Next Sony handheld predictions?
You think Sony would want to make another handheld? I'm thinking of waiting tll e3 or a Sony conference to see if they announce anything of he sort. If not I'll just buy a switch as a handheld.
Next Sony handheld predictions?
You think Sony would want to make another handheld? I'm thinking of waiting tll e3 or a Sony conference to see if they announce anything of he sort. If not I'll just buy a switch as a handheld.
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>You think Sony would want to make another handheld?
I'm gonna wait either way, and if nothing happens I'll just buy a switch.
Honestly the vita has some pretty fucking good games, and if sony didn't drop the ball on it, that would have been pretty fucking awesome considering the screen and hardware is a million times better than the 3ds.
Fuck sony for that desu.
Current upcoming 2017 Vita games:
Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Double Focus
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Atelier Shallie Plus
Exile's End
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Atelier Firis
Samurai Warriors: Sanada Maru
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
A Rose In The Twilight
Salt and Sanctuary
Ys Origin
Fallen Legion
Asdivine Hearts
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Toukiden 2
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Super Robot Wars V (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Guaranteed Replies
I just want Yiffing Lube to hack the Vita fully
also memory card adaptors
They already announced their first party titles coming to android with the ForwardWorks corporation
That's a cute boy.
>Have a vita
>Use it for everything else except for games
I thought with 3.60 you can pirate vita games?
Ew no pls, the phone game market is horrible.
yeah but only 3.60 games
It's still not fully hacked despite that
I really feel cucked by that. Bought a Vita right when it was """"hacked"""" thinking it could play all the future games
Lmao. At least I had a fuckton of games to play anyway but still.
I just want a handheld that can let me play ps2 games.
not like many of the games present or future were worth playing
We know you have no idea what you're talking about.
Personally, I found vita to be way more worth playing than 3ds.
3DS was still kind of a letdown, but at least there's SMT and EO. Vita has fuck all.
Vita has SRW and Atelier. 3DS has fuck all.
I just want to see a new Sony Handheld so CH doesn't kill off Uni in the next Neptunia game
Out of one those, which one is not girly girly pussy waifu shit?
I like anime games just not the pussy shit.
Atelier is garbage tho
>but at least there's SMT and EO
Honestly. I hated both those games. Got to tokyo in SMT and got so fucking bored of all the random battles every 2 steps. Dropped it there.
EO, I really give it a chance but I also got bored of drawing maps and all the random battles. Both of them are just a grind fest.
You also have no fucking idea how much great games are on the vita because you're too busy sucking nintendo cock. Probably one of those faggots that just says vita has no games without ever giving it a chance to play some of them.
>You think Sony would want to make another handheld?
No way, Sony can't handle two pieces of hardware at the same time, both the PSP and Vita could have been better, especially the Vita.
Sony gave up really fast on the Vita, seems they don't care about it anymore so I don't think they care about handheld market anymore, specially with how well they're doing on the home console market.
It's not and it sure is a hell of a lot better than EO.
SMT is good but Dungeon Travelers 2 was better than the 3ds Etrian Odyssey titles.
What's srw,? All I see in google is super robot wars or some weird shit.
> What's srw,? All I see in google is super robot wars
It IS Super Robot Wars.
Basically a mash up of tons of different mecha anime characters from various series in some strategy rpg game.
Sony just had to do what Nintendo did and put a lot of killer apps until you get enough sales to get more people on board. Also they should've made the storage medium not fucking proprietary and expensive to stop people from considering buying digital, which was a big deal.
>Dungeon Travelers 2
EO with pussy ass waifu shit slapped on it.
That was my first impression before I played it.
I can pirate them all, what excuse do I have to shit on Vita games without playing them?
Out of all the ones I've played the only ones which I can say were enjoyable experiences are Wipeout, Oreshika and Muramasa. Flawed as they all were they were
>Garbage artstyle
>Bland music
>Battle screen is cluttered as fuck
>Still portrait cutscenes every 5 minutes like you're supposed to give a shit about the story in a fucking DRPG
These dungeons deserved a better game than this trash. I wish I could enjoy these mechanics but the game is so lacking in polish that it's just a chore to play.
>According to Yoshida, the current mobile and handheld climate is “unhealthy”, pointing to the difficulty of selling dedicated handheld gaming hardware.
>“People have mobile phones and it’s so easy to play games on smartphones. And many games on smartphones are free, or free to start.
>“I myself am a huge fan of PlayStation Vita and we worked really hard on designing every aspect. Touch-based games are fun – there are many games with really good design. But having sticks and buttons make things totally different.
>“So I hope, like many of you, that this culture of playing portable games continues but the climate is not healthy for now because of the huge dominance of mobile gaming.”
in one really fucking shitty strategy RPG I should add.
I love me some mechas but those have have no appeal other than the /m/ fanservice
>I can pirate them all
congrats, that makes you a expert on every single vita game out there, right?
Good for you. You deserve a gold star for being able to pirate everything.
> what excuse do I have to shit on Vita games without playing them?
Because you're a nintendo fanboy so you hate anything Sony.
I won't say all of them are bad, some of them are decent. Tho you won't know since I doubt you tried them all.
>Missing the point
Anything I was recommended, I had the chance to play. Most of it is shit.
If I'm a Nintendo fanboy then why aren't I praising any of Nintendo's first party offerings? The only 3DS games I've said anything nice about are Atlus games.
Vita dosen't have anything else. It dosen't even have youtube anymore.
not all of them are even srpg or bad. In fact, one of the most popular ones that got lots of praised was Endless Frontier.
> If I'm a Nintendo fanboy then why aren't I praising any of Nintendo's first party offerings?
Because this is a vita thread. Nobody asked about nintendo first party offering. Didn't you read OP's post?
Sony's hemorrhaging money on all fronts except the Playstation console brand. That's all their sticking with. Handheld Sony is kill
user was the first one to mention 3DS here and you were the first one to mention Nintendo.
Just because he mentioned it, doesn't mean anyone asked you about what YOU think of nintendo's first party offerings. That's why you didn't mention anything about it until you use that as a retarded reasoning for your defense.
You're accusing me of fanboying when I'm just reacting to the questions that are asked of me.
If anyone's a fanboy, it's those who are trying to shift the conversation to the competition.
You can still use the web browser to watch youtube on it that way.
>If anyone's a fanboy, it's those who are trying to shift the conversation to the competition.
You're the one doing that by suddenly claiming you can't be a nintendo fanboy just because you didn't praise a nintendo first party game yet.
And it's not far fetch to see you're are one by claiming vita has no good games in the first place since most nintendo fanboys do that in every vita thread. So go fuck off and stop acting all innocent. Go find a better hobby instead of starting console wars.
>they one up nintendo's nes mini
>sony next handheld is actually a handheld ps1 and ps2 mini
>has a bunch of games already in the handheld
>has all the buttons required for ps1/ps2 games
>even has clickable thumbsticks
>they will re-release ps1 and ps2 games on cartridges
>comes with a lot of space available for saves and downloadable games
>memory cards that aren't super expensive
>will even get new games released for it
>all for $199.99
Would you guys want it?
>>they will re-release ps1 and ps2 games on cartridges
Literally why
Just give me downloadables, and memory that doesn't cost an arm and a leg
There's no fucking way Sony is making another handheld unless maybe if the Switch is a huge hit.
To give people an option for both. If they want to download then they can download. They will also release some of their greatest hits physically to.
I still like physical copies better. Also they can have psp games to.
That's terrible, might as well just make ps2 digitals or wait till someone hacks a handheld that can play ps2 roms.
>wait till someone hacks a handheld that can play ps2 roms
Never gonna happen
Switch won't flop
I'll reserve judgement, it looks like a nogaems machine from here.
I'll guess they'll make a PSP Go 2.
A handheld console that you can hook up to a TV and play it with a regular ass controller.
web browser barely even works now, I can't go on any website without getting a certificate error, just like with the psp now
YouTube doesn't even load
I wasn't saying it I would, I was saying that if it sells a lot it'll be proof handheld gaming still has a market and Sony would be encouraged to make another portable
Launch lineup before e3, but it does sure look bleak.
Yes it does, I just checked and loaded a video. HD video works on it too.
Maybe there's some problem on your end. I use the web browser on my Vita TV to watch stuff on youtube and anime from streaming sites all the time.
>not wanting a portable handheld ps1/ps2
Jesus Sup Forums I didn't think you guys had such awful taste.
>for $200
That's just awful.
That's what you think.
Literally what is the point. The reason Nintendo gets away with it is it because their games like AC and Pokemon still sell like crack.
They're garbage though. Pokemon hasn't been good since the DS and that's charitable.
>waiting for a LE
>preordered the LE
>backed the KS
>tfw no Vita physical, preordered on PS4 though
>as above
>waiting for LRG
>tfw digital only
>preordered the LE
>literally what
>literally what
>hopefully will get a LE
>waiting for LRG
>waiting for LE
>preordered LE
>should arrive tomorrow
>pirating on PC
>waiting for LE
>tfw no vita physical
>preordered the LE
>preordered the LE
>waiting for LRG
>waiting for LE
>literally what
>literally what
>>€200+ for EU
>waiting for a price drop
>hopefully LE
>hopefully LE
>hopefully LE
More points than Microsoft still stubbornly continuing Xbox.
Really makes you think.
> Literally what is the point.
The bottom line is... games sell on it. Nowhere near call of duty numbers... but profit is profit. For small localization companies, there is profit in continuing to localize vita games.
As small as the vita fanbase is... they have a huge attachment rate and actually buy enough to ensure more localizations.
Oh good a vita thread.
Should I update my vita Sup Forums? My shit is on 3.60 ready to be hacked and shit, but I cannot into technology. I'm fucking bad at it. Luckily I have a friend who can and he does it for me, like my 3ds and soon to be Wii U. But I feel bad for always asking him.
At the same time I wanna update my vita because I wanna be able to use it for games like Axiom Verge and Digimon Cyber Sleuth since they share save data from the PS4. I'm some like 40 hours into Digimon and I'd love to continue to be able to play it in bed on my vita without needing to start all over. Or to use it for remote play for Rogue Galaxy and DQ Builders.
But on the other hand, free shit.
Vita is probably the easiest console to hack. You just got to and it's done. It's almost PSP tier.
PSVita Pro will be a winner.
Yeah OK great, how does Sony care about that again? Isn't the reason the Vita is in the situation to begin with is because it doesn't have those?
So they're just gonna dedicate a bunch of resources to a handheld that won't release overseas most likely? I'd rather they take that money and just fund more PS4 games for me to buy.
>tfw the vita trinity will never happen
You seems too retarded to actually do interesting thing with an hacked Vita, just update and buy your games like a good goy
Well the last two they made bombed. The latest one moreso than the first. So from that standpoint, it's not a good business move.
Unless they're going to totally change the way they handle such things. Or maybe if switch actually succeeds, and sony bandwagon jumps and release a version of the vita with an hdmi out or something.
Sadly, I think that move would actually be better than the switch, but that's another topic for.another time.
Sony is already in the R&D phase of their switch ripoff.
Come on, user. I'm not a console war faggot but you know how this goes.
The question is whether they'll release it or not.
It's not going to happen. If it does, it probably won't be successful.
Sony just doesn't have the IPs to pull it off. Their consoles are successful because they have strong third party support instead, but western third parties don't develop handheld games. They're not interested. It's left the Vita in an odd situation where it's pretty successful in Japan yet flat out dead across the rest of the globe. And now with the Switch on the horizon, with Pokémon, Monster Hunter and now Splatoon (fucking huge in Japan)... It's tough competition.
The PSP didn't bomb it sold like 80 million consoles.
Software sales were pretty dire though. Then again, piracy bit into the DS's margins and that did fine.
I guess 3rd party games are the only games that count, huh