre on repeat playtroughs, even if they are fun for a first timer.

Here, have a (you) before anyone else needs to respond.

>Enemy reusing throughout
Like every game, ever?
>Chalice dungeons
Optional and 10/10 when playing with a friend
>A bunch of poor bosses
Name them, all the bosses were at the very least, good. Even the Witches of Hemwick
>Somewhat samey environments
Complete lie. This is the one thing Bloodborne excelled at. It made the world feel cohesive, connected yet different at the same time.
>PVP is shit like always
Optional and I disagree, it's fun if your gud
>The fact that a large portion of your movesets are not used at all because of better moves
Literally every game with a combat system in existence.

Not one of these are a "glaring flaw"

Chalice Dungeons are my favorite part of the game, couldn't get into BB until I got to the Loran Chalices.

If anything The final moments of the game aren't the strongest. It took me 30 seconds to figure out how to fight Gehrman and MP went down right after. OoK is really fucking fun if you don't parryscum him though.

Fuck I regret that I STILL haven't played this. I should've got it in the Christmas sales. I agree with you about TW3 by the way, I just enjoyed the stories and characters.

>Optional and 10/10 when playing with a friend
>It's fun with friends

Its a PS4 exclusive and I'm not willing to buy a PS4 just to play 1(ONE) game only

>buy craigslist ps4 for $150-200
>physical BB $20
>Old Hunters $15
>play game
>sell ps4 for whatever you bought it for
>sell BB for $10

You can play Bloodborne for $25.

>Like every game, ever?
Sure, but its still a flaw
Fighting the same huntsmen in central yharnam and then 6 hours later in yahargul gets tiresome sometimes
>Optional and 10/10 when playing with a friend
It being optional somehow makes it devoid of flaws? Also anything is fun with friends, that doesn't mean chalice dungeons aren't horrible grindfests with reused bosses and lazy level design.
>Name them, all the bosses were at the very least, good. Even the Witches of Hemwick
No, hemwick witches isn't very good
Same goes for Micolash, One Reborn, Celestial Emissary, Amygdala and Rom
Also Shadows is lazy and would have been better if there was only one and it had all their abilities.
>Complete lie.
And yet, the color palette consists of brown, grey, black and white throughout 90% of the game
I'm not saying all the areas necessarily look the same, I'm saying the color palette is just dull.
>Literally every game with a combat system in existence.
Still a flaw.
Using anything other than charged R2s and basic R1s is usually pointless.

Das>Bloodborne personally
>inb4 second half
The second half meme is over exaggerated. The only place that is really shit is lost izalith

Chalice Dungeons are designed like garbage but it lets me do one of the best things in these games, playing around with new equipment and weapons.

And fuck, farming these Bloodgems are somewhat of a guilty pleasure since I fucking love minmaxing

L2s are situational but great to use and some transformation attacks are pretty great.

Granted, the best L2 moves are from the DLC. Church Pick gives a near guaranteed stagger, Saw just tears through shit, and the Moonlight sword has a kickass L2 and transform-overhead smash

>Sure, but its still a flaw

It's not a flaw though because making every character and enemy original would ruin immersion. Of course basic dog enemies are going to be reskins, of course basic mobs of the townsfolk are going to be reskins, it makes lore sense.

There's enough overall variety that it's not a flaw at all but actually, a necessity.

>It being optional somehow makes it devoid of flaws?

It's not flawed though, for what it is (procedrual content with a huge difficulty spike). I enjoyed Chalice Dungeons

Apart from Gascoigne, Gehrman, Ludwig, Orphan, all my favorite bosses are either Chalice-exclusive bosses or also found in chalices

I don't really like playing through story mode multiple times because I have it memorized by now

But chalice dungeons are always fresh- no mucking about doing things I've already done, just boot up a fresh Chalice and have exploration and surprises waiting for me

>No, hemwick witches isn't very good

I never said "very good".

>Same goes for Micolash, One Reborn, Celestial Emissary, Amygdala and Rom

LOL, the fact hat you included Micolash, Amygala and Rom tells me that you just couldn't git gud at them. You're not providing arguments, you're just making baseless claims.

>And yet, the color palette consists of brown, grey, black and white throughout 90% of the game

A gothic horror game utilizes dark colors?!

>Still a flaw.

Not a flaw. You can use the moves and each are practical in PVE. Not every move is as effective because that is just an impossibility, mechanic wise.

You're grasping at straws

>Using anything other than charged R2s and basic R1s is usually pointless.
>he doesn't trick switch attack

Yup, shoulda guessed. You're just a scrub

>LOL, the fact hat you included Micolash, Amygala and Rom tells me that you just couldn't git gud at them. You're not providing arguments, you're just making baseless claims.
Not him but you're not helping with this argument.

That's not a flaw, that's a positive.

Watching PCucks stay salty all these years later is one of the best parts of Bloodborne :^)

Yea, Bloodborne is fucking amazing.

Witcher 3 is also amazing, i'm sad that the modding scene is so sparse on PC, the potential could have been huge but CDPR lied about the mod kit.

I like Bloodborne too but
>It's not flawed for what it is
Yes it is

>I never said "very good"
Hemwick witches are shit

>A gothic game that uses dark colors!?!
Like it or not BB does have very samey environments

>chalice dungeons are a drag
>character motivation unclear til the very end (and beyond)
>technical problems out the ass

It's great but not flawless.

>Yes it is
That's not an argument

>Hemwick witches are shit
That's not an argument

>Like it or not BB does have very samey environments
That's not an argument

He never provided an argument to begin with.

>names a bunch of bosses and calls them shit with no explanation